听电影学英语-返老还童 27(在线收听

  [00:26.88]I promise you I’ll never lose myself to self-pity again 我保证不会再自怨自艾
  [00:32.84]And I think right there and then... 我想就在那一刻
  [00:36.64]...she realized none of us is perfect forever 她领悟到没有人是永远完美
  [00:40.76]<font size=18 color=#4096d1>(舞蹈教室)
  [00:45.08]She found peace 她得到平静
  [00:49.32]She opened a studio and taught young girls how to dance 她开了舞蹈教室教小女孩跳舞
  [00:52.20]DAISY; And tendu 伸展
  [00:54.48]Come back the other way. And spot, spot, spot 从另一边转回来,看着定点
  [00:57.96]Excellent 非常好
  [01:00.56]-Good night, Miss Daisy. -Good night - 晚安,黛丝小姐 - 晚安
  [01:00.96]GIRL; That was a good class 很好的一堂课
  [01:29.52]You certainly are beautiful to watch 你真是赏心悦目
  [01:32.68]Dancing’s all about the line 跳舞最重要的是线条
  [01:39.64]The line of your body 身体的线条
  [01:40.32]Sooner or later, you lose that line, and you never get it back 迟早会失去它,再也不会有
  [01:51.44]I figure you were born in 1 91 8... 你在1918年出生
  [01:55.56]...forty-nine years ago 那是49年前
  [01:57.60]I’m 43 我今年43岁
  [02:00.00]We are almost the same age 年纪差不多
  [02:08.48]We’re meeting in the middle 我们步入中年才在一起
  [02:09.96]We finally caught up with each other 终于赶上对方的年纪
  [02:11.96]Wait 等一下
  [02:16.12]I wanna remember us just as we are now 我想永远记得现在的我们
  [02:27.64]I’m pregnant 我怀孕了
  [02:48.32]You know, I swear the nurse slipped, and said it was a boy 我发誓护士大话说是个男孩
  [03:05.40]But I think it’s a girl 不过我觉得是个女仔
  [03:13.76]DAISY; I know you’re afraid 我知道你很害怕
  [03:16.68]I’m not hiding it 我没有隐瞒
  [03:17.36]Okay 好吧
  [03:26.08]-What’s your worst fear? -Baby born like me - 你最怕什么? - 孩子生下来会像我
  [03:27.88]Then I will love it all the more 那我就会更爱她
  [03:33.36]Okay 好吧
  [03:35.12]How can I be a father when I’m heading in the other direction? 我一直变年轻怎么能当爸爸?
  [03:38.60]It’s not fair to a child 这对孩子不公平
  [03:40.04]I don’t wanna be anybody’s burden 我不想当任何人的负担
  [03:41.12]Sugar, we all end up in diapers 我们迟早都会包尿布
  [03:45.16]I am gonna make this work 我会想办法的
  [03:51.96]I want this and I want it with you 我要跟你生一个孩子
  [03:54.44]I want you to have everything you want, all of it 你要什么我都给你
  [03:56.72]I’m just not sure how to reconcile this-- 只是我不知道该怎么做才好
  [04:00.56]Would you tell a blind man he couldn’t have children? 你会对盲人说他不能有小孩?
  [04:03.88]Here you go 来了
  [04:04.16]You’ll be a father for as long as you can 你能当爸爸多久就算多久
  [04:07.12]I know the consequences. I’ve accepted that 我知道后果,我也能接受

  [04:12.60]Loving you is worth everything to me 对我来说,爱你一切都值得
  [04:19.76]I have to go pee 我得去尿尿
  [04:34.60]MAN (ON TV) ; The oldest woman to ever swim the English Channel... 她是史上游过英吉利海峡
  [04:36.28]-...arrived here today in Calais... BENJAMIN; Keep it - 年纪最大的女人 - 不用找
  [04:39.64]...having made the swim in 34 hours, 22 minutes and 1 4 seconds 她花了34小时22分钟14秒
  [04:44.32]The 68-year-old Elizabeth Abbott arrived at 5:38 Greenwich mean time... 68岁的伊莉莎白艾毕 在格林威治时间5点38分到达
  [04:48.12]...exhausted but happy 她很累,但是很开心
  [04:50.28]Ms. Abbott, how would you sum up, in words, this achievement? 你对这个成就有什么话想说?
  [04:53.20]I suppose... 我估
  [04:55.44]...anything’s possible. Heh, heh, heh 什么都有可能
