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  • 趣味英语第140期:怎么告诉别人他们身上有异味

    Hector Villalobos wants to know: 赫克托维拉洛布思想知道: I can't find Wal (cracks up) oh my god I can't find Waldo. Please help! 我找不到(崩溃)哦我的天哪 我找不到沃尔多了。请帮帮我! Is this a question? (gigg...

  • 趣味英语第139期:在又累又困的时候怎么不让自己睡着

    Jason Camarillo asks: 杰森卡马里洛问道: I have a question. How do I keep myself from sleeping when I'm tired and sleepy? 我有个问题。在又累又困的时候怎么不让自己睡着? If you're tired and sleepy, you should sleep. Why...

  • 趣味英语第138期:怎么能拒绝别人又不觉得难受

    Noah Grun wants to know: 诺亚格伦想知道: How do you reject someone without feeling horrible? 怎么能拒绝别人又不觉得难受? That's a tough one. 这很难办。 How would I know this, I don't know. I can't help you with this. 我怎...

  • 趣味英语第137期:如果学校里所有女生都穿同一个品牌 我应该融入她们吗?

    The Turtle Kitty Bella asks... Turtle Kitty Bella问道: If all the girls at my school wear a certain clothing brand, should I wear the same brand to fit in? 如果学校里的所有女孩都穿一个牌子的衣服,那我应该穿同样的品牌去...

  • 趣味英语第136期:怎么能不再沉迷于网飞

    C.mucke asks... C.mucke问道: How do I stop being addicted to Netflix? 怎么能不再沉迷于网飞? I'm a victim myself, so I'm afraid I don't know. I'd like for you to advise me how to quit. 我自己就是受害者,恐怕我不知道方法。...

  • 趣味英语第135期:有哪些好的回击方式

    Mathilda Krupa asks... 玛蒂尔达克鲁帕问道: How to make 'fetch' happen? Okay, so what does that mean? 怎么让棒极了这个词流行起来?好,那是什么意思? (whispers) What's fetch? What is fetch? (小声说)fetch是什么?...

  • 趣味英语第134期:两个男孩都请我跳舞该怎么办

    Sam 15 wants to know... 山姆15想知道: What do I do if two boys ask me to a dance? 如果两个男孩都请我跳舞,我该怎么办? Oh. That's tough. 哦,这很难办。 That's a very nice predicament. Try and see if they're both willin...

  • 趣味英语第133期:怎么能不再说swag

    Overblake asks... Overblake问道: How do I stop saying 'YOLO,' 'bae,' 'swag,' et cetera? 怎么能不再说人生只有一次、最亲爱的、有范儿等词汇? Who even says YOLO anymore? That's, like-I don't know. It's old. 现在谁还说人生...

  • 趣味英语第132期:怎么克服恐高

    Nasren Begam wants to know... Nasren Begam想知道: How do I overcome my fear of heights? 怎么克服恐高? Same. I'm scared of heights too. You have to ask somebody else. I'm sorry. 我也恐高。我也怕高。你得去问其他人。抱歉。...

  • 趣味英语第131期:什么是最佳睡姿

    Jefferzee Brig. 杰弗里布里格问道: What is the best sleeping position? 什么是最佳睡姿? Let's start with horizontal, and you take it from there. 先从平躺开始,然后可以变换姿势。 If you're in a car, then probably like,...

  • 趣味英语第130期:为什么这么严肃

    Joker asks... 小丑问道: (Joker voice) Why so serious? (小丑的声音)为什么这么严肃? What? I don't get it. 什么?我不明白。 I don't know why his name is Joker when he's saying, Why so serious? 他在说为什么这么严肃...

  • 趣味英语第129期:我怎么告诉我女朋友我要搬家了

    Joshua Drury wants to know... 乔舒亚德鲁利想知道: How can I tell my girlfriend I'm moving away and I might not see her again? 我怎么告诉我女朋友我要搬家了,而且可能再也见不到她了? Aw, that's sad. 啊,真令人难...

  • 趣味英语第128期:如何制作比第一部还好的续集电影

    This is a clever one, folks. Isabibimailloux01. 各位,这个名字很灵巧。Isabibimailloux01问道: How do you make a sequel better than the first movie? 如何制作比第一部还好的续集电影? You don't usually. 通常做不到。 E...

  • 趣味英语第127期:父母反对我纹纹身怎么办

    Claire Wong wants to know... 克莱尔汪想知道: I'm 23 years old now, and I really want to get a small tattoo. But my parents are very against tattoos. What should I do? 我现在已经23岁了,我真的很想纹个小纹身。可是我父母非...

  • 趣味英语第126期:工作时怎么不被社交媒体分心

    Sandro wants to know... 桑德罗想知道: Is Tupac actually dead? 图派克真的死了吗? What is two-pack? What is it? Toothpick? 两包是什么?那是什么?牙签吗? How am I supposed to know this? 我怎么可能知道? Tupac-is...
