新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit04 a(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  |@|<1>impression|n.|[C] an opinion or feeling about sb. or sth. |印象
  ||||He has made a good impression on me. |他给我留下了很好的印象。
  ||||My first impression of him was favorable. |我对他的第一印象很好。
  |@|<2>conscious|a.|1. noticing or realizing sth. |有意识的;意识到的
  ||||The children were conscious of their mother's unhappiness. |孩子们意识到了母亲的不快。
  ||||I became conscious of someone watching me. |我意识到有人在看着我。
  ||||2. awake and knowing what is happening around |清醒的;有知觉的
  ||||The patient was conscious. |这位病人处于清醒状态。
  ||||He was found lying beside the road, covered in blood but still conscious. |人们发现他躺在路边,浑身上下都是血,可神志还是清醒的。
  ||<3> <em>consciously<em> |ad.    |aware of having done sth. |有意识地;有知觉地
  ||||I don't think she's consciously rude to everyone. |我想她不是有意对大家无礼的。
  ||||He did not consciously remember meeting her. |他不记得见过她。
  ||<4>reaction|n.|[C] the way a person or thing responds to sth. |反应
  ||||What was his reaction to your idea?  |他对你的想法有什么反应?
  ||||Culture often influences our reaction to events. |文化往往影响我们对各种事件的反应。
  |@|<5>range|vi. |vary between certain limits |(在一定范围内)变动,变化
  ||||Prices range from $10 to $25. |价格从10美元到25美元不等。
  ||||There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18. |共有120名学生,他们的年龄从10岁到18岁不等。
  ||||1. [sing.] the area of power, responsibility, etc. that sb. has |(职责等的)范围
  ||||I would like to help, but what you ask is out of my range. |我很想帮忙,但你问的事是我所不知道的。
  ||||When he was criticized, he said it was outside his range of responsibility. |批评他时,他说这事超出了他的职责范围。
  ||||2. [sing., U] the distance over which sth. can be sent, heard or seen |(视觉、听觉的)范围;射程
  ||||The enemy were within range of our guns. |敌人处在我们大炮的射程之内。
  ||||The plane has been out of the range of our vision. |我们已经看不见飞机了。
  |@|<6>introduction |n. |1. [C] the act of telling people each other's names when they first meet |介绍,引见
  ||||He made the self-introduction and everyone shook hands with him. |他作了自我介绍,大家都与他握了手。
  ||||Our first speaker needs no introduction. |我们的第一位发言者就不必介绍了。
  ||||2. [U] the act of bringing sth. into use for the first time |引进,采用
  ||||The introduction of new methods increased the efficiency greatly. |新方法的采用大大提高了效率。
  ||||With the introduction of new drugs, more patients have been saved. |新药的引进挽救了更多病人的生命。
  ||<7>spouse|n.|[C]a husband or wife |配偶
  ||||It is said that most women live longer than their spouses. |据说大部分妻子都要比她们的丈夫活得长。
  ||<8>interview|n.|1. [C, U] a formal meeting at which people are asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc. |面试
  ||||A job interview is important for both the interviewer and the interviewee.  |招聘面试对雇主和应聘人都很重要。
  ||||I was invited for interview with the company. |我被这家公司邀去面试。
  ||||2. [C] an occasion when people are asked questions about their lives, experiences, or opinions for a newspaper, TV program, etc. |采访,访谈
  ||||He refused a TV interview. |他拒绝电视采访。
  ||||The new Prime Minister gave his first interview last night. |新首相昨晚首次接受采访。
  |||vt.|ask sb. questions during an interview  |面试;采访
  ||||They interviewed seven people for the job. |他们为这工作面试了七个人。
  ||||He was interviewed by a reporter about his ideas. |记者就他的想法采访了他。
  |@|<9>encounter|n.|[C] a meeting with sb. by chance |意外(或偶然)相遇
  ||||He had a chance encounter with a friend this morning. |今天早上他偶然遇到了一位朋友。
