新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 1b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  |@|<1>spite |n. |(in ~ of) despite; regardless of |虽然;尽管
  || | |They went out in spite of the rain. |尽管下雨,他们还是外出了。
  || | |In spite of all of his efforts he failed. |尽管他作了种种努力,但还是失败了。
  ||<2>clash  |vi. |1. disagree about sth. |不一致;冲突
  || | |The couple clashed on the question of where to spend their holidays.  |夫妻俩对上哪儿去度假意见不一致。
  || | |Richard clashed frequently with Goldsmith. |理查德和戈德史密斯经常意见相左。
  || | |2. come to a fight |冲突
  || | |They clashed with the police in the street. |他们在街上和警察发生了冲突。
  || | |The two armies clashed near the boundary this morning. |今晨两支军队在边境附近发生了交火。
  || |n. |1. [C] an argument |不一致;争论
  || | |There is a clash between the two party leaders. |两党的领导人之间发生了争执。
  || | |There is a clash of interests in this project. |这个项目中存在着利益上的冲突。
  || | |2. [C] a short fight |冲突
  || | |The demonstration ended in a violent clash with the police. |示威游行最后以与警察发生激烈冲突结束。
  || | |There were violent clashes downtown. |在市中心发生了暴力冲突。
  |@|<3>tradition  |n. |[C, U] beliefs or customs passed down from one generation to the next |传统
  || | |By tradition, people play jokes on April 1. |根据传统习俗,人们在四月一日相互捉弄和开玩笑。
  || | |It's a tradition to sing "Jingle Bells" on Christmas. |圣诞节唱“铃儿响叮当”是一种传统。
  ||<4> <em>adjustment</em> |n. |[C, U] the act of adjusting |调整
  || | |I made a few very minor adjustments to the decoration, which in general it had been excellent. |我对装饰做了几处小修改, 但总体来说装饰棒极了。
  || | |The room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes. |满屋子是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服做最后的调整。
  ||<5>honeymoon |n. |[C] a holiday taken by a couple who have just got married; (fig.) a period of good feeling or good relations |蜜月期;(喻)短暂的和谐期
  || | |I haven't had a holiday for ten years, not since our honeymoon. |自蜜月以后,整整10年我都没有休过假。
  || | |As he tries to deal with the problems, he may find that his political honeymoon is over. |当他设法处理那些问题时,他会发现自己的政治蜜月期已经结束。
  ||<6>marvelous |a. |(BrE marvellous) extremely good; wonderful |非常好的;绝妙的
  || | |It's marvelous how he's managed to climb that far. |他竟然能爬那么远,真是不可思议。
  || | |The performance is simply marvelous. |演出精彩极了!
  |@|<7>amusement |n. |1. [U] the feeling of being amused |愉快,快乐
  || | |She could not cover her amusement at his mistake. |对他的错误,她禁不住觉得好笑。
  || | |To everybody's amusement, the actor fell off the stage. |那个演员从舞台上掉了下来,大家都感到好笑。
  || | |2. [C] sth. that makes time pass pleasantly |娱乐(消遣)活动
  || | |The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements. |这家旅馆为客人们提供各式各样的娱乐活动。
  || | |Outdoor amusement will relax you after a day's work in office. |在办公室里呆了一整天之后,户外娱乐活动可使你得到放松。
  |▲|<8>hostility |n. |[U] unfriendly behavior or feeling towards sb. |敌意;敌对
  || | |There is now open hostility between the two leaders. |两位领导人之间的敌意已经公开化了。
  || | |Their friendship is regarded with hostility. |人们对他们的友谊持敌视态度。
  |@|<9>moreover |ad. |what's more; in addition |此外;而且
  || | |I don't want to go skating; moreover, the ice is too thin. |我不想去滑冰;再说,冰也太薄了。
  || | |The idea was not good; moreover, it would have been too expensive. |这个建议不太好,而且实施起来花费也太大。
  ||<10> <em>anymore</em> |ad. |(used in negatives) (not) any longer |再也(不)
  || | |Money doesn't seem to matter to him anymore. |金钱似乎对他已无关紧要了。
  || | |People are not interested in movie anymore. |现在人们对看电影不再感兴趣。
  ||<11>distress |vt. |make sb. feel very upset |使痛苦;使苦恼
