听电影学英语-如果能再爱一次 02(在线收听

  [00:05.15]Good luck. In your meeting. Not that you need it. You'll be great. 祝你开会好运 你应该用不着,你会很棒的
  [00:14.53]I'm sorry. 对不起
  [00:21.16]You've got to be kidding me. 一定是在开我玩笑
  [00:26.46]Oh no, the stupid jerk. 不会吧,那个死笨蛋
  [00:30.96]You know, don't be late. I'll take care of this. See you tonight at the concert. 别迟到了,这事我自行处理就好 今晚演奏会上见了
  [00:34.55]Concert? What concert? 演奏会? 什么演奏会?
  [00:38.18]I was kidding. Kidding you see, because it turns out I forgot the thing and... 我开玩笑的啦 因为结果我忘了这档子事,而且...
  [00:43.23]Oh, this must be that british sense of humor I keep hearing about. 哦,这一定是我不断听说的 英国式幽默感
  [00:49.32]Okay. I'll see you tonight. 好的,晚上见了
  [01:04.91]Gentlemen, we at AGS are not only at the forefront of biotech... 各位,我们AGS不只是 位于生物科技最前线...
  [01:09.63]not the forefront, the vanguard! 不是最前线,是先锋!
  [01:13.76]Bollocks! 该死!
  [01:14.84]What happened? 发生了什么事?
  [01:15.93]I cracked it this morning. 我早上弄破了

  [01:17.55]But it says eleven o'clock. 但表停在十一点
  [01:19.55]Well, the hands must have moved. 指针一定是移位了
  [01:21.64]At least it'll be right twice a day. 至少一天会正确个两次
  [01:24.77]Do me a favor. 帮我一个忙
  [01:26.56]Call Tantra, push my reservation to nine. 打电话到密传餐厅 把我的预订席位延到九点
  [01:29.15]And have someone dash over to Harvey Nicks. I need a present for Samantha... 派个人去夏菲尼高商店 我需要送份礼物给珊曼莎...
  [01:31.77]For Samantha's graduation concert. 珊曼莎的毕业演奏会
  [01:34.78]How did you remember that? 你怎会记得那事呢?
  [01:36.07]I'm not sure, could be because she told me. 不清楚,可能是因为她告诉过我
  [01:39.16]She sent you an invitation which is on your desk, we programmed the date into your palm... 她寄了张邀请卡放在你桌上 我们把这日子排进你的掌上秘书...
  [01:43.99]Okay, got it, got it. Thanks. 好的,懂了懂了,谢谢
  [01:47.41]Anyway, I promised her a surprise. 无论如何,我答应要给她一份惊喜
  [01:50.50]So, how about a sweater? Something cashmere? 送件毛衣如何? 羊毛的?
  [01:53.00]Red! Red's her favorite color. 红色的! 她喜爱红色
  [01:55.30]She's already got one. 她已经有一件了
  [01:57.51]A red cashmere sweater. She was wearing it last time she was here. 红色羊毛衫 她上次来这儿就穿那件
  [02:00.93]She went on and on about how much she loved it. 不断地说她有多喜爱
  [02:03.43]Really? Where was I? 真的? 我那时人在哪?
  [02:05.52]Right next to her. 就在她旁边
  [02:20.24]'You have no idea... ' "你根本不懂..."
  [02:23.16]'What I feel inside' "我的内心感受"
  [02:26.95]'Hold me, babe' "抱着我,宝贝"
  [02:49.98]Sorry to make you pick me up all the way over here. 抱歉害你大老远来这儿接我
  [02:52.06]Don't know why I put up with you. 不知道我怎会受的了你
  [02:53.36]Pick up, pick up... Cute hair! 快接,快接... 发型好可爱!
  [02:56.98]Shit. Voicemail. 可恶,是语音信箱
  [02:59.57]I just found your blue folder. The one with all the notes in it. 我刚发现你的蓝色资料夹 装有你所有笔记的那一份
  [03:02.07]I'm on the way to the hotel right now. 我现在正要赶去饭店
  [03:03.87]Go. 走
  [03:08.50]Sorry, sorry. 抱歉,抱歉
  [03:30.52]Ladies, gentlemen, 各位先生女士
  [03:33.52]today we are given an opportunity to help mankind. 今日我们有机会来帮助人类
  [03:56.88]- Excuse me, sir. - Yes? -抱歉,先生 -有事吗?
  [03:58.67]Could you please take this folder into the conference room for me? 可否请你帮我将这资料夹 拿进会议室?
  [04:02.09]My... Mr. Wyndham's expecting it. 我的...温汉先生正等着要
  [04:04.68]I'm sorry, miss, but that's against hotel policy. 对不起,小姐 那样子违反饭店政策
  [04:08.26]But he could lose his job. 但他可能会丢了工作
  [04:10.60]That's tragic. 真是悲惨
  [04:12.18]But alas, not my problem. 不过呢,不是我的问题
  [04:15.27]God, even when you guys are nasty it sounds polite. 老天,你们这些人 讲话卑鄙的还这么斯文
  [04:18.61]Now, in terms of your investments... 现在,用你们的投资...
  [04:21.28]Shit. Briefcase is open. I have to go in. 糟糕,公事包打开了 我得进去才行
  [04:25.41]Excuse me for interrupting, Mr. Wyndham. 恕我打扰了,温汉先生
  [04:29.20]This is for you, I just thought that you might need the exact same folder you already have. 这是要给你的,我刚以为你可能需要... 跟你手上拿的那份一样的资料夹

  [04:36.29]I see. 我明白了
  [04:38.63]Okay, well... 好的,嗯...
  [04:41.13]false alarm. Terribly sorry. 假警报,真是非常抱歉
  [04:43.26]I just thought, I just wanted to make sure you, he had everything he needed. 我只是以为...我只想确定你... 确定他需要的东西都齐全了
  [04:50.76]Because he worked so hard on it. 因为他花了很多心血
  [04:54.98]I mean, really dedicated... 我意思是,他真的很热真...
  [04:57.06]and he deserves for this to all go perfectly. 这事理该一帆风顺