  ||||His first encounter with Wilson was back in 1989. |他第一次与威尔逊相遇是在1989年。
  |||vt.|meet sb. or sth. without planning to |意外遇到;遭遇
  ||||If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties. |如果你承担这个任务,会遇到许多困难。
  ||||I encountered a friend of mine on the street yesterday. |昨天在街上我偶然遇到了一位老朋友。
  |@|<10>focus|v.|(on) give special attention to one particular person or thing |使(注意力等)集中
  ||||The children's attention was focused on the stage. |孩子们的注意力都集中在舞台上。
  ||||We must focus on increasing our home markets. |我们必须把注意力放在拓展国内市场上。
  |||n.|[sing.] the thing, person, situation, etc. that people pay special attention to |中心,集中点
  ||||She has been the focus of everyone's attention since she came to the university. |她自从进了大学就一直是大家关注的焦点。
  ||||In today's lecture the focus will be on communication through body language. |今天讲座的重点是用肢体语言进行交际。
  |★|<11>persuasive|a.|able to make other people believe or do sth. |有说服力的,能使人相信的
  ||||His arguments are not persuasive. |他的论据没有说服力。
  ||||He is a very persuasive speaker. |他是一位非常能取信于人的演讲者。
  ||<12>presentation |n. |[C] an event at which a person describes or explains a product or idea |描述,陈述
  ||  | |I was asked to give a short presentation on the aim of the plan. |人们要求我就这计划的目的作一个简短的陈述。
  ||  | |I'm going to ask each of you to make a short presentation.|我准备要求你们每个人作一个简短的陈述。
  |@|<13>physical|a.|1. having to do with one's body |身体的,肉体的
  ||||Your son appears to be in good physical health. |你儿子看来身体很健康。
  ||||Physical activity encourages good health.  |体育活动有助于健康。
  ||||2. having to do with things that can be seen |物质的,有形的
  ||||physical objects |实物
  ||||He was concerned with physical world, while his brother was more interested in spiritual matters. |他关心的是物质世界,而他弟弟感兴趣的是精神世界。
  |@|<14>rate|n.|1. [C] the speed at which sth. happens |速度
  ||||He works at a very fast rate. |他工作速度非常快。
  ||||Children develop physically and emotionally at different rates. |儿童的身体和情感发育的速度是不同的。
  ||||2. [C] the number of times sth. happens within a certain period |比率,率
  ||||There is a high accident rate in this factory. |这个工厂的事故率很高。
  ||||The unemployment rate in Australia rose to 6.5% in February. |澳大利亚的失业率2月份上升到了6.5%。
  ||<15>pitch|n.|[U] the highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note |声音或音调的高低度
  ||||He raised his voice to an even higher pitch. |他的声音提得更高了。
  ||||Her voice has a very high pitch. |她的嗓音非常尖。
  ||<16>tone|n.|[C] the sound of  sb.'s voice that shows what they are feeling |声调;语气,口气
  ||||Her tone showed that her patience was limited. |她的语气表示她的耐心是有限度的。
  ||||Don't speak to me in that tone of voice. |不要用那种语气来跟我说话。
  ||<17>absorbed|a. |so interested in sth. that one does not notice anything else |专注的;全神贯注的
  ||||The child seemed completely absorbed. |那个孩子似乎完全被吸引住了。
  ||||He was so absorbed in watching the children playing game that he forgot to buy vinegar. |他如此专注地看孩子们玩游戏以至于忘了去买醋。
  |■|<18>how-to|a.|(infml.) giving information on how to do a particular thing |提供入门知识的;教你怎样做的
  ||||How-to books on gardening sell well in this bookstore. |园艺入门的书在这家书店很畅销。
  ||||The magazine used to have a regular how-to section. |这本杂志以前有一个定期的“教你做”专栏。
  ||<19>stride|vi.|(strode, stridden) walk with long steps |大踏步走,阔步行进
  ||||He strode up to the house. |他迈开大步走向屋子。
  ||||She came striding along to meet me. |她跨步上来迎接我。
  |||n.|[C] a long step |大步
  ||||She reached the door in only three strides. |她跨了三步就到了门口。
