新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第19课(在线收听

  Lesson 19 English Social Differences 英国社会的差异
  A gentleman is, rather than does. He is interested in nothing in a professional way. He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. He must know how to ride and shoot and cast a fly. He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic service. But there are weaknesses in the English gentleman's ability to rule us today. He usually knows nothing of political economy and less about how foreign countries are governed. He does not respect learning and prefers 'sport '.The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development. Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he is passionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and method of production. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called 'character,' which means, in a gentleman's mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyal ties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm. He is incapable of that imaginative realism which admits that this is a new world to which he must adjust himself and his institutions, that every privilege he formely took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare.
  professional n. 职业的  cultivate vt. 培养
  hobby n. 业余爱好  eccentricity n. 怪癖
  cast a fly 垂钓   diplomatic service 外交部门
  govern vt. 治理   adequacy n. 适当
  grave a. 严重的   sufficiently ad. 充分地
  inadequately ad. 不充分地 disbelieve vt. 不相信
  devoted a. 热心的   excessive a. 过分的
  incurable a. 不可救药的 neotism n. 裙带关系
  discount vt. 看轻   mystic a. 神秘的
  entity n. 存在,本质  narrowness n. 狭隘
  quality n. 品质   estate n. 社会阶层
  realm n. 王国    realism n. 现实主义  adjust vt. 使适应
  privilege n. 特权   relevant a. 有关的   difference n. 差异
  1.professional n. 职业的 通常略写为prof  [反]amateur
  [辨异]profession, occupation, job
  profession “专业”,强调highly skilled/highly educated, such as lawyer, doctor, IT engineer, architect
  occupation: normal and general, everybody can have an occupation.
  You did a good job.
  [注意]technical/vocational school 职业学校
  2.cultivate vt. 培养 [同]nurture, develop, foster
  cultivate a hobby/habit
  He is well cultivated/educated/bred/trained. 他很有教养。
  3.hobby n. 业余爱好
  [辨异]mania, hobby, pastime, diversion
  mania 颠狂,狂热,癖好 hobby n. 业余爱好
  pastime 消遣  diversion 消遣,指转移注意力,换换脑筋。
  4.eccentricity n. 怪癖 [同]odd
  eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的
  concentric  同轴的,同心的
  [辨异]eccentric, outlandish, grotesque  eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的
  outlandish异国风味的,奇异的,古怪的  outlandish clothes奇装异服
  grotesque 怪诞的,艺术、美术、文学中的怪异派、怪异的作品
  5.cast a fly 垂钓[同]go fishing, on the fishing trip(悠闲垂钓)
  cast a net 撒网,为了生存捕鱼
  6.diplomatic service 外交部门
  airline service航空公司  travel service/agency 旅行社
  diplomacy 外交 diplomat 外交官
  He is a diplomat. 他是一个左右逢源的人。 He is a philosopher.
  7.govern vt. 治理
  government/governing body 政府  governor 州长
  governess 女家教  benevolent government 仁政
  8.adequacy n. 适当 [同]sufficient [反]inadequate
  He often doubts his adequacy as a father.
  =He often doubts whether he is adequate as a father.
  [辨异]deficient, sparse, meager
  sparse 稀少  meager 贫乏的,不充分的,不足的  The food is meager for winter.
  9.grave a. 严重的
  [同]solemn, serious, severe have one foot in the grave 来日不多了
  grave situation 严峻的形势 gravity 地球引力,严重
  10.disbelieve vt. 不相信
  dis- 多做动词的反义词 disappear 消失 disbelieve 不相信
  11.devoted a. 热心的
  [同]committed, dedicated
  devote v.  devote oneself to sth be devoted to sth
  He devoted himself to researches.
  He is devoted to researches. 他致力于研究。
  She is devoted to her children. 她太溺爱孩子了。
  这里,devoted相当于spoil, pamper
  12.excessive a. 过分的
  [同]immoderate [反]moderate
  Excessive studying bores/tires me.
  Excessive smoking harms/does harm to the health.
  Excessive smoking is dangerous.
  extreme 极端的
  13.incurable a. 不可救药的
  cure 治疗
  cure sb 为某人治病
  cure sb of 治某人的……病
  curable 可治疗的
  to breathe one’s last 奄奄一息
  He is beyond cure/remedy.
  引申为他不可救药了。=He is rotten to the core.
  People heat him to death.
  I’m hungry to death.
  [注意]不能说成I starve to death.
