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时间:2018-10-30 01:37来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   I'm McKenna Pope. I'm 14 years old,  我叫麦肯娜·波普,今年14岁

  and when I was 13, I convinced  在我十三岁的时候,我成功地说服了
  one of the largest toy companies,  世界上最大的
  toymakers, in the world, Hasbro,  玩具公司之一“孩之宝“
  to change the way that they marketed  改变了他们对其最畅销玩具的
  one of their most best-selling products.  营销策略
  So allow me to tell you about it.  也就是我要讲给大家的故事
  So I have a brother, Gavin.  我有个弟弟叫嘉文
  When this whole shebang happened, he was four.  这整件事儿发生的时候他才四岁
  He loved to cook.  嘉文很喜欢做饭
  He was always getting ingredients out of the fridge  他常常从冰箱里拿出各种食材
  and mixing them into these, needless to say,  把他们搅合成...呃 不用说
  uneatable concoctions,  乱七八糟的东西
  or making invisible macaroni and cheese.  有时候他会假装自己在做通心粉和起司
  He wanted to be a chef really badly.  嘉文真的很想当一个厨师
  And so what better gift for a kid who wanted to be a chef  于是我就想,对于一个想作大厨的小朋友来说
  than an Easy-Bake Oven. Right?  还有什么是比一个简易烤箱更好的礼物呢!不是吗?
  I mean, we all had those when we were little.  我是说,我们小时候都曾经有过类似的经历
  And he wanted one so badly.  而且我弟弟真的很想要一个
  But then he started to realize something.  但是紧接着他发现
  In the commercials, and on the boxes for the Easy-Bake Ovens,  所有”孩之宝“所有简易烤箱的广告和包装
  Hasbro marketed them specifically to girls.  都是专门为女孩设计的
  And the way that they did this  他们的广告和产品包装盒上
  was they would only feature girls on the boxes or in the commercials,  只会出现女孩子们
  and there would be flowery prints all over the ovens  烤箱布满了花朵图案
  and it would be in bright pink and purple,  而且花朵也会是亮粉和紫色
  very gender-specific colors to females, right?  非常女孩子的颜色,不是吗?
  So it kind of was sending a message  它好像在传递一个信息
  that only girls are supposed to cook; boys aren't.  只有女孩子才可以喜爱厨艺,男孩子不可以
  And this discouraged my brother a lot.  这点让我的小弟弟颇受打击
  He thought that he wasn't supposed to want to be a chef,  他甚至觉得自己不应该梦想成为厨师
  because that was something that girls did.  因为这是女孩子才想要做的事情
  Girls cooked; boys didn't,  女孩子才做饭呢,这不是男孩子的事情
  or so was the message that Hasbro was sending.  或者说,这是 ”孩之宝“公司所传递的信息
  And this got me thinking,  于是我就想
  God, I wish there was a way that I could change this,  天哪,我真希望我可以改变这件事
  that could I have my voice heard by Hasbro  我可以不可以让”孩之宝“知道我的想法
  so I could ask them and tell them  这样我就可以告诉他们
  what they were doing wrong  这样的营销策略是不对的
  and ask them to change it.  需要改变
  And that got me thinking about a website  于是我想到了几个月前
  that I had learned about a few months prior  我看见的一个网站
  called Change.org.  名字叫做change.org
  Change.org is an online petition-sharing platform change.org是一个网上分享各种请愿的平台
  where you can create a petition and share it  在这里你可以发表自己的请愿并且
  across all of these social media networks,  在各种社交网络上分享
  through Facebook, through Twitter,  包括facebook和twitter
  through YouTube, through Reddit, through Tumblr,  通过Youtube, Reddit和Tumblr
  through whatever you can think of.  以及各种你能够想到的平台
  And so I created a petition  因此我发表了自己的请愿书
  along with the YouTube video that I added to the petition  并且在youtube上加上了一个视频
  basically asking Hasbro  请”孩之宝“
  to change the way that they marketed it,  考虑改变自己的市场营销策略
  in featuring boys in the commercials, on the boxes,  在广告和包装盒上出现男孩
  and most of all creating them  并且最重要的是设计它们时
  in less gender-specific colors.  采用一些更为中性的颜色。
  So this petition started to take off --  令我吃惊的是我的请愿书
  humongously fast, you have no idea.  超级快的得到了重视
  I was getting interviewed by all these national news outlets1  我马上受到了国内新闻媒体
  and press outlets, and it was amazing.  和出版业的各种采访,真是棒极了
  In three weeks, maybe three and a half,  在短短的三周到三周半的时间
  I had 46,000 signatures on this petition.  我的请愿书收到了46,000的支持签名


1 outlets a899f2669c499f26df428cf3d18a06c3     
n.出口( outlet的名词复数 );经销店;插座;廉价经销店
  • The dumping of foreign cotton blocked outlets for locally grown cotton. 外国棉花的倾销阻滞了当地生产的棉花的销路。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They must find outlets for their products. 他们必须为自己的产品寻找出路。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
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