  || | |Please don't distress yourself. |请别悲伤。
  || | |The erratic motion of the plane distressed me to no end. |飞机的颠簸让我担心极了。
  || |n. |[U] a feeling of extreme unhappiness |痛苦,苦恼
  || | |Her death was a great distress to all the family. |他去世使全家人感到万分悲痛。
  || | |Two in distress makes sorrow less.| 同病相怜。
  ||<12>devise|vt. |create or invent a new way of doing sth. |设计;发明
  || | |The teacher has devised a new method of teaching foreign languages. |那位老师发明了一种教授外语的新方法。
  || | |He devised a plan for getting the jewels out of the country. |他想出了一个把珠宝带出国的计划。
  ||<13>mechanism |n. |[C] a way of behaving that helps sb. deal with a problem |行为方式;机制
  || | |Rabbits, too, have their survival mechanisms. |兔子也有自己的生存之道。
  || | |Her offensive way is just a defense mechanism. |她的咄咄逼人不过是出于防卫心理。
  ||<14>cope |vi. |be able to deal with sth. difficult |应付;处理
  || | |The local government has successfully coped with the problems of environmental pollution. |当地政府成功地解决了环境污染问题。
  || | |It's a tough job but I'm sure he'll cope. |这是一项艰难的工作,但我肯定他能克服困难,完成任务。
  |*|<15>repression|n. |1. [U] control of strong feelings |(对情感或欲望的)压抑;抑制
  || | |The repression of one's true feelings is wrong. |抑制自己的真实情感是不对的。
  || | |He felt that much unhappiness was because of repression. |他感到许多的不快都是由压抑引起的。
  || | |2. [U] cruel and severe control of a large group of people |镇压
  || | |They were a people who knew repression; they had suffered under a totalitarian ruler their entire lives. |他们这个民族深知压迫之苦,他们一生都遭受独裁者的统治。
  || | |The political repression in this country is imposed by severe fear. |这个国家的政治镇压是通过恐怖行动来实施的。
  |@|<16>acceptable |a. |good enough; satisfactory |可接受的;合意的
  || | |I would not call the breakfast great, but it was generally acceptable. |我不认为早餐好极了,但基本上也还过得去。
  || | |Some low-fat cheeses have quite an acceptable flavor but some taste like rubber. |有些低脂奶酪味道不错,但有些吃起来就味同嚼蜡了。
  |■|<17>regression|n. |[U] a return to an earlier stage of development |回归;倒退
  || | |The psychologist believed that the man was experiencing regression as a result of dealing with a new situation. |心理学家认为那男子因面临新形势而正处于行为回归阶段。
  || | |Regression is a psychological state that a person should guard against. |行为倒退是我们应该提防的心理状态。
  ||<18> <em>irresponsible</em> |a.     |not responsible |不负责任的
  || | |Police blame higher crime rates on irresponsible parents who allow their teenage children to stay out all night. |警方把犯罪率上升归因于不负责任的家长,他们任由自己十多岁的孩子在外彻夜不归。
  || | |It was highly irresponsible of him to leave the children alone in the house. |他把孩子们单独留在家,极不负责。
  |@|<19>isolate |vt. |keep sb. or sth. apart from other people or things| 使孤立;使隔离
  || | |When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated from other people. |人患传染病时通常与他人隔离。
  || | |She kept herself almost isolated from her colleagues. |她几乎不与同事来往。
  |*|<20>isolation |n. |[U] the state of being isolated |隔离;孤立
  || | |They live in complete isolation in a mountain. |他们在山里过着完全与世隔绝的生活。
  || | |fight in isolation |孤军奋战
  |@|<21>reject     |vt.    |1. refuse to accept sth. |拒绝;不接受
  || | |She rejected his offer of marriage. |她拒绝了他的求婚。
  || | |He was rejected by the army because of his poor sight. |他由于视力差而未被接受入伍。
  || | |2. throw sth. away |抛弃,丢弃
  || | |Damaged products were rejected by our quality control. |受损的产品经检验不合格而报废。
  || | |She rejected all the buns that were burned. |她剔弃所有烘焦的小甜圆面包。
  ||<22> <em>rejection</em>|n. |[C, U] the act of not accepting |拒绝;不接受
  || | |The company's rejection made him disappointed. |公司回绝了他,令他很失望。
