华尔街中级英语Lesson 15(在线收听

Further down the shelves, I've met another customer. Excuse me, can you tell me your name?
My name is Nicky Temperst.
What sort of music do you like, Nicky?
I like independent music and a bit of soul and dance, a bit of reggae and a bit of the new thrash rock that’s come from America recently, like Nirvana.
So, you have quite wide tastes.
I do, yes.
Now we’re standing by the CDs. Is that what you choose to buy, CDs?
Well, I haven’t actually got a CD player yet. I was just to seeing what’s available, really.
So what do you normally buy?
Uh, vinal or tapes?
What do you prefer after these two?
I prefer the look of vynel—it’s nice to look at because it’s album covers and it’s  got a bit of their history behind. It’s traditional. But tapes are handy when you’re at work or on holiday.
Do you find that good value for money?
Tapes are. Vinals are not bad. But you can’t get so many artists these days, now on the vinals.
