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  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲331 No Mikki, youre wrong. I was not acting like a diva. 不,MICKEY,你错了,我没有表现得,像个歌剧女主角那样难伺候 I left the boat show because that coordinator was making passes at me. Its not my fault. 我离开船展是因为那
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲332 We dont want to get spanked. 我们不想被打屁股。 Yeah, we promise we will be good. 我们保证会做个好孩子。 Too late, you stole and then you lied. Even worse? 太晚了。你们偷东西,而且还撒谎,更坏的是? You made m
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲333 Rex and I are hosting a dinner party for ten next week. REX和我10周后将举办晚宴。 Were using our best china and serving duck. 我们将使用我们最好的餐具,还将做烤鸭。 So, you and Rex are a couple again? 这么说你和REX重归
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲334 Sorry about ruining dinner. 不好意思破坏了晚餐。 Ah, please. I am just glad youre okay. So, you shot yourself? 哦,拜托,我真高兴你没事。那么你射伤了你自己? Pretty lame, huh? I was cleaning my automatic and I was too
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲335 Its impossible to grasp just how powerful love is... . 我们不可能理解爱是如何的强大。 it can sustain us through trying times... 它能支持我们度过困难时光 or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices... 或者激励我们做
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲336 Bree Van De Kamp believed in old-fashioned values. Bree Van De Kamp相信老式的价值观 Things like respect for God, the importance of family, and love of country. 对比如上帝的尊敬,对家庭的重视,与对祖国的热爱 In fact, Bre
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲337 Hey, Mrs. Solis. 嗨, SOLIS夫人。 I'm sorry. Do I know you? 不好意思, 我们认识吗? Yeah, I'm Justin. John's roommate? I've been waiting forever for you to show up. 我是JUSTIN -- JOHN的室友?我等了你好久了。 Really, why? 真的
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲338 So, get this. Zach Young is throwing a pool party Saturday night and he sent out a bunch of formal invitations complete with fancy lettering. 我听人说ZACH YOUNG将在周六开一个泳池派对,他送出了一大堆正式的邀请函,上面都是
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲339 Hey. 嗨。 Hi. So, what's the word on Tim? 嗨,TIM的情况怎么样了? He came through the triple bypass with flying colors. 他身上插着三根导管不过已经没事了。 Thank god. 谢天谢地。 Course, it's not all coming up roses. 当然
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲340 Checking out the new executive digs? 来看新的行政主管? Oh, you know it. 哦,你明白的。 Can I tell you a little secret? 我能告诉你一个小秘密吗? Sure. 当然。 Dan wanted to hold the promotion over for Tim Doogan DAN想要把晋
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲341 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 绝望的主妇 《绝望的主妇》精讲 正文 《绝望的主妇》第119期:她只是很傻很天真 时间:2014-04-08 17:40:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? VIP免费外教试听课
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲342 Sell the house. Are you crazy? 把房子卖了。你疯了吗? Carlos, we can't afford to live here anymore. CARLOS, 我们住不起这房子了。 But if our lawyer gets the Justice Department to unfreeze the bank accounts then-- 但如果我们的律
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲343 Throughout even the most respectable of neighborhoods, you can hear the sound of scandal... 即使在这个被受尊敬的社区,你还是能够听到丑闻 Some scandals announce themselves with a shout... 有人大喊大叫来揭发丑闻 Ida! Id
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲344 It is often said that good news travels fast, but as every housewife knows, bad news moves quite a bit faster. 人们常说好消息传得飞快,但每个女人都知道坏消息传得更快 Tisha? Hey. You are not going to believe this. Maisy Gibb
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲345 Hey, it's Lynette. I know you're down about this Mike thing, 嗨,Lynette,我知道你不想接电话, but you got to come to poker. It'll be worth it. I got dirt on Maisy Gibbons. 但你一定要来打扑克,我知道Maisy Gibbons的丑事 He