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  • 时差N小时 啄木鸟和真菌

    Woodpeckers puncture the bark of dead or dying trees,also known as snags, to find the wood-boring insects that makeup their diet, and some species also excavate cavities in thesetrees for their nests. 啄木鸟啄破死树或垂死的树的树皮,觅...

  • 时差N小时 小猴子表达如何爱

    Marmosets are small primates. 绒猴是很小的灵长类。 Think of a monkey with huge fuzzy ears. 试想一下,猴子长者一对大大的毛绒绒的耳朵。 Primatologists have oftenwondered whether nonhuman males evaluated their potential ma...

  • 时差N小时 运动可提高IQ

    Stretching and toning are certainly important, but their benefitsare different from that of aerobic exercise. 伸展和拉伸显然很重要,但是,对身体的益处有别于有氧运动。 Surprisingly,aerobic exercise isn't just beneficial to...

  • 时差N小时 过量补充维他命的危险

    Do you take your vitamins everyday? Be careful. 你每天都补充维他命么?小心点。 Just as vitamin deficiency can make you sick, so can vitamin toxicity. 就如缺乏维他命会使你生病一样,维他命中毒也会令你生病。 Ind...

  • 时差N小时 为铁元素而战

    We all know we need iron to live. 众所周知,铁是我们不可或缺的微量元素。 How else would our bloodcarry oxygen to our lungs? 如果不是通过铁元素,我们的血液怎么能把氧气送入肺部呢? And cells need iron in or...

  • 时差N小时 锚应该抛多远?

    Anchors away, me boys-but how far? 抛锚了,锚究竟该抛多远呢? On this moment of science. 又到了科学一刻的时间了。 What happens if you throw your anchor overboard and there isn't enough chain to reachthe bottom? 如果你将锚抛...

  • 时差N小时 大都市环境污染对树木的影响

    Say what? Big cities affect the trees in the countryside? 你说什么?大都市的环境污染对农村的树有影响? You got it! According to a study conducted by Jillian Gregg,who now works at the EPA's western-ecology division in Oregon, Ea...

  • 时差N小时 神奇的蟹

    What's the difference between a hard-shelled blue crab anda soft-shelled blue crab? 你知道软壳青蟹和硬壳青蟹有什么区别吗? Is this a trick question? 这个问题很难吗? I'll give you a hent. 我来给你个提示。 It has to...

  • 时差N小时 多食少饮吃出健康好生活

    Well.In a recent study on nutrition, participants spent one month drinking a sugary beverage, and another month eating a solid,sugary food. 近日,科学家做了一项有关营养的研究,测试者在一个月内喝含糖饮料;而另一月吃含...

  • 时差N小时 骨质疏松知多少(上)

    Osteoporosis literally means porous bone. 骨质疏松从字面意思上讲就是骨组织疏松症状。 Osteoporosis is characterized by loss of bone density and the deterioration of bone tissue, which makes bones fragile and more likely to fractur...

  • 时差N小时 骨质疏松知多少(下)

    While osteoporosis is treatable, it's not curable, so early detection really is key. 骨质疏松症可以进行治疗,但并不会治愈,所以早期发现成了重中之重。 As it is, though, about one in two women, and one in four men over fifty...

  • 时差N小时 怎样处理核废料?(上)

    What's the best way to dispose of nuclear waste? 处理核废料的最佳办法是什么? And is it true that scientists have considered sending it into space? 科学家们真的曾动过将这些废料送往太空的念头吗? Good question. 问的好...

  • 时差N小时 怎样处理核废料?(下)

    But there are problems with each of these ideas. 但这些想法总是伴有各种各样的问题。 For example, it would be difficult to monitor nuclear waste under the ocean floor. 例如海底的核废料就很难监测。 Waste buried deep in th...

  • 时差N小时 信念之六条(上)

    You may have heard of the Five Pillars of Islam, but have you heard of the Six Articles of Faith? 你可能已经听说过伊斯兰教的五大支柱,但你听说过信念之六条吗? The Five Pillars of Islam-the profession of faith, prayer, zakat,...

  • 时差N小时 信念之六条(下)

    Additionally,Muslims must believe in the prophets,many of whom are responsible for bringing Allah's revelations to man. 此外穆斯林必须笃信先知,他们中的许多人负责将真主的启示带给众生。 Among the prophets are the Prophet...
