听电影学英语-征婚广告 12(在线收听

  [00:00.11]You look fine too, considering. 老实说,你气色也挺不错
  [00:03.25]We never liked Kevin. We couldn’t say anything, but we knew. 我们从不喜欢凯文, 我们不能明说,但心里有数
  [00:07.85]- That’s so sweet. - I hear you’re not seeing anyone. -你们真好 -听说你不想交新朋友
  [00:10.82]Is that wise? With the clock ticking? Because I have someone special for you. 那明智吗?浪费青春? 我有个特别的人要介绍给你
  [00:16.56]Casey Donovan. Handsome, smart, single. 凯西-多诺万,帅气,聪明,单身
  [00:20.84]- Aunt Eileen. - Yes? -艾琳姑妈 -怎么?
  [00:21.92]He’s my first cousin. 他是我表哥
  [00:24.56]This is a fine day for the Nolan family, I tell you. 各位,今天是诺兰家的好日子
  [00:26.16]For my son, Bill Jr. 对我儿子小比尔...
  [00:31.84]And young Ryan here, the confirmation boy. 还有年轻的小伙子赖安...
  [00:35.20]And old Bill here. 和老比尔都是如此
  [00:41.88]I’d like to do a poem, if I may. 我要念首诗
  [00:45.56]To commemorate the occasion. 来庆祝这一时刻
  [00:49.04]Who do you think he’ll go with? 他会念谁的诗?
  [00:49.44]- Tennyson. - Browning. -坦尼森 -勃朗宁
  [00:52.04]- Yeats. - "Brown Penny." -耶茨 -"棕色便士"
  [00:53.28]By william Butler Yeats. 出自威廉-巴特-耶茨
  [00:55.72]Who knows her daddy? 谁了解她爸爸?
  [00:58.16]I whispered, "I am too young" 曾自问,"年纪尚小"

  [01:02.36]And then, "I am old enough" 转念想,"年岁够高"
  [01:06.64]Wherefore I threw a penny To find out if I might love. 因此上权将便士抛 可否将那妙人儿找
  [01:11.92]"Go and love, go and love, young man, If the lady be young and fair." "且去找,且去找, 若那人儿芳龄正少样儿俏"
  [01:17.68]Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny 啊,便士,棕色便士,棕色便士
  [01:21.16]I am looped in the loops of her hair. 如云秀发,怎堪其扰
  [01:23.24]O love is the crooked thing 这情字实奸狡
  [01:26.80]There is nobody wise enough 无人可料
  [01:31.36]To find out all that is in it 个中玄妙
  [01:36.48]For he would be thinking of love Till the stars had run away 只落得,想到那星儿渐淡
  [01:40.12]And the shadows eaten the moon. 月儿渐消
  [01:44.52]Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny 啊,便士,棕色便士,棕色便士
  [01:50.80]One cannot begin it too soon. 好花堪折休嫌早
  [02:02.00]- So good to see you, Aunt Eileen. - It’s always a pleasure. -见到你真好,艾琳姑妈 -总是让人高兴
  [02:07.76]- Mother Teresa! - Mother Teresa. No. Stop. Michael! -特蕾莎 -特蕾莎,停下,迈克
  [02:09.56]It’s okay. I don’t mind. 没关系,我不介意
  [02:12.60]- She doesn’t mind. - That’s not the point. -她不会介意 -问题不在这
  [02:16.32]She actually likes dogs. And me. She just forgets. 她确实喜欢狗,还有我, 只是她忘了
  [02:19.76]- Bye. - Sarah. Darling. -再见 -莎拉,亲爱的

