华尔街高级英语Lesson 22(在线收听

Miss Annie Peters
26 Chernobyl Avenue
42232 Washdon
GREAT BRITICA Tokyo, Japan       12 March
Dear Annie,
I know this will come as an enormous surprise to you, I hope it will be a pleasant rather than an unpleasant one. As you can see. I didn’t die in Trinidad although I came very close to it, and I have taken the opportunity during these past few years to look at my life and what really matters to me.
I have realized, Annie, that my only purpose in life for as long as I can remember has been to make money as much as possible and as quickly as possible paying no attention to my relationships with other people
This is why your mother left me and this was why I was on the point of losing contact with both you and David.
I want you to understand first of all that I have decided to change. Annie because I have realized how much I really care about you and David.
For various obvious reasons, I can’t tell you in this letter how to get in touch with me but I’ll try and get a personal message to you or David in the next couple of weeks.
You will easily understand that I may not be able to come to Washdon myself, but I hope we can meet somewhere not too far away. I’m sure you have hundreds of questions to ask me. I look forward to answering them more than I can tell you in words.

Your loving father,
