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  • 福克斯新闻 雷电天气 户外都不安全 More than 300 people were killed annually by lightning strikes in the 1940's when there were fewer people,and though the amount of lightning strikes haven't changed, 13 people have died this year in the U.S. on pace for a record low. Primarily, accor
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  • 福克斯新闻 妈妈们平均一周工作98小时 Moms, can we talk for just a minute about why we're so tired? A new study commissioned by Welch's says the average mom works the equivalent of two full-time jobs per week. If you add up the time the average working mom spends at her paid job and her
  • 福克斯新闻 老人比年轻人因工死亡风险更大 Older people are dying on the job at a higher rate than workers overall, even as the rate of workplace fatalities decreases, that's according to a new AP analysis of federal statistics. About 35 percent of the fatal workplace accidents in 2015 involv
  • 福克斯新闻 《哥谭》小鲜肉大卫·马佐兹剧透揭秘 I'm Ashley Dvorkin with a FOX Celebrity Profile on 'Gotham's' Bruce Wayne David Mazouz, who just turned 17. He spoke about looking back at these past 4 seasons of 'Gotham' and seeing how he's basically grown up on the show!: The weirdest thing for me
  • 福克斯新闻 人间有真情 摩托车手为被霸凌孩子护航 Many people have this stereotype of bikers as not people to mess with. That image not hurting in this case. No one messing with sixth grader Phil Mick as he went to Dekalb, Indiana middle school on the back of a motorcycle escorted by more than 50 ot
  • 福克斯新闻 压力山大? 试试用第三人称对自己说话 Talking to yourself in the third person. Yes, usually people would associate that with excessive hubris or arrogance even, but researchers at Michigan State and the University of Michigan have found that talking to yourself in the third person can tr
  • 福克斯新闻 癌症患者起诉车管所 Jennifer Giordano says she broke down sobbing when an employee at the agency's office in Eatontown refused to use an old photo she brought with her to renew her driver's license. The 40-year-old wears a headscarf to cover her balding head caused by c
  • 福克斯新闻 研究表明: 睡眠不足会导致腰围变粗 This is Housecall for Health.So, not only could skimping on your sleep hurt your mental health or give you bags under your eyes, but it could also add some pounds to your waistline.This new study, which followed 1600 adults who self reported sleeping
  • 福克斯新闻 Netflix拒绝接受某些评论家对《十三个原因》的指控 Netflix's release of the series '13 Reasons Why' has prompted more than 900,000 Google searches on suicide, including instructions on how to do it. Netflix发行的《十三个原因》让谷歌上搜索包括怎样自杀在内的自杀的次数上升到
  • 福克斯新闻 缅因州哈士奇案 Dakota, the husky from Maine who was ordered to be put to death, has had her life spared in a deal approved Monday. 来自缅因州的哈士奇达科他原本被勒令处死,经过周一的协商之后保住了一条命。 Among terms of the agreem
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  • 福克斯新闻 艾滋病女孩儿八年未复发 This is Housecall for Health. In a major reveal at an AIDS conference in Paris, researchers said a South African girl who was born with the AIDS virus has kept her infection suppressed for more than eight years after stopping anti-HIV medicines. They
  • 福克斯新闻 福克斯名人榜 《哥谭》小丑卡梅隆·莫纳汉 I'm Ashley Dvorkin with a FOX Celebrity Profile on Cameron Monaghan, who plays the twisted and jokey Jerome on Gotham. 欢迎大家收看福克斯名人榜,我是阿什利德沃肯,今天我们要采访的是在《哥谭》中饰演性格分裂的小
  • 福克斯新闻 未来乔丹 两岁小宝宝远距离投篮一连命中五次 A two-year-old boy from Westerville, Ohio may have a future in basketball. 来自俄亥俄韦斯特维尔的两岁小男孩将来说不定可以走篮球的道路。 Several Twitter videos show young Calvin Shannon making shots with a child size bask