  || | |I've applied for ten jobs, but all I've got back is rejections. |我申请了十份工作,但都被回绝了。
  |@|<23>utilize |vt. |(BrE utilise) use; make use of |使用
  || | |You may be able to utilize their assistance. |你或许能用得上他们的帮助。
  || | |You should utilize your abilities in a suitable job. |你应该在合适的工作上发挥自己的才能。
  |@|<24>deal |vi. |(dealt, dealt) (with) take action, esp. to solve a problem |对付;应付;处理
  || | |However, not all problems can be dealt with mathematically. |然而,不是所有问题都可以用数学方法来解决的。
  || | |They should deal properly and fairly with any complaint. |他们应该合理、公正地处理任何投诉。
  ||<25>hostile |a. |1. angry and very unfriendly toward sb. |怀有敌意的,敌对的
  || | |She found his attitude to her obviously hostile. |她发现他对自己的态度明显怀有敌意。
  || | |She gave him a hostile look. |她怀有敌意地看了他一眼。
  || | |2. of an enemy |敌方的,好战的
  || | |a hostile army |敌军
  || | |hostile forces |敌方力量
  |@|<26>recognition |n.  |[sing., U] the act of realizing and accepting that sth. is true |承认;认可
  || | |There is a growing recognition of the need for more preventive treatment. |越来越多的人认识到对于预防措施的需求。
  || | |Alice is moved by Richard's recognition of her importance in his life. |理查德承认爱丽丝在他生命中很重要,这让爱丽丝非常感动。
  |@|<27>temporary |a. |lasting only for a short time |暂时的
  || | |France has agreed to a temporary suspension of military activities. |法国同意暂停军事行动。
  || | |I've got a temporary secretarial job, but I'm hoping to find something more permanent. |我有个临时的秘书工作,但我希望能找到更固定的职业。
  ||<28>recovery |n. |1. [sing., U] return to a normal state |恢复;痊愈
  || | |He's now well on the way to recovery. |他在顺利地康复。
  || | |He's past recovery. |他已毫无康复的希望。
  || | |2. [U] the act of getting sth. back that is lost |重获;复得
  || | |the recovery of stolen goods |追回赃物
  || | |the recovery of a fallen city |收复失陷城市
  |@|<29>favorable |a. |(BrE favourable) |
  || | |1. giving sb. or sth. an advantage |有利的
  || | |favorable winds |顺风
  || | |The position of his shop is favorable to business. |他的商店所处的位置有利于做生意。
  || | |2. giving or showing agreement |赞成的
  || | |It's encouraging to receive a favorable report on one's work. |收到一份对自己工作表示赞同的报告很令人鼓舞。
  || | |We found that most people were favorable to the idea. |我们发现大多数人都赞成这个意见。
  ||<30>symptom |n.|1. [C] a sign of a bad condition or problem |迹象;征兆
  || | |He recognizes the symptoms, but refuses to admit that he has made a mistake. |他承认这些迹象,但不愿承认自己是犯了错误。
  || | |The Government must not ignore these symptoms of present economic problems. |政府不应忽视这些能反映当前经济问题的现象。
  || | |2. [C] a sign that shows an illness |症状
  || | |First the doctor asked me to describe my symptoms. |医生首先让我描述自己的症状。
  || | |All the symptoms point to a cold. |所有的症状都表明是感冒。
  ||<31>distinction|n. |1. [sing.] a special or unique quality |特点;特征
  || | |Our company has the distinction of being the only travel agent located in this area. |我们公司是这个地区唯一的一家旅行社。
  || | |2. [C] a difference between two things |区别;差别
  || | |There is no obvious distinction between the twins. |那对孪生儿之间没有明显差异。
  || | |There's a clear distinction between the forms of speech in the two regions. |两地方言有明显差异。
  || | |3. [U] the quality of being excellent |卓越;杰出
  || | |a dancer of distinction |凤毛麟角的舞蹈家
  || | |a writer of distinction |著名作家
  |@|<32>appreciate|vt. |1. understand and enjoy |欣赏;赏识
  || | |You can't fully appreciate Shakespeare in translation. |通过翻译的文字,你是没法充分赏析莎士比亚的作品的。
  || | |2. be grateful for sth. |对...表示感谢
  || | |I appreciate your concern for me. |很感谢你对我的关心。
