华尔街基础英语Lesson 67(在线收听

The doctor will see you now, Mr. Black. Would you come this way, please?
OK, thanks.
Now, Mr. Black, will you tell me what happened, please?
Well, I was in this restaurant, when suddenly I feel this terrible pain! I’ve never know anything like it.
Where exactly is the pain, Mr Black?
It was in my heart, doctor, I’m only 34; I’m too young to die!
What was going to happen to me?
I have to ask you a few more questions, Mr. black, so try to keep calm.
Now, you say the pain was in you heart. That is, it was in your chest.
Oh, yes.
Did you have a pain anywhere else; in your head, or your arm, or your legs?
Yes, I’ve had a terrible headache all day.
I see.
Tell me Mr. Black, do you smoke at all.
Just a few, you know.
How many, exactly?
Only20, well, maybe 30, say 40 a day.
Hum. And how much do you weigh, please?
On, er…say 70 or 80 kilos. Maybe 90, about.
Hmm. Are you married, Mr. Black?
No, I’m not married. But I have plenty of girlfriends, if that’s what you mean.
No, that wasn’t what I meant. Do you do much exercise, Mr. Black?
Well, you know, I’m a busy man. Er…sometimes I walk up the stairs at work-if the elevator isn’t working.
But my office is only on the 1st floor.
Ok, well, Mr. Black, you’re had a small heart attack, but you’re perfectly alright now.
But if you don’t want to have another one you’ll have to change your way of life.
No cigarettes, no alcohol, plenty of exercise and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
To help you start your new life; I’m sending you to a clinic. A health clinic.
Here we are sir. That will be $9.95.
Here is $10. You can keep the change.
Gee thanks sir. You sure you can afford it?
Welcome to Cold Camfrey Farm. Do come in, Mr. Black’s the name. Martin Black.
I hope you’ve had a pleasant journey. I’ll show you to your room now.
I hope you’re going to put that cigarette off, Mr. Black!
We are not going to get better if we smoke cigarette now, are we?
No, er… I guess not.
So, let’s go up to your room. It’s on the 2nd floor.
OK, thanks.
You really aren’t very fit, are you, Mr. Black?
What do you mean? My suitcase is a bit heavy. That’s all.
I don’t believe you!
Here you are Mr. Black! Dinner’s in half an hour-and you won’t smoke in your room, will you?
I’ll damn well smoke when and where I damn well like!
That’s better!
What the hell is that?
I told you not to smoke, didn’t I, Mr. Black! You know it’s bad for your health. Now put out that cigarette immediately!
My God! Everybody’s over 60! Oh, well, let’s see what’s for dinner.
Here you are, my friend!
No thanks; I won’t have the salad. I’ll wait for the main course.
This is the main course! Eat up, my friend! Good health and long life to you!
What’s that you’re drinking?
Carrot juice, my friend!
Carrot juice? What use is carrot juice when you feel like a real drink, like Scotch or Vodka?
Let me tell you, my friend, since I started drinking carrot juice I feel lie a young man again!
Oh, really?
And, my now girlfriend is only 28! So here’s to take juice! Cheers!
Cheers? Maybe there is something in it after all.
You’ve already run around the par 21 times today, Mr. Black. Haven’t you done enough yet? Dinner’s ready!
O, thanks. Hey are you doing anything after dinner?
No, nothing special, why?
How would you like to come over to my room for a glass of carrot juice?
Oh, Mr. Black!
