听电影学英语-返老还童 11(在线收听

  [00:02.48]My wife passed away many years ago 我太太很多年前过了身
  [00:08.12]Oh, I’m so, so sorry 我也很遗憾
  [00:09.32]She died in childbirth 她是因为难产而死
  [00:15.80]To children 敬小孩子
  [00:18.44]To mothers 敬母亲
  [00:22.80]What line of work you in, Mr. Button? 你从事哪种行业?
  [00:24.80]Buttons. Button’s Buttons. There isn’t a button that we don’t make 制造钮扣 巴顿钮扣厂,什么钮扣都能做
  [00:32.56]Our biggest competition is B. F. Goodrich and his infernal zippers 我们最大的竞争对手是 古力治和他可恶的拉链
  [00:35.72]Would you gentlemen like anything else? 你们想再来什么吗?
  [00:40.52]One for the road, Benjamin? 走之前再喝一杯?
  [00:42.92]Only if you let me pay for it, Mr. Button 除非你让我请客
  [00:44.48]So, what line of work do you do? 你又是做什么的?
  [00:48.08]I’m a tugboat man 我是拖船水手
  [00:58.40]THOMAS; I enjoyed talking to you 跟你聊天很愉快
  [00:59.12]I enjoyed drinking with you 跟你喝酒也很愉快
  [01:07.20]Benjamin? 班哲明?
  [01:08.28]Would you mind if, time to time, I stopped by and said hello? 我能偶尔过来打声招呼吗?
  [01:12.92]Any time. Good night, Mr. Button 随时欢迎,晚安,巴顿先生
  [01:16.40]Good night, Benjamin 晚安,班哲明
  [01:16.88]Drive on 开车
  [01:24.28]Where have you been? 你去了哪里?
  [01:27.56]Nothing. I met some people... 没去哪里,我遇见一些人
  [01:29.72]...listened to some music 听了一些音乐
  [01:34.92](RETCHING) Oh, sweet Jesus, boy! 老天爷!
  [01:37.96]BENJAMIN; Growing up’s a funny thing. Sneaks up on you 长大是件怪事,让人措手不及
  [01:41.56]One person is there, then suddenly somebody else has taken her place 本来认识的一个人 突然变成别人取代了她
  [01:46.04]She wasn’t all elbows and knees anymore 她不是个小女孩了
  [01:48.20]Benjamin. Come on 班哲明,来啦!
  [01:50.08]Okay 好
  [01:52.28]I loved those weekends when she’d come and spend the night with her grandmother 我喜欢她来看她奶奶的周末
  [02:05.52]BENJAMIN (WHISPERS) ; Daisy 黛丝
  [02:06.60]Daisy 黛丝
  [02:08.88]You wanna see something? 你想看样东西吗?
  [02:12.80]You gotta keep it a secret 你一定要保密
  [02:14.84]So get dressed. I’ll meet you out back 去换衣服,我在后面等你
  [02:21.52]Shh. Come on 嘘,来吧
  [02:24.32]Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?
  [02:26.96]I can do anything you can do 你会的我都会
  [02:27.88]Here, put this on. We gotta hurry 穿上去,我们得快点
  [02:45.60]DAISY; Is he okay? 他没事吧?
  [02:46.96](IN NORMal VOICE) Captain? 船长?
  [02:49.68]Captain Mike? 米高船长?
  [02:55.40]Morning, captain. Can you take us out? 早啊,船长 你能带我们出海吗?
  [02:59.00]Do you know what day it is? 你知道今天是啥日子吗?
  [02:59.08]BENJAMIN; Sunday? 星期天?
  [03:01.68]Do you know what that means? 你知道这代表什么吗?
  [03:06.16]Means I was very drunk last night 我昨晚喝得烂醉

  [03:09.96]Well, you’re drunk every night 你每晚都喝得烂醉
  [03:13.00]Is that a girl? 那是个女孩吗?
  [03:13.28]Close friend. I wanna show her the river 她是我好友,我想带她看河
  [03:16.68]You’re not supposed to go joyriding with civilians 你不能和女生坐船游河
  [03:21.76]I could lose my license 我会被吊销执照
  [03:33.40]What are you waiting for? 你还在等什么?
  [04:04.20]MIKE; Pulled in for repair. A wounded duck 邮轮坏了,被拖去维修
  [04:10.36]She’s flying now, huh? 现在快得像在飞行
  [04:12.28]MAN; Ahoy, sailor! 喂,水手
  [04:18.60]I wish we could go with them 真希望能跟他们一起走
  [04:27.68]Did you say something, Mom? 妈,你说什么?
  [04:36.72]It’s getting really bad 天气愈来愈糟
  [04:41.48]Can you hear me, Mom? 你听得到吗?
  [04:44.76]Time just seeped out of me 时光一去不回头
  [04:55.52]"Things were changing quickly." 一切都改变得很快
  [04:57.56]I don’t know how it’s possible, but you seem to have more hair 我不知道这是怎么可能 不过你头发多了
