repetition重复,harp on喋喋不休, cram塞入,raise涨工资
Repetition Has Many Applications
In a sales company, the boss said to one of his employees,
"The main thing to remember is repetition, repetition, repetition! That's the key! If you have a product to sell, keep harping on it in every way possible. Repeat it; cram it down people's throats. Even make yourself sickening and repulsive if you have to, but don't ever forget to repeat, repeat, repeat. It's the only way to get results and sell our products!"
So, the employee said, "Yes, sir!"
Then the boss said, "Now, what was it you came to see me about?"
And the employee replied, "Well, sir, it's about a raise, a raise, a raise!"
1.repetition重复。That is a mere repetition of what you said before.
那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。也可以指“复制品, 副本”:He has a repetition of a previous talk.他有前次会谈的副本
2.application实际用途。也可以指“申请”:He has filed his application.他已经呈交了申请书。
3.product产品。My bike is a home product.我的自行车是国产的。
4.cram塞入。也有“死记硬背”的意思:She's cramming for her history exam.她考历史之前临时抱佛脚。
5.sickening 令人厌恶的。It’s sickening to see such cruelty.看到这种残忍的行为真叫人反感。
6. raise涨工资。作动词有“引起”的意思: His words raised a blush on her cheeks.他的话使她脸红。