AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-06-22(在线收听

1.The streets of Tehran have been quiet so far today. The state media is reporting there were more deaths yesterday in the ongoing protests over Iran’s presidential election. State television reports 10 were killed, 100 others were hurt in the clashes between protestors and security forces.

2.Two American troops were killed in a rare rocket attack earlier today on a main US base in Afghanistan. Six other Americans including two civilians were hurt. The Taliban spokesman claims responsibility for the attack on Bagram Air Base.

3.Witnesses said four masked gunmen burst into a packed Denny’s restaurant and opened fire. A female employee was killed in a takeover-style rubbery in Albuquerque. Two suspects are in custody. The search continues for the other two.

4.Pagans and partygoers greeted the summer solstice at the ancient stone circle of Stonehenge. More than 35,000 turned out for the annual night-long party.