  ||||I was only a stride from him when I saw him. |看见他时我与他只有一步之遥。
  |@|<20>impress|vt.|make sb. feel admiration and respect |给...留下深刻的印象
  ||||He impressed me as a hard-working man. |他给我的印象是工作很努力。
  ||||I'm very impressed with what's happening. |目前所发生的一切给我留下很深的印象。
  |@|<21>shake|n.|[C] an act of moving sth. up and down or from side to side |摇动,摇晃
  ||||He answered "no" with a shake of his head. |他摇头回答道“不”。
  ||||Give the bottle a good shake before opening it. |开启前把瓶子好好摇一下。
  ||<22> <em>handshake<em> |n. |[C] the act of shaking sb.'s hand |握手
  ||||He came to the door to welcome me with a handshake. | 他走到门口同我握手表示欢迎。
  ||||Her handshake was warm and firm. |她的握手热情而有力。
  ||<23>consistent|a.|always having the same opinions, standards, behavior, etc. |一致的;一贯的
  ||||It is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. |和平统一是我们的一贯政策。
  ||||The results are consistent with earlier research. |这次的结果和先前的研究没有出入。
  ||<24> <em>consistently<em> |adv.     |in a consistent way |一致地;一贯地
  || | |She worked consistently hard. |她一向工作努力。
  || | |He was consistently generous and kind. |他一向慷慨善良。
  ||<25>address|vt.|make a formal speech to a large group of people |向...作正式讲话, 对...发表演说
  ||||He is to address a conference on human rights next week. |下周他将就人权问题会议向会议发表演说。
  ||||He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters. |他向上万支持者作讲话。
  |@|<26>match|vt.|be suitable for a particular person, thing, or situation |和...相一致,和...相配
  ||||Does this shirt match these trousers? | 这件衬衫和裤子相配吗?
  ||||We need to buy some chairs to match our dining table. |我们应买些与餐桌相配的椅子。
  |@|<27>depress|vt.|make sb. feel unhappy |使抑郁,使沮丧
  ||||The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. |想到明天要上班我就心烦。
  ||||It depressed everyone that no progress was made during the negotiations. |谈判毫无进展,大家都感到失望。
  ||<28> <em>depressed<em> |a. |very unhappy |抑郁的,沮丧的
  ||||He was depressed about losing all his money. |她所有的钱都赔了,感到十分沮丧。
  ||||I feel more and more depressed. |我感到越来越沮丧。
  ||<29>audience|n.|[C] a group of people who watch or listen to a play, concert, speech, etc. |观众,听众
  ||||The audience was/were wild with joy. |观众欣喜若狂。
  ||||The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes. |观众足足拍了十分钟的手。
  |@|<30>contact|n.|1. [U] a state in which two people or things touch each other |接触
  ||||The disease is spread by contact with animals. |这种疾病通过与动物的接触传播。
  ||||His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. |他的手指触摸了一下球。
  ||||2. [U] communication with a person, organization, etc. |联系;交往
  ||||I've lost contact with most of my schoolmates. |我已与我大多数校友失去了联系。
  ||||We stay in contact by email. |我们通过电子邮件保持联系。
  |@|<31>relax|v.|make or become less worried or annoyed |(使)放松,(使)轻松
  ||||This holiday will give you a chance to relax. |这次假期会给你一个放松的机会。
  ||||A hot bath will help to relax you. |洗个热水澡会帮助你放松。
  ||<32> <em>relaxed<em>|a.|feeling calm and not worried or annoyed |松弛的,放松的
  ||||Suitable exercises will make you relaxed in mind and body. |适当的锻炼会令你身心舒展。
  ||||He wants to live a relaxed life. |他想过悠闲自在的生活。
  |■|<33>lighten|v.|1. make or become more cheerful |(使)轻松,(使)愉快
  ||||Her mood lightened. |她情绪好起来了。
  ||||She told a joke to lighten the atmosphere. |她讲了个笑话来缓和一下气氛。
  ||||2. make or become less heavy or forceful |(使)减轻,(使)放松
  ||||Taking on of a new secretary lightened her workload considerably. |雇用一位新秘书大大减轻了她的工作量。