  || | |I'd appreciate it if you lend me some money. |你要能借我些钱,我将感激不尽。
  ||<33>acquisition |n.  |[U] the act of gaining sth. |获得,得到
  || | |He spent hundreds of hours in the acquisition of skill at playing the piano. |他花了数百小时掌握弹钢琴的技巧。
  || | |The children progressed in the acquisition of basic skills. |孩子们在掌握基本技能方面取得了进步。
  |@*|<34>alleviate |vt. |make sth. less serious |减轻,缓和
  || | |They alleviated their boredom by singing songs while they waited. |他们通过唱歌来减轻等待时的烦躁。
  || | |We want to help alleviate their lack of food. |我们想帮助他们缓解粮食短缺的状况。
  |@|<35>interact |vi. |1.(with) communicate with sb. |交流
  || | |Linda has a problem of interacting with other children in her class. |琳达不能和班里别的孩子交流。
  || | |To be a good teacher, you have to interact well with all sorts of students. |要成为一个好老师,你必须能和各种各样的学生很好地交流。
  || | |2. have an effect on each other |互相作用;互相影响
  || | |We learned about how people and their environment interact. |我们了解了人和环境怎样相互作用。
  || | |There will be a true global village in which telephones, computers, and televisions interact. |将会出现一个由电话、计算机和电视机联系起来的真正的地球村。
  |@|<36>considerable |a.   |fairly large or great |相当大的;相当多的
  || | |A considerable amount of research was done here by our science department. |我们科学部承担了这里大量的研究工作。
  || | |Attracting tourists to the area is going to take considerable effort. |吸引旅游者来这个地区看来得付出相当大的努力。
  |@|<37>furthermore |ad.  |in addition to what has been said; moreover |此外;而且
  || | |The house is too small, and, furthermore, it's too far from the city. |房子太小,而且离城里太远。
  || | |I don't know what happened to Rupert Ford and, furthermore, I don't care. |我不知道鲁珀特·福特碰到了什么事,而且我也不关心。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<38>adjust to  |get used to a new situation |适应
  || |The human body can quickly adjust itself to changes in temperature. |人体能很快地自行调节,以适应气温变化。
  || |I can't adjust to living on my own. |我无法适应独立生活。
  ||<39>familiar to |well known to |为...所熟悉
  || |The facts are familiar to every schoolboy. |这些事实是每个中小学男生都熟知的。
  || |The house looked strangely familiar to her. |奇怪的是这座房子在她看来似曾相识。
  ||<40>culture shock |confusion caused by contact with a culture other than one's own |文化冲击;文化震撼
  || |I get culture shock every time I come back to this country. |每次回到这个国家我都会经历文化冲击。
  || |For seasoned travelers, culture shock is only a short-term problem. |对于经常旅游的人来说,文化冲击只是一个短期的问题。
  ||<41>tired of (doing) sth. |no longer wanting sth. or wanting to do sth. |厌烦(做)某事
  || |I'm tired of your lame excuses. |你的那些牵强的借口,我已经听厌了。
  || |I'm tired of watching TV; let's go for a walk. |电视我已经看腻了,我们去散散步吧。
  ||<42>separate from |keep people or things apart from each other |把...分开;分离
  || |This patient should be separated from the others. |这个病人应该与其他患者隔离。
  || |In some way, in the rush to get out of the building I got separated from my mother. |我急急忙忙冲出大楼的时候不知怎么就和妈妈走散了。
  ||<43>prevent from |stop sb. or sth. from doing sth. |阻止;防止
  || |Nobody can prevent us from getting married. |任何人也阻止不了我们结婚。
  || |His broken leg prevented him from walking. |他腿断了,无法行走。
  ||<44>recover from |return to a normal state from an illness, accident, shock, etc. |从(疾病、事故、震惊等)中恢复
  || |He's now fully recovered from the shock. |他现在已完全从震惊中恢复了过来。
  || |He never really recovered from the sadness of his wife's death. |他从未真正从丧妻的悲伤中走出来。
  ||<45>go through |experience a particular process |经历;经受
  || |Has the new law gone through all its stages yet? |新的法律通过了各个阶段的程序没有?
  || |Caterpillars go through several stages of growth. |蝴蝶的一生要经历好几个发育阶段。
