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  • 听一分钟英文:Writing-写作

    I think writing is the most difficult skill in English. I'm not sure why. Some students are really good at speaking, but their writing is terrible. Why can't they just pretend they're speaking but write it all down. You certainly have more time to th...

  • 听一分钟英文:Words-话语

    The world is full of words. They are everywhere we look, everywhere we hear. Words also fill our head. Words have the power to fill us with every emotion we can imagine, and some we can't imagine. The words in a beautiful poem or song can make us cry...

  • 听一分钟英文:Women-妇女

    Half of man is woman. That's a Chinese expression. I think it means half of the population is female and we are all equal. But we're not really equal. Women have a much harder time in life than men. Lots of women in developed countries have an OK lif...

  • 听一分钟英文:The Winter Olympics-冬奥会

    I think the Vancouver Winter Olympics will be really special. Its such a great place to have the event. Im not sure if I like the winter or summer Olympics better. Id rather be a competitor in the summer games its warmer. The winter Olympics are defi...

  • 听一分钟英文:Winter-冬天

    Winter is my favourite season. I love everything about it. I like the cold weather, which always makes the sky seem so blue. I also like being able to see my breath in the cold air. In summer, it's difficult to keep cool outside, but in winter, it's...

  • 听一分钟英文:Whales-鲸鱼

    Whales are absolutely beautiful creatures. It's amazing to think how big they are. But I guess they're a tiny dot when they're in the ocean. I think whales are among the most interesting animals on Earth. Are they animals or fish? I know they are mam...

  • 听一分钟英文:Weight-体重

    So many people worry about their weight. And so many people never worry about their weight but they should. I think my weight is OK. I'm rarely overweight and I've never been underweight. I find it very easy to stick to the same weight. All I need to...

  • 听一分钟英文:Weekends-周末

    What would life be like without weekends? I live for weekends. I love weekends. When Thursday arrives, I start getting excited. The end of the week is near. The good times are about to begin. The very second I finish work, the weekend starts. I total...

  • 听一分钟英文:Wedding-婚礼

    You can't beat a good wedding. I love going to weddings. It's a good excuse to dress up in your best clothes, meet lots of family and friends and have a party. Let's not forget, it's also the most important day in the lives of the happy couple. The w...

  • 听一分钟英文:Wedding Anniversaries-结婚纪念日

    You're in big trouble if you forget a wedding anniversary. Especially if it's your own. I wonder who would be in bigger trouble, the husband or the wife. Most people would expect the wife to remember her wedding anniversary and the husband to forget...

  • 听一分钟英文:Websites-网页

    Thirty years ago, no one had ever heard of the word 'website'. Today, websites are one of the most important parts of our daily life. We can't get by most days without visiting one website or another. We have to log on to a website at work or send an...

  • 听一分钟英文:Weather-天气

    The weather means different things to different people. I come from England, so the weather is always a big topic there. People in England can't deal with the weather. A tiny bit of snow, and no one goes to work. Two days of thirty-degree temperature...

  • 听一分钟英文:Weapons-武器

    Weapons are among the world's biggest killers. I'm sure weapons are deadlier than diseases in some countries. I think we could do without weapons. The world would be a better place. Every time I turn on the news, there's another gun crime, another kn...

  • 听一分钟英文:Weath-财富

    There's so much wealth in the world. And there's so much poverty and suffering. Thousands of billionaires live like kings and queens while billions go hungry. They show off their wealth to each other. They fill their gigantic mansions with all the tr...

  • 听一分钟英文:Water-水

    Few people think about how important water is. We do when we're really thirsty. I remember hiking for hours in really baking sun without anything to drink. I was dreaming about drinking cool water. And when I came to a small river, the water was deli...
