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  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第39期:冻卵生娃 晚育福音 日期:2016-07-26 01:33:34 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Egg. Egg 卵子 Here, an egg is a cell that is produced in the bodies of female animals and humans. If it is fertilized by a sperm, a baby develops from it. 当一个卵子遇到一个精子,就诞生了一个小宝贝。...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第38期:英国小哥的"坐月子之旅" 日期:2016-07-26 01:27:33 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Birth. Birth 出生,诞生 When a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body. 一个人类宝宝到底是从哪里来的呢? 今天呢,我们一起来研究一下,坐月子这个惨无人道的活动。 话...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第37期:和歪果仁对话 日期:2016-07-26 01:17:14 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Todays key word is Dialogue. Dialogue 对话 Dialogue is communication or discussion between people or groups of people. 我们今天为啥要说这个词儿捏?我们要办对话会了! We are going to hold a Dialogue in Shanghai on Sept...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第36期:带你装X带你飞! 日期:2016-07-26 01:16:38 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Todays key word is Bicycle. Bicycle 自行车 A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing two pedals(踏板) with your feet. We can also call this vehicle Bike. A bicycle rider is called a cyclist,...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第35期:如何膜拜女神? 日期:2016-07-26 01:14:58 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Todays key word is Goddess. 仰望过男神,我们这期再来探讨一下女神-这个神奇滴物种。 Goddess 女神 在这里,即不是慈爱的观音菩萨,也不是智慧的雅典娜(Athena)。 她是男生看了无比欢喜,...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第34期:如何舔屏长腿欧巴? 日期:2016-07-25 08:23:15 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: 上期呢,我们讲的是如果形容男神,How to describe prince charming or Fresh meat. Lets have a review. Fresh meat 小鲜肉 Netizens call swimmer Ning Zetao, fresh meat. Mr. Muscle 肌肉男 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Masculine...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第33期:如何形容自家男神? 日期:2016-07-25 08:22:37 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Freshmeat. Freshmeat 小鲜肉 看见自家男神,应该用什么词来形容呢? 什么样的形容才能配的上小鲜肉,fresh meat 呢? 一起Get起来,妹纸们请备好纸巾擦口水~ Mr. Muscle 肌肉男...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第32期:相亲量胸围 节操怎么量 日期:2016-07-25 08:22:02 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Blind date. Blind date 相亲 A blind date is an arrangement made for you to spend a romantic evening with someone you have never met before. This explanation is given by Collins English Dictionary. But I'm not sure if i...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第31期:周末怎么过? 日期:2016-07-25 08:21:13 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Weekend. Weekend 周末 A weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Here is an example. Why don't you and I go away this weekend?...

  • 英语悠选脱口秀 第30期:暑期实习要不要工资 日期:2016-07-25 08:16:39 点击:0 好评:0

    讲解: Today's key word is Internship. Internship 实习 An internship is the position held by an intern, or the period of time when someone is an intern. Here is an example: I'm applying for a summer internship at China Radio International. 我正在...
