大嘴朱莉当导演遇麻烦 被禁止取景(在线收听

    Angelina Jolie's directorial debut has reportedly come across a major road bump: She's been prohibited from filming in Bosnia. The movie is slated to tell the story of a couple who meet each other just as the Bosnian war begins in 1992 and has run into trouble because of a controversial scene she plans to include in the flick. The Women Victims of War group has blasted the project claiming it will be guilty of "misleading history".
    Gavrilo Grahovac, Culture Minister of the Muslim-Croat federation – who met with representatives from the group – revealed he canceled the permit because no screenplay had been attached to the application.
    He added: "They no longer have the authorization to shoot in Bosnia. They will have it if they send us the scenario with a story which will be different from what we have been told by people who read it."跨界执导电影处女作的大美女安吉丽娜-朱莉的导演之路似乎遇到了一些麻烦,她的影片被禁止在中欧国家波斯尼亚取景拍摄。电影描述了一对在波斯尼亚战争爆发之际相遇的情侣,由于电影中有受争议的情节,一个名为“战争受害妇女组织”的团体批评电影“窜改历史”。这一组织向政府施压,迫使其收回对于电影在波斯尼亚取景拍摄的批准。相关人士表示,除非修改故事内容,否则禁令将不会戒除。
    However, Edin Sarkic, who represents Sarajevo's Scout Film and is working with the 35-year-old actress on the movie, has denied it contains the specified scene. He said. "Of course I deny that. It is not in the script." He added: "I brought them the script and I am waiting for a positive response as soon as possible, I hope even today."然而萨拉热窝的一家电影电影公司称,目前正密切与三十五岁的安吉丽娜合作,并且否认电影中含有外界所指的这些场景。一位相关人员表示:“我们否认这样的说话,类似的情节根本就不存在,我们现在正在急切的等待会与剧本正面的回应。
    Emir Hadzihafizbegovic, Culture Minister for Sarajevo, is appalled by the decision to revoke Angelina’s permit. He said: "Is this how we thank Angelina Jolie ... for treating a Bosnian tragedy that has already been forgotten by the world ... for hiring five or six Bosnian actors in her movie?"对于取消拍摄许可,萨拉热窝文化部长深表震惊,他说:”波斯尼亚的悲剧即将被世界所遗忘,而安吉丽娜-朱莉将至搬上大荧幕,并且雇佣了五六个本地演员,我们不应该以这样的方式回报她。”
