华尔街高级英语Lesson 35(在线收听

 82. Can I help you?
 83. Yes, thank you. I want to report the loss of my car.
 84. The loss of your car? How exactly does one go about losing a car?
 85. Well, no, I mean…
 86. Presumably, you mean it was stolen. Let me get out the form-theft of a private motor vehicle.
 87. What make of car was it and what was its year of manufacture?
 88. It was a1991 Sapuku, sir. The thing is…
 89. 1991Sapuku. Which model?
 90. A Kratina 300, but.
 91. A Kratina 300. And what was the number on the plate?
 92. V-E-R-1-B-E-R-1. But…
 93. V-E-R-1-B-E-R-1. Now…
 94. Look I’m sorry but it wasn’t stolen. It was blown up.
 95. What do you mean blown up?
 96. It’s sort of wenti vroom! Gosh!
 97. I see. We’ve got a comedian here. So why would anyone want to blow up your car? Are you in trouble with a gang, or something like that?
 98. No, no, really. Look, I’m very sorry. I was in a hurry and I left the car in a no parking zone. Do you think that might have been why it happened?
 99. I can’t quite make up my mind whether you’re a time waster, or a troublemaker, or both. I think you’d better come with me.
100. What? Why?
101. I’m arresting you for…let me think-causing a public danger, stopping a police officer from carrying out his duty, and using bad language in a public place.
102. You can’t do that. It wasn’t my fault. It’s not fair. What about the insurance? Hey, I’ve got these frozen hamburgers. They’ll go bad.
103. Hello.
104. Hello; Mr. Lamorg. Bad news I’m afraid.
105. What? Didn’t you get him?
106. No, I’m sorry. By the time the bomb went off he was already in his hotel. Do you want me to try again?
107. No, fool. I’ll have to deal with him myself.
