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时间:2020-05-21 02:05来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

HARI SREENIVASAN: The Ebola outbreak is the tent in the Democratic Republic of Congo since the disease was first reported there in 1976. One of the world's experts on this disease and the development of vaccines2 to prevent it joins me now from Washington D.C. Anthony Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy3 and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Fauci how much harder is this to treat considering that it's happening in a war zone?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Well, it's certainly much more difficult because you don't have free access to the people who are known to be infected. And as importantly and perhaps even more importantly, that when you have to put the lid on an outbreak and identify people who might be exposed and you want to treat them as they get infected, that you don't have access to them because you don't know who they are or where they are because the chain of contacts gets broken when you can't geographically4 or physically5 get into a place where you know the contacts are. Because it's blocked off because of the hostilities6 that are going on.

HARI SREENIVASAN: Even if you get into those areas, isn't there a threat of the spread of a virus from a deceased person that might have been killed in the war?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Well, certainly if the person was killed in the war and had Ebola, there can be infected if you don't properly take care of the body with that personal protective equipment that is used to protect the people both the physicians, the health workers and even the people who are the undertakers, who take care of the dead bodies.

HARI SREENIVASAN: What about the fact that this is the 10th outbreak in this area? I mean, why is it so hard to to stop this in this region?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Well, that's a very good question but it's something that you really cannot do very much about because this is a virus that doesn't stay among the human populations chronically7 forever. It goes up and down. But there's a reservoir in animals. Bats clearly can get infected. We don't know whether they're the primary reservoir. Non-human primates8 and forest animals can get infected. So if this were a virus that only infected humans, once you got to all the humans, either treated them or vaccinated9 them, you would be done. But the reason you get these continual blips is that this virus is there perpetually in the environment in animal reservoirs.

HARI SREENIVASAN: Let's talk a little bit about the vaccine1. How did we come to this. How does it work?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Bottom line is the vaccine works by inducing the person who gets vaccinated, of response that is able to contain, stop and kill the virus. So if I got vaccinated against this particular Ebola strain with this vaccine that referred to as VSV, that vaccine will induce in me a protective response so that when I get exposed to Ebola, my immunological or my protective response is going to prevent that Ebola virus from infecting me. So it really is the way most vaccines work. So when you get vaccinated against polio, the polio vaccine induces a response in you that protects you against polio. When you get vaccinated against measles10, the same thing. You get vaccinated, you make your response and you're protected.

The vaccine against Ebola works exactly that same way. It induces in the body a response that's protects you against exposure to the virus itself.

HARI SREENIVASAN: I realize there are different strains of Ebola. How far away are we from having almost the equivalent of a cure or something that can respond rapidly to an outbreak?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Well, there are two things that we're working with right now. One of them is a vaccine. More than one, a couple of vaccine candidates, which really look quite promising11 in the field. That's one approach. The other approach is the treatment of a person who has been infected with Ebola and several of those candidates are now being treated, being used in the DRC and will ultimately be used in a clinical trial to see which one is the best. So at the end of all of this, it will take some time. We will hopefully have one or more therapies to treat a person who is infected with Ebola and a good vaccine, which has been proven to protect people from getting infected with Ebola. So even though these outbreaks keep coming and so they're obviously very concerning in the country where the outbreak is going on, the science and the development of what we call interventions12 or countermeasures in the form of either vaccines or treatments is moving along really rather well.

HARI SREENIVASAN: All right. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, thanks so much for joining us today.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Good to be with you.








安东尼·福西博士:我们底线是疫苗应该要起到免疫的作用,要能抑制、阻止甚至杀死埃博拉病毒。也就是说,如果我能免疫这种特殊埃博拉病毒,方式是注射这种名为VSV的话,这种疫苗就能在我体内产生保护性的反应, 这样一旦我接触到埃博拉病毒,我就会产生免疫和保护性的反应,就能阻止埃博拉病毒干扰我。其实大多数疫苗都是这样运作的。再比如,如果注射了小儿麻痹症的疫苗,那么疫苗就能产生一种保护性的反应,保护人不会患有小儿麻痹症。同理,麻疹疫苗也是如此。一旦得到免疫了,就能产生反应,然后保护人体不受感染。埃博拉疫苗也是如此。这种疫苗能在人体内产生反应,保护人在暴置于病毒的环境中时也不会感染。






1 vaccine Ki1wv     
  • The polio vaccine has saved millions of lives.脊髓灰质炎疫苗挽救了数以百万计的生命。
  • She takes a vaccine against influenza every fall.她每年秋季接种流感疫苗。
2 vaccines c9bb57973a82c1e95c7cd0f4988a1ded     
疫苗,痘苗( vaccine的名词复数 )
  • His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines. 他的小组处于疫苗科研的最前沿。
  • The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators. 疫苗放在冰箱中冷藏。
3 allergy 8Vpza     
  • He developed an allergy to pollen.他对花粉过敏。
  • The patient had an allergy to penicillin.该患者对青霉素过敏。
4 geographically mg6xa     
  • Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe. 从地理位置上讲,英国处于欧洲边缘。 来自辞典例句
  • All these events, however geographically remote, urgently affected Western financial centers. 所有这些事件,无论发生在地理上如何遥远的地方,都对西方金融中心产生紧迫的影响。 来自名作英译部分
5 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
6 hostilities 4c7c8120f84e477b36887af736e0eb31     
  • Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。
  • All the old hostilities resurfaced when they met again. 他们再次碰面时,过去的种种敌意又都冒了出来。
7 chronically yVsyi     
  • Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised. 同样,凡是经常受慢性刺激的各种色素痣切勿予以切除。
  • People chronically exposed to chlorine develop some degree of tolerance. 人长期接触氯气可以产生某种程度的耐受性。
8 primates 9536f12c27d026e37c108bd6fc53dbba     
  • Primates are alert, inquisitive animals. 灵长目动物是机灵、好奇的动物。
  • Consciousness or cerebration has been said to have emerged in the evolution of higher primates. 据说意识或思考在较高级灵长类的进化中已出现。
9 vaccinated 8f16717462e6e6db3389d0f736409983     
  • I was vaccinated against tetanus. 我接种了破伤风疫苗。
  • Were you vaccinated against smallpox as a child? 你小时候打过天花疫苗吗?
10 measles Bw8y9     
  • The doctor is quite definite about Tom having measles.医生十分肯定汤姆得了麻疹。
  • The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状。
11 promising BkQzsk     
  • The results of the experiments are very promising.实验的结果充满了希望。
  • We're trying to bring along one or two promising young swimmers.我们正设法培养出一两名有前途的年轻游泳选手。
12 interventions b4e9b73905db5b0213891229ce84fdd3     
n.介入,干涉,干预( intervention的名词复数 )
  • Economic analysis of government interventions deserves detailed discussion. 政府对经济的干预应该给予充分的论述。 来自辞典例句
  • The judge's frequent interventions made a mockery of justice. 法官的屡屡干预是对正义的践踏。 来自互联网
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