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   《侏罗纪搏击俱乐部Jurassic Fight Club》能够有效提高英语听力水平,矫正英语发音,是学习提高英语成绩的好帮手。《侏罗纪格斗俱乐部》通过前所未见的惊人电脑CG特效展现了恐龙战场的史前史。考古最新的证据给理解恐龙如何争夺霸权带来了突破发现。本片将带给我们一部恐龙的历史,一部恐龙们为生存而战斗的历史,还详细描绘了那些在这场竞赛中担当猎手的角色。

  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第121期:水可载舟亦可覆舟 At the base of the tail, where it connects to the hips, Gastonia had these sharp triangular shaped plates made of bone. 在它尾巴基部,连接髋部的位置,加斯顿龙有这些锋利的三角形的骨质护甲。 In and among themselves, th
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第122期:发现潜在的掠食者 You really want to detect a predator before it gets close enough for you to be able to see it and so they potentially used other senses like the sense of smell. 它们确实会想在掠食者靠近得能够看见之前就探测到它,所以它们潜在
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第123期:犹他盗龙奇特的爪子 We have been working in the quarries, and we were starting to get familiar with how the bones were situated. 我们在石场工作,我们开始对骨头是如何放置的熟悉起来。 And one of the students that was with the College of Eastern U
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第124期:超级砍家之名的由来 Utahraptor is the largest known member of the early Dromaeosaurids, which were birdlike meat-eating dinosaurs. 犹他盗龙是最大的已知早期驰龙成员,它们是类鸟的肉食恐龙。 It killed by pouncing onto the back of its prey. 它们跳
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第125期:躺下等待猎物 Like all raptors, Utahraptor was one of the top predators of its time. 和所有迅猛龙一样,犹他盗龙是当时的顶级掠食者之一。 But unlike its cousins, this raptor was not built for speed. 不过跟它的亲戚们不同,这种迅猛
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第126期:干旱时期压力已至极限 During times of drought, animals are stressed to the limit. 在干旱时期,动物们的压力已至极限。 Normal behavior is basically thrown out the window and it becomes a no holds bar fight for survival. 通常的行为都已不再适用,这
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第127期:难以找到完整的骨架 Gastonia, being a large animal, was very stocky and well-muscled. 加斯顿龙,作为一个大型动物,非常健壮、肌肉发达。 Utahraptor, for a predatory dinosaur, particularly a Dromaeosaur, it's a very strong powerfully-built animal as
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第128期:攻击之前需要三思 The Utahraptor had relatively thin arms, so it couldn't simply flip the heavy Gastonia over to get to its underbelly. 犹他盗龙的前肢比较细,所以它没法把沉重的加斯顿龙翻过来直击它的下腹部。 In nature today, predatory
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第129期:它不得不开始食腐 On full alert are his lookouts, the small Pterosaurs. 它的小翼龙瞭望员们非常警惕。 Gastonia finds a promising spot and begins digging. 加斯顿龙发现了一处有指望的地方并开始挖掘。 If he can smell water, it can't be mo
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第130期:三天不吃东西就难熬 With food scarce, both dinosaurs must also conserve energy. 因为食物匮乏,两头恐龙都必须要保存体能。 The slow moving Gastonia could go a week without eating. 缓慢移动的加斯顿龙一周不吃东西没有问题。 The faster
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第131期:威吓迷惑自己的猎物 The Gastonia's limited brain focuses on only one thing at a time. Now it's water. 加斯顿龙有限的大脑一次只关注一件事。现在轮到水了。 Utahraptor has terrific vision, sharper than any humans. 犹他盗龙有上好的视力,比任
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第132期:躲开这致命的袭击 Gastonia lowers his body to protect his underside. 加斯顿龙伏低身体保护身下。 His tail is heavily armored, but its powerful muscles are able to move it with surprising speed. 它的尾巴全副武装,但其有力的肌肉能带动尾巴以
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第133期:冰期怪兽重见天日 In a cave in rural Wyoming, lies a time capsule from the ice age. 在怀俄明郊区的一个山洞里,有个从冰期留下的时间胶囊。 It contains the remains of not one, but two huge mammals. 里面有两具巨型哺乳动物留下的遗骸。
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第134期:不警觉的动物会坠入摔死 In 1971, paleontologists discovered a massive hole in the ground in Wyoming. The cave opening had acted as a trap, unwary creatures fell to their death. 在1971年,古生物学家在怀俄明发现了地上的一个巨洞。这个洞口如同一个陷
  • 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第135期:长腿的优势 They moved with their front legs more oriented inward instead of like this, like we see in bears today, and that would have given them a more efficient gate. 当它们进行移动时,前腿更向内靠,而不是像我们如今看到的熊类这样,