Scene 136 赚钱(在线收听

Scene 136 赚钱

❶ 我们应该抓住这个赚钱的机会。We should leap at this money-making opportunity.

对话 A: We should leap at this money-making opportunity. 我们应该抓住这个赚钱的机会。

B: You are right. 你说得对。

❷ 我需要赚钱供房子。I need to make money to pay the house.

对话 A: I need to make money to pay the house. 我需要赚钱供房子。

B: Take care of yourself. 照顾好自己。

❸ 我觉得应该节省不必要的开支。I think I should save unnecessary expenses.

同类表达 I think we have to trim the budget. 我认为我们得削减开支。

We have to cut back on expenses. 我们得缩减开支。

We must cut the frills. 我们必须减少不必要的开支。

❹ 我把一半工资存入银行。I deposit half of my salary into the bank.

对话 A: You ought to save all the money you have. 你应该把你所有的钱都存起来。

B: I deposit half of my salary into the bank. 我把一半工资存入银行。

❺ 赚外快没那么难。It's not too difficult to earn extra money.

❻ 我得省吃俭用。I have to tighten my belt.

对话 A: There are still ten days until payday. I have to tighten my belt. 还有十天才发工资。我得省吃俭用。

B: What did you spend all the money on? 你把钱都花哪儿去了?

❼ 我打算为旅行攒钱。I plan to save enough money for my trip.

同类表达 I've been saving for a rainy day. 我一直在攒钱,以备不时之需。

I've been saving money in case of emergencies. 我一直在攒钱,以备应急之用。

❽ 你可以找个兼职来增加收入。You can supplement your income with a part-time job.

对话 A: I am a moonlite. 我是一个月光族。

B: You can supplement your income with a part-time job. 你可以找个兼职来增加收入。

❾ 我敢肯定你会找到生财之道的。I'm sure you will find a way to gain profit.

❿ 你生活节俭的话,就能存下更多钱。If you live a frugal life, you can save more money.
