AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-05-31(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama is calling on the Senate to swiftly confirm Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. In his weekly radio address he says he's certain she's the right choice. He scolded critics who he said were trying to distort her record.

2. Pakistan's military says it's driven Taliban militants out of the largest town in the Swat Valley. The army says troops have retaken the town.

3. London's Big Ben, probably the most famous clock in the world, is turning 150 years old. The clock started ticking on May 31st, 1859, and the bell was struck for the first time six weeks later.

4. Britain's Prince Harry thrilled a group of kids at a community center in Harlem, New York on the second day of his first official visit to the US. The highlight was when he competed in an obstacle course to the cheers of the children.