  14.neotism n. 裙带关系
  It means giving of favors to his relatives/relations by a person/man in the high position or promoting the people closest to him
  backdoor “后门”
  15.discount vt. 看轻
  count 数
  I count on him. 我看重/器重他。
  discount 打折 以物做宾语
  I discount what he sales.
  contempt/belittle/look down on 以人做宾语
  16.mystic a. 神秘的,带有宗教色彩
  occult 神秘的,玄妙的
  supernatural 超自然的
  metaphysical 形而上学的
  Garden of Eden 伊甸园
  nether world 阴间
  heavenly world 天堂
  17.narrowness n. 狭隘
  He is narrow-minded. 他心胸狭窄。
  He is narrow-sighted/shortsighted.
  narrow escape 九死一生
  18.quality n. 品质
  He is a man of quality. 他是一个高尚的人。
  a lady of quality 贵妇
  19.estate n. 社会阶层,房地产
  class, hierarchy, stratification
  real estate 不动产
  personal estate 动产
  estate agent 房地产商
  20.realm n. 王国(抽象概念)
  kingdom 具体概念
  mental realm 思想境界
  literature realm 文学界
  flim/movie realm 电影界
  [辨异]estate, domaln, sphere
  estate 社会阶层
  donaln name 域名
  sphere 球,球形,球体,球面,范围,领域
  realism n. 现实主义
  realistic 现实主义的性格
  realist 现实主义者[反]idealist理想主义者
  21.adjust vt. 使适应
  adjust oneself tonew environment
  be adjust to
  He is well adjustd.
  22.privilege n. 特权,英国英语常用
  mp(member of parliament)议员
  privileged class 特权阶层
  underprivileged class 弱势阶层
  privileged car/cab 专车
  23.relevant a. 有关的
  be relevant to 和…
  24.difference n. 差异
  make no difference 没关系
  It makes no difference wheather you come or not.
  make difference 关系重大
  different from(英式英语)=different than (美式英语)
  1.A gentleman is, rather than does.?尥荇憷髯??癞羽钴。?嘴钴腧拗憷“?尥”憷?哝吸?钴,憷烷憝嘴钴?啶。
  2.in a professional way=professional
  3.be allowed:绅士这一阶层受社会的约束,不是随便什么都可以做的。
  practise law= to be a lawyer
  practise medicine= to be a doctor
  vocation: 职业 to offer help and aid, for example, priest, doctor, nurse
  He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation.这句话的意思是:绅士是绝对不能脱离他的阶层,不允许mix with the masses(与大众为伍),否则就会很庸俗。
  6.political economy:政治经济学
  less about:更不要提
  =not to mention/not to speak of
  I know nothing of maths, not to mention English. 我不懂数学,就更别提英语了。
  sport:指前面说的” ride and shoot and cast a fly”
  8.The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function:社会要回答的问题并不是这类人物不无美德,而是他们是否胜任其职务。
  set for society:做后置定语
  the type= the kind= the class 阶层
  so much as, not…… but, 前面有否定式,so much as= but
  His success is not by talent so much as by energy.
  It is not the hours that tell so much as the way we use them.
  It is the man that behind the gun tells.
  9.arise= apper,常搭配副词here, there
  pursue: 追求
  10.attend to= be concerned with 关注
  attend to 后面只能跟名词、动名词
  While I am out/away, please attend to my house.
  11.in finance and method of production:金融和生产方法
  12.widespread: 普遍的
  discounting ability:轻视才能
  character= nature
  in a gentleman’s mouth:在绅士的嘴里
  the qualities he traditionally possesses himself:他自己传统上所拥有的品质
  13.social loyalties= loyalty to society= social duties 社会职责
  be loyal to 对……忠诚
  have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm:已把自己放到这个王国中的基本社会阶层的对立面上去。
  range: 排列
  range against: 作对
  incapable of that imaginative realism:无法接受充满想像力的现实
  14.admit= demand 要求
  institution= custom  社会习俗
  he formerly took as of right:他以前取得作为……的权力
  took as= regard as 看待
  took as of 是古英语用法,相当于今天的took as
  he is taken as a black sheep.
  he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare: 只能通过提供证据说明此项权力与社会福利直接有关才能得到
  15.Lord Curzon, Miceroy of India, Invests the Maharajah of Cochin with the Star of India in 1903:派往印度的总督Curzon勋爵授予印度本土国王Cochin“印度之星”。
  invest in:投资
  invest with:授予
