
The Taming of the Shrew

Once,in the city of Padua in Italy,there lived a rich gentleman named Baptista.

He had two daughters ,named Katherina and Baptista.Everyone called Katherina"Kath-erina the Shrew."

A shrew is a sour,angry,mean young woman.Katherina was beautiful

and very intelligenct.But she was unkind,unpleasant,and usually angry with everyone.

It seemed impossible that she would ever find a husband.However,her younger sister

Bianca,was beautiful,sweet,and gentle.Many men wanted to marry Bianca,but Baptista

would not allow it,"when Katherina finds a husband ,i will allow Bianca to marry. But n-ot before!" he said.

One day a gentleman named Petruchio came to Padua.He wanted to find a wi-fe.He heard the story of Baptista's two
daughters. He decided that Katherina's temper did not scare him."She is beautiful and rich. I will tame her, as if she

was a wild horse.I will marry her ,and she will become as sweet and quiet as a mouse!"

Petruchio was very similar to Katherina. He was intelligent,lively,and independ-ent, just like her. He was not afraid of
Katherina;instead, he was excited about taming this difficult woman. His personality was very fun-loving, and he thought
that it would be fun to marry Katherina. So Petruchio went to the home of Baptista, to ask his per-mission.

"Sir, I have come from the city of Verona. I have heard stories of your gentle,

sweet daughter Katherina.(Petruchio was lying, of course.)I would like your permission

to spend time with her."

Baptista wanted Katherina to be married. But he didn't want this nice-looking

young man to be mistaken."Sadly, Katherina is not sweet and kind," he said.

Just then, Katherina's music teacher run into the room."Your daughter hit me

over the head with her lute!" he cried angrily. Petruchio thought this was very funny.

"She is a brave young lady, isn't she? Now I want to talk to her more than ever!" The-

n he said to Baptista, "sir, I am in a big hurry, I cannot come here every day to see y-our daughter. My father, who is
dead, has left me all his land. I must find a wife quickl

y!Now tell me, if Katherina agrees to marry me ,what dowry will you give me with her?"

A dowry was usually money or jewels that were given to a man along with a wife.

Baptista thought that Petruchio was a little strange. But he wanted Katherina

to be married. So he said, "I will give you twenty thousand gold coins, and when I die,

you will receive half my property." Petruchio agreed to this. Then Baptista went to find

Katherina and tell her that someone had asked to marry her.

While Baptista did this, Petruchio thought about what he would say to Kathe-rina."I will speak to her sweetly.When she shouts to me, I will tell her she is as sweet as a bird. If she frowns and looks angry, I will say she looks as beautiful as a young

rose. If she is silent, I will praise her inelligence. If she tells me to leave her, I will act a-s happy as if she told me to stay for a week!"

Now the beautiful Katherina entered the room."Good morining, Kate!For that

is your name, I hear."(Kate is a short name for Katherina.)

"When people speak to me, they call me Katherina," said Katherina coldly.

"No, you're lying. You are the prettiest Kate in the country. I have heard sto-ries of your beauty and gentleness. So I have come to ask you to be my wife."

Katherina, of course, was very unkind, loud, and angry.But Petruchio did not

become angry himself. No matter what Katherina said, Petruchio said something nice

to her in return.Their strange conversation continued for a while.Then Petruchio heard

Baptista coming. "Sweet Katherina, We must stop talking of small things. Your father

agreed that you will be my wife. Whether you want to or not, I will marry you."

Then Baptista came in.Petruchio said,"Your daughter has spoken to me most

kindly.She agrees that we will be married next Sunday."

Katherina was furious, of course. " I did not say that! I would rather see him

killed on Sunday!"she shouted.Then she scolded her father wanting her to marry such

a crazy man.

But Petruchio whispered to Baptista,"Do not pay attention to her angry wor-ds. When we were alone, she was very sweet, I'm sure she loves me, and wants to bemarried."

Then Petruchio said to Katherina, " Give me your hand, Kate.I will go to Ven-ice to buy you beautiful clothes for our wedding. Baptista, you provide the feast, and

invite the guests. I will return on Sunday, sweet Katherina!"

On the Sunday, many people came to see the wedding.Everyone waited a

long time, but Petruchio did not come. Ketherina was so angry she cried.

