听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 02(在线收听

  [00:04.84]So, what’s the news from the front? 那么,能不能说些前线的新闻?
  [00:08.16]Can’t say, of course, classified. 当然不可以 这是机密
  [00:11.72]Danger is our business 直面危险是我们的家常便饭
  [00:13.08]and I’m sorry to say, business is all too good. 但不得不承认 危险这活儿实在是不错
  [00:17.88]Excuse me, got to get to Wing Commander. 借光 我要找飞行指挥官
  [00:20.88]-Excuse me, Wing Commander! -Yes? - 飞行指挥官,打扰了! - 什么事?
  [00:24.56]Sir, where do I sign up? 长官, 我该去哪里报名参军?
  [00:25.24]-Aren’t you a bit on the wee side? - Talk about small wingspan. - 你是不是有点太小了? - 你的侧翼才这么大
  [00:38.00]There’s always a place for a few valiant birds. 对于勇敢的鸟总是有机会的
  [00:40.96]Tomorrow in London. 明天在伦敦可以报名
  [00:41.96]I’d Iove to stay, 我很想多留下一会
  [00:44.96]but duty calls and we must answer. 但是我们还有必须完成的任务
  [00:45.80]Beaks up, boys. 兄弟们,休息结束
  [00:49.00]Let’s make wind. 让我们出发吧
  [00:51.52]Hip, hip, hooray! 嘿,嘿,万岁!
  [00:55.20]Hip, hip, hooray! 嘿,嘿,万岁!
  [01:18.80]-I do all the work, don’t I? -You should have my job. - 所有的事情都要我来做么? - 你应该帮我做一些
  [01:21.48]I’m more talented and handsome. 我比你聪明并且比你帅
  [01:26.84]"Herr" General! “黑”将军!
  [01:30.36]Welcome back, General Von Talon. 欢迎你回来 范·塔伦将军
  [01:32.88]Congratulations, sir. 恭喜你,长官

  [01:33.60]-Another triumph. -"Jawohl", General. - 又一个战利品 - “当心”(德语),将军
  [01:37.44]Under the Geneva Convention, and as an officer, 按照日内瓦公约 作为一名军官
  [01:41.60]I have the right to be treated as a pigeon of war. 我应该得到做为战鸽的优待
  [01:42.24]Have no fear, 不要害怕
  [01:45.60]you will be. 你将会被优待
  [01:49.28]Take him to the cage. 把它关到笼子里
  [01:52.12]Get your talons off me, you filthy falcons. 把你的爪子拿开 你们这些肮脏的鹰
  [02:01.20]Pigeons, pathetic Iittle creatures. 鸽子 可怜的小东西
  [02:08.04]You don’t eat prisoners of war, do you? 你不吃战俘,是吧?
  [02:11.56]Eat you? 吃掉你?
  [02:14.60]I’m a vegetarian. 我是素食主义者
  [02:18.08]Yet you wear a Ieather cape. 但你的斗篷是皮制的?
  [02:20.44]Who is your contact in the Resistance? 谁是你在抵抗组织里的联络人?
  [02:26.80]They’II send a crack team to rescue me. 他们会派最好的队伍来营救我
  [02:27.60]Rescue you? You’re a pigeon. 营救你?你只是一只鸽子
  [02:29.84]Do you think you’re important? 你认为你很重要么?
  [02:33.36]VIP, Very Important Pigeon. 我是VIP 非常重要的鸽子
  [02:36.88]Very Impudent Pigeon. 我看你是非常自大的鸽子
  [02:39.56]Who is your contact in the Resistance? 谁是你在抵抗组织里的联络人?
  [02:45.08]Oh, no. 无可奉告
  [02:45.76]Speak! 快说!
  [02:47.76]This canary will never sing. 我什么也不会告诉你
  [02:52.92]Listen to your mother, you can’t go. 听妈妈的话 你不能去

  [02:54.80]Mum, there’s a war going on, I want to do my bit. 妈妈,战争正在进行 我想尽我的义务
  [03:02.84]Goodbye. 再见
  [03:04.04]-The falcons will tear you apart. -Mum. - 猎鹰会把你撕碎 - 妈妈
  [03:08.36]-My dear Iittle baby. -Mother, that’s not helping! - 我的小宝贝 - 妈妈,这样做是没用的!
  [03:12.68]Mother, honestly, I’m going to be fine. 妈妈,相信我 我会照顾好自己的
  [03:16.20]-You were such a cute Iittle egg. -Mum. - 你还是一个可爱的蛋啊 - 妈妈
  [03:20.20]I’m not an egg anymore, it’s time I Ieft the nest. 我不再是只蛋了 是时候出去闯荡了
  [03:25.12]No one thinks I can do this, 他们都不相信我能做到
  [03:26.96]and it may be my only chance to show them that they’re wrong. 这可能是我唯一的机会 让他们看看他们都说错了
  [03:32.48]At Ieast have some breakfast before you go. 至少在走之前吃点早饭吧
  [03:36.76]Mum... 妈妈
  [03:38.28]No, thanks. 我不吃了,谢谢
  [03:40.48]-Valiant. -Right, then. - 瓦兰特 - 好了
  [03:44.32]I Iove you, goodbye. 我爱你,再见
  [03:49.68]You’II always be an egg to me. 对我来说你永远都是个蛋
  [03:56.08]I’m off now, Felix! 我要出发了,菲力克斯!
  [03:56.72]Ahoy there, Valiant! 喂,瓦兰特!
  [03:59.40]-Wish me Iuck. -Good Iad! - 祝我好运吧 - 勇敢的小伙
  [04:01.76]Goodbye! 再见!
  [04:06.28]That boy is going to get creamed. 这个孩子一定会出人头地的
  [04:11.64]Valiant pigeon, fearless flyer. 鸽子瓦兰特 大无畏的飞行员
  [04:18.00]Pride of the allied forces, 盟军的骄傲
  [04:19.16]feared by the enemy, 敌人的噩梦
  [04:21.04]Ioved by the Iadies. 女士们的偶像
  [04:22.72]Humble. 需要谦虚点
  [04:26.88]Spits danger smack in the eye! 不要把危险放在眼里!
  [04:39.68]Look at that, it’s London! 看啊,是伦敦!
  [04:48.88]AIright, alright, Iisten up. 好了,好了,听好
  [04:50.12]This is easy, I mean, for intelligent boys Iike you. 这很简单的,我是说 尤其对于你们这些聪明的人
  [04:53.80]Keep your eyes on the pebble, you can’t go wrong. 看好这个小石头 千万不要搞错啊
  [04:55.32]Give her a chance and she’II give you the slip. 只要给她一点机会 她就偷偷溜走哦
  [04:58.48]Find her and the crumbs are yours. 能找到她,面包屑就是你们的
