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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:我们的意识(3) Now, that's the way a lot of people feel about consciousness. 好了,那就是很多人对意识的感觉。 Real consciousness is not a bag of tricks. 真正的意识不是魔术师的口袋 If you're going to explain this as a bag of tricks, 如果
  • TED演讲:我们的意识(4) OK, now, you all saw what changed, right? 好,你们都看到了什么东西改变了,对吧? How many of you noticed that every one of those squares changed color? 有多少人注意到每一个方块都变了颜色? Every one. I'll just sho
  • TED演讲:我们的意识(5) The artist had very cleverly suggested people and clothes and wagons and all sorts of things, 艺术家很聪明地暗示了人物和服装,以及车马还有其他事物, and my brain had taken the suggestion. 而我的大脑接受了这样的暗示
  • TED演讲:我们的意识(6) But now, notice there are two ways of seeing the cube, right? 现在,你注意到了有两种方法来看那个立方体,对吧? It's a Necker cube. 这是一个内科尔方块。 Everybody can see the two ways of seeing the cube? OK. 大家都可
  • TED演讲:我们的意识(7) Indeed, Rensink's subjects took only a little bit more than a second to press the button. 是的,Rensink的实验对象仅仅花了一秒多一点点的时间来按下按钮。 Can you see that one? 2.9 seconds. 这个能看到吗?2.9秒。 How m
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题 I want to talk today about 今天我所要讲的是 I've been asked to take the long view, 他们让我谈谈长远的观点 and I'm going to tell you what I think are the three biggest problems for humanity from this long point of view. 我要告诉你
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(2) Existential risk -- the second big problem. 存在风险第二个重大问题。 Existential risk is a threat to human survival, or to the long-term potential of our species. 存在风险是对人类生存,或对整个人类种群的长远潜能的一
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(3) Now, let me spend the rest of my time on the third big problem, 现在,让我把余下的时间花在对第三个重大问题的探讨上。 because it's more subtle and perhaps difficult to grasp. 因为这个问题更加微妙,也可能难以把握
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(4) Now, when we think about changing human nature, 那么,当我们考虑改变人类本质时, the first thing that comes to mind are these human modification technologies 首先想到的便是那些人类改造技术 growth hormone therapy, cosmet
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(5) So if you think about what it means to learn arithmetic or to learn to read, 因此,如果你思考学习算术和阅读意义何在, you're actually, literally rewriting your own brain. 那实际上你就是在重写你自己的大脑。 You're
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(6) But part of the reason 但另一方面的原因 and that's the reason why we have ethical ground for pursuing these 即从人类的本质上看,它们也是很有价值的, is that they're also intrinsically valuable. 这也是为什么我们拥有
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(7) Imagine a species that just didn't have this neural machinery for processing music. 假设有这样一个物种,它们刚好没有能够处理音乐的神经装置。 And they would just stare at us with bafflement 当我们花时间聆听一曲美妙
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(8) That's probably not all that difficult. 这也许并不是太难做到的事情。 It might just be a simple hormone or something that could do this. 可能只需要一种普通激素或其它什么材料。 It's been done in voles. 人们在田鼠身上
  • TED演讲:我们的大问题(9) So then, you move off to this larger sphere of human +, 那么,然后我们迈步来到这片更大的人类空间, and you could continue that process 我们不断地前进, and eventually explore a lot of this larger space of possible modes o
  • TED演讲:无神论2.0 One of the most common ways of dividing the world 一个把人类分成两大部分很普遍的方法 is into those who believe and those who don't--into the religious and the atheists. 便是分为相信神的存在的一部分,以及不相信宗教