  [02:21.48]Some pressing business has come up... 我有点事要忙...
  [02:24.84]...and I was hoping you’d ferry Dolly home for me. ...希望你能替我送多莉回家
  [02:30.56]- Okay. Sure, Dad. - I don’t mind staying. -没问题,爸 -我不介意留在这
  [02:31.92]You’re a sweetheart. Both of you. 你真体贴,你俩都是
  [02:41.48]So, what do you think of my competition? 你觉得我的对手怎么样?
  [02:44.32]I don’t really wanna discuss my father’s... 我不太想谈论我父亲的...
  [02:49.80]oh, it’s okay. It’s okay. I know. A woman always knows. 没什么,没什么,我明白, 女人向来都明白
  [02:52.60]Not always. 也不总是
  [02:56.76]- Your guy go younger? - Yeah. -你前夫找了更年轻的? -对
  [03:01.72]They always go younger, don’t they? 他们爱找年轻的
  [03:02.72]It does seem to trend that way, doesn’t it? 看起来是那样
  [03:05.64]When they’re 80, they want 60. When they’re 60, they want 40. 80岁时想找60岁的, 60岁时想找40岁的
  [03:07.52]When they’re 80, they want 40. And they get it. 80想找40的都能找到
  [03:11.00]Goddamn supply and demand. 见鬼的供求关系
  [03:11.96]We ought to kill the guy who thought that one up. 想出这点子的人简直该杀
  [03:16.12]- So you didn’t see it coming, huh? - No, I thought we were happy. -所以你没想到是吧? -没有,我以为我们很幸福
  [03:19.84]Maybe not "happy" happy, but, you know, satisfied. 也许够不上幸福,但还算满意
  [03:23.12]I thought we were happy three times. 我有三次以为我们很幸福
  [03:25.08]Got a live one. 有信息来了
  [03:30.28]You gotta come take a look at this. 你该来看看
  [03:30.88]I love this Internet. It’s part fantasy, part community. 我喜欢网络, 有点象幻境,又有点象群落
  [03:35.84]And you get to pay your bills naked. 还可以光着身子付帐
  [03:38.80]They don’t stress that enough as a selling point. 这可没当成卖点来强调
  [03:39.40]It’s Jeremy in San Diego. 是圣地亚哥的杰雷米
  [03:43.52]He thinks I’m 16. He inverted the numbers in my age. 他以为我才16, 他把我的年纪弄倒了
  [03:47.08]- I didn’t have the heart to tell him. - That would’ve been cruel. -我都不敢告诉他 -那太残忍了
  [03:48.16]He comes to me for advice. He thinks I’m very mature. 他是来向我请教,他觉得我很成熟
  [03:52.32]We’re pinned. 都成习惯了
  [03:55.80]- You’re on this, aren’t you? - PerfectMatch. Com. -你上网没有? -上了绝配网
  [03:59.48]Honey, you gotta put more bets on the table. 亲爱的,你得多下些本钱
  [03:59.92]- What, just one site? - Yeah. -就一家网站吗? -对
  [04:04.16]I’m on at least 10. You get to try out different personalities. 我至少上了10家,你得尝试不同的个性
  [04:06.96]Like here. I say: 比如这,我说:
  [04:10.84]"I’m into opera, antiques, poetry in the original Greek." "我喜欢歌剧,古玩,古希腊诗歌"

  [04:13.68]And on this one: 而在这家:
  [04:16.48]"I like to skydive, ride motorcycles and enjoy rodeo." "我喜欢跳伞,骑摩托车和牛仔竞技表演"
  [04:22.08]But you don’t do any of those things. 但你一样都没干过
  [04:24.36]It’s an ad. It’s like those cars that say they get 30 miles to the gallon. 这是广告, 就象汽车广告说一加仑油能跑30英里
  [04:26.44]I mean, who knows. 谁会知道呢
  [04:33.92]I’m not comfortable advertising myself this way. 我不习惯这样推销自己
  [04:34.56]Honey, when you get to be my age and approaching your expiration date... 亲爱的, 当你到了我这年纪,大限将至时...
  [04:40.68]...it pays to advertise. This baby never sleeps. ...广告就有用了,这宝贝从不睡觉
  [04:42.52]It’s working for me 24 hours a day, God bless its little Pentium-chip heart. 24小时为我工作, 上帝保佑它这颗"奔腾"的心
  [04:49.76]So tell me about your ex. 跟我说说你前夫吧
  [04:51.16]Kevin. He’s a fireman. 凯文,是名消防员
  [04:55.76]And cute. Very, very cute. 而且非常非常可爱
  [04:57.04]I have the calendars. 挂历上有的是
  [04:59.20]We met when I was dating all my brothers’ friends. 我们认识时 我的约会对象都是我兄弟的朋友
