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  • 时差N小时 梦可以预知未来?

    Lots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell thefuture. 许多人都做过一些好像可以预知未来的梦。 Some psychologists attribute this to retrieval cues. 心理学家把这种现象归因于提取线索。 Retrieval cues? 提取线...

  • 时差N小时 狼蛛的择偶观

    Well, you know what they say. 人们常说, A woman will marry the manwho reminds her of her father, and a man will marry a womanwho reminds him of his mother. 女人会嫁给让她想起自己父亲的男人,男人会娶让他想起自己母亲的...

  • 时差N小时 海洋独特的磁场

    Last time, we talked about motional induction, aphenomenon by which the ocean generates a magnetic field. 上次,我们提到过动生电磁感应:海洋产生磁场的一种现象。 It works like this: earth has its own magnetic field. 地球有自...

  • 时差N小时 筷子与关节炎

    If you've ever tried eating with chopsticks, you know they can be a pain to learn how to use. 如果你有用筷子吃过饭,你就知道学习使用它就是一种痛苦。 According to a Boston University study, ever since their inventionnearly f...

  • 时差N小时 食盐大战冰块

    Why does salt melt ice? 为什么食盐能让冰块融化? It lowers the melting and freezing point of water. 是因为食盐将水的熔点和冰点降低了。 Oh,OK.Wait,I don't get it. Doesn't that mean the salt make ice colder? 等一下,我不...

  • 时差N小时 过度捕鲸与环境

    Until recently, when scientists studied changes in open-ocean ecosystems, 直到最近,当科学家们在研究远洋地区生态系统的变化时, they looked at changes in the bottom of the food chain that gradually make their way to the top,...

  • 时差N小时 投弹手甲虫

    Is it a beetle or some sort? 它是甲虫还是什么? Right in deed.It's a bombardierbeetle. 就是甲虫,它是一只投弹手甲虫。 This one is an African species, but it could be found on most other continentstoo. 虽然它是非洲品种,...

  • 时差N小时 如何逃离污染魔掌

    Yes,eating organic foods is a great way to reduce the amount of pollutants in your body, 选择有机食物大大减少了污染物进入体内, but you can't entirely escapepollution, no matter where you live. 但是无论你身在何处都无法一...

  • 时差N小时 强力胶的天敌

    Help!Help! 求助!求助! What's wrong? 怎么了? I was fixing my coffee cup with superglue. 我刚刚在用强力胶粘合我的咖啡杯。 And I must havegot some on my fingers but I scratch my forhead. 我一定是弄了一些在手上,而...

  • 时差N小时 驯鹿的眼睛

    Rudolph the reindeer is best known for his brightly colored rednose. 鲁道夫驯鹿最大的特征就是红彤彤的鼻子。 For other reindeer, however, the most colorful thing about them is actually their eyes. 然而,其他驯鹿身上最出彩的...

  • 时差N小时 打针一定会痛吗?

    From fluvaccines to tetanus boosters, injections are amust in modern medicine. 从流感疫苗到破伤风针,注射在现代医学中是不可或缺的。 But do they always have to makeyou say Ouch? 但是它们是否就一定会让你尖叫呢?...

  • 时差N小时 燃烧仅在地球可行

    What is fire anyway? 火究竟是什么? Well, fire is rapid oxidization. 火,即燃烧,是快速的氧化反应。 It's the energy released whenoxygen atoms start combining with carbon and hydrogenatoms. 氧化反应是氧原子和碳原子或氢...

  • 时差N小时 品尝师们请注意

    You may have heard of supertasters. 你可能也听过有这样一个群体品尝师。 These are people who, it was discovered, are carrying around extra taste buds on theirtongues, making the world of eating much more intense. 他们是被挖掘出的...

  • 时差N小时 日光浴床安全吗?

    Millions of people go to tanning salons, some to get a base tanbefore they go away on a beach vacation. 数百万的人在海滨度假之前去日晒沙龙,一些人的皮肤会晒成棕褐色。 The idea of the basetan is that it will protect you...

  • 时差N小时 悲惨人生

    A guy walks into a bar, and sits down next to an electron. 有一个人走进了酒吧,刚刚好坐在了电子的旁边。 The electron has two empty beers in front of him, and was working on a third. 电子面前已经摆了两个空啤酒瓶子了...
