双语有声阅读:Skinny mice defy obesity 瘦老鼠挑战肥胖(在线收听

Skinny mice defy obesity 瘦老鼠挑战肥胖

Lean mouse: Hope for the clinically obese


Genetically engineered mice which never put on weight could hold the key to a fat- free future for humans, say scientists.

Researchers at Smith Kline Beecham and Cambridge University, UK, have developed mice that eat far more than normal but remain leaner and lighter.

The lab rodents over-produce a human protein which ensures food is turned into heat, rather than stored as fat.

Reporting in the journal Nature, Dr John Clapham and colleagues say their mice make large amounts of Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP-3) in the mitochondria of their muscle cells.

Mitochondria are often described as the tiny internal combustion engines of cells. They unlock the energy contained in food to make a chemical fuel called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

But extra UCP-3 causes the mice to burn off energy without making ATP - their bodies produce more heat instead. This process makes the metabolic rate of the transgenic mice step up a gear. As a result, they are able to eat large amounts of food yet weigh less than normal mice.


Smith Kline Beecham和英国剑桥大学的研究人员培养出一些老鼠,它们超量进食却能保持身体轻瘦。




