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  • 纪录片《文明》 第46期 自视如何(7) And one of the best places to do that is ancient Greece - 古希腊就是最好的例子之一 in particular, the city of Athens from around 700 BC. 具体点说就是约公元前700年的雅典城 Never much more than a small town in our terms, 在我
  • 纪录片《文明》 第47期 自视如何(8) Imagine the public plazas and the shady sanctuaries 想象一下在公共广场和荫蔽的圣所中 full of people in stone as well as people in flesh and blood. 石头雕成的人像与四处走动的人一样多 We begin to get the point of all th
  • 纪录片《文明》 第48期 自视如何(9) The larger of the two is a rich man's wine cooler 大的这个是个富人的冷酒器 to be brought out at his drinking parties. 一般在酒会上用 The smaller one is an ordinary water jug. 小的这个是个普通水壶 But the images on both ar
  • 纪录片《文明》 第49期 自视如何(10) They're balancing goblets in very silly places 他们用不可名说的部位顶起高脚杯 and this one here is having wine poured straight into his mouth 这个还正喝着从动物毛皮中 from an animal skin. 直接倒进嘴的酒 It's kind of
  • 纪录片《文明》 第50期 自视如何(11) It's deeply gendered and rigidly hierarchical, 它严格区分了性别和阶级 and it explicitly derides all those 它不讳地嘲笑那些 who have faces or bodies or habits that somehow don't fit - 不符合审美的脸庞 身体 习惯 from barb
  • 纪录片《文明》 第51期 自视如何(12) And the traces of red pigment are a useful reminder 红色涂料的痕迹告诉我们 that most Greek sculpture was richly, even gaudily, painted. 大多数希腊雕像都曾色彩艳丽 And she wears that smile - 她的微笑 that sign of life so co
  • 纪录片《文明》 第52期 自视如何(13) Phrasikleia faces death in the most forthright way, 佛雷斯科莱以最直率的方式面对死亡 resolutely refusing to be forgotten. 坚决拒绝被遗忘 But can an image of a person ever fix time, 但是一个人的肖像到底能不能改变时
  • 纪录片《文明》 第53期 自视如何(14) His mummy is a wonderful amalgam 他的木乃伊完美融合了 of the traditions of Egypt, of Greece and of Rome. 埃及 希腊 罗马三国的传统 On the casing, you can see typically Egyptian scenes - 在外壳上 你能看到典型埃及风情的
  • 纪录片《文明》 第54期 自视如何(15) When Romans thought about 当罗马人思考 where the impulse to portraiture came from - 他们绘制肖像的冲动从何而来 even the impulse to painting as a whole - 甚至说绘画的冲动是从何而来的时候 they had a very vivid story t
  • 纪录片《文明》 第55期 自视如何(16) These portraits, then, are not just memorials - 这些肖像不仅仅是纪念品 they're attempts 它们是为了尝试 to keep the presence of the dead among the living 把逝者永远留在生者中间 and to blur the boundary between this world a
  • 纪录片《文明》 第56期 自视如何(17) Currency, weights and measures, taxes, roads and transport. 货币 度量衡 赋税 道路和交通 They were sweeping reforms 都经历了彻底的变革 and he left his mark on all aspects of Chinese life. 他的印记在中国社会中无处不在
  • 纪录片《文明》 第57期 自视如何(18) It's a menacing sight, 这场景气势汹汹 this grey, ghostly remnant of an army, 这灰色鬼魅的军队遗迹 rows and rows of life-sized terracotta soldiers. 一排排真人大小的兵马俑 These figures represent the Imperial Guard of the Em
  • 纪录片《文明》 第58期 自视如何(19) But it's not just the scale that's impressive - 但它不只是规模让人印象深刻 it's the detail, too. 细节也是一样 Up close, you can see 近距离观察 你会看到 the individual plates and rivets of their armour. 每个人盔甲上的片
  • 纪录片《文明》 第59期 自视如何(20) There's not much more than a handful of different eyebrow types 例如 只有几种不同的眉形 or different moustache types, for example. 和不同的胡须形状 They're a very standardised, institutionalised version 他们的个体特征 of ind
  • 纪录片《文明》 第60期 自视如何(21) And that's definitely the message 而它们也告诉了我们 of what happened just a few years after the Emperor's death. 皇帝驾崩后几年都发生了什么 Because the famous Terracotta Army that we see 因为如今闻名遐迩的秦始皇兵马