  ||||Their burden lightened every day. |他们的负担一天天减轻。
  |@|<34>powerful|a.|1. able to influence or control what people do or think |有影响力的;能控制他人的
  ||||He was one of the most powerful men in the area. |他是这个地区最有影响力的人之一。
  ||||Her argument is powerful. |她的论据充分有力。
  ||||2. physically strong |强壮的,强健有力的
  ||||An athlete should have a powerful body. |运动员应该有强壮的体魄。
  ||||He looked tall and powerful. |他看上去个子高大、身体强壮。
  |@|<35>entertainment|n. |[C, U] things that are intended to amuse or interest people |娱乐;供消遣的东西
  ||||The club provides a wide choice of entertainment. |该俱乐部提供多种娱乐项目。
  ||||Many people in the city worked in the entertainment industry. |这个城市有许多人在娱乐业工作。
  |@|<36>roar |vi.|make a loud noise by laughing or shouting |大声叫喊,咆哮;大笑
  ||||The audience roared in delight. |观众高兴得欢呼起来。
  ||||He roared with laughter at the joke. |听到这笑话,他哈哈大笑。
  ||||The patient roared with pain. |那个病人疼得大喊大叫。
  |★|<37>brood|vi.|think and worry about sth. a lot |沉思;担忧
  ||||He sat there, brooding about his failure. |他坐在那儿,默默地思考自己的失败。
  ||||You're not still brooding over what he said, are you? |你不会仍在想着他说的那些话吧?
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<38>make up one's mind  |make up one's mind make a decision |下定决心,打定主意
  || |Have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday? |去哪儿度假,你拿定主意了吗?
  || |I can't make up my mind between these two dishes. |这两道菜到底选哪一道,我拿不定主意。
  ||<39>range from... to... |vary from... to... |(在一定范围内)从...到...变化,变动
  ||   |The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $5 during the summer season. |夏季,啤酒价格从50美分到5美元不等。
  ||   |She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from translator to swimming instructor. |从当翻译到当游泳教练,她从事过一些不同的工作。
  ||<40>be committed to    |be willing to work hard at sth. |献身于,投入于
  |||As a person who loves peace, he is committed to peace between countries.|作为一个热爱和平的人,他致力于国与国之间的和平事业。
  |||If you want to get ahead in life, you must be committed to achieving your dreams. |要想取得人生的成功,你就必须全身心投入实现你的梦想。
  ||<41>be absorbed in|be so involved in an activity that one cannot think about other things |全神贯注于,专心于
  |||I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't hear him talking to me. |我当时非常入神地在沉思,没听到他和我说话。
  |||She was absorbed in the book. |她全神贯注地在看那本书。
  ||<42>fix one's eyes on|look at a thing or person carefully |凝视,盯住看
  |||She walked into the room and fixed her eyes on the person she wanted to talk to. |她走进房间,眼睛凝视着那个她想进行谈话的人。
  |||I couldn't help fixing my eyes on this picture. |我情不自禁地凝视着那幅画。
  ||<43>drive sb. crazy|make sb. feel very angry or annoyed |逼得某人发疯
  || |His carelessness drove his girlfriend mad. |他的粗心大意令他的女朋友受不了。
  || |That noise is driving me crazy. |那噪音真让我受不了。
  ||<44>at one's best|in the best state |处于最佳状态
  |||This is an example of his work at his best. |这代表了他创作高峰时期的作品。
  |||I don't really feel at my best today. |我觉得今天我不在最佳状态。
  ||<45>lighten up|(used to tell sb.) not to be so serious about sth. |放轻松;别太当真
  |||You need to light up a bit. |你需要放松点。
  |||Hey, lighten up! It's only a game, you know! |喂,别太当真!你知道,这不过是游戏!
  ||<46>take sb. or sth. seriously |think sb. or sth. is important and should be given attention to |认为某人或某物重要
  |||Don't take him seriously—he's just kidding. |别跟他认真——他只不过是开玩笑。
  |||We have to take his proposal seriously. |我们要认真对待他的建议。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<47>Ailes | |艾尔斯(人名)
