听电影学英语-食品公司 04(在线收听

  [00:03.10]and they’re just not gonna complain. 所以他们也没什么好抱怨的
  [00:04.10]The companies like these kind of workers. 公司喜欢这种工人
  [00:09.10]It doesn’t matter if the chickens get sick. 鸡生病了也不要紧
  [00:13.46]All of the chickens will go to the plant 所有鸡(包括病鸡哦)都会送到工厂里
  [00:15.46]for processing. 做加工处理 病鸡加工后也和其他鸡只一同卖给人吃
  [00:35.06]The companies keep the farmers under their thumb 公司之所以能够控制这些鸡农
  [00:39.58]because of the debt that the farmers have. 是因为他们都欠了债
  [00:42.90]To build one poultry house 建一座鸡舍的费用
  [00:44.94]is anywhere from $280,000 to $300,000 per house. 大概是28万到30万美元之间
  [00:48.94]And once you make your initial investment, 当你做了初始投资
  [00:53.62]the companies constantly come back 公司就会定期要求
  [00:55.62]with demands of upgrades 进行技术改造
  [00:56.46]for new equipment, 添置设备
  [00:58.46]and the grower has no choice. 鸡农没有选择
  [01:00.50]They have to do it 他们只能按公司要求做
  [01:01.14]or you’re threatened with loss of a contract. 否则就会被威胁解除协议
  [01:08.34]This is how they keep the farmers under control. 这就是他们控制鸡农的手段
  [01:09.86]It’s how they keep them spending money, 这就是他们胁迫鸡农加大投入的手段
  [01:13.70]going to the bank and borrowing more money. 不断去银行贷款
  [01:15.70]The debt just keeps building. 直到债台高筑
  [01:20.06]To have no say in your business, 对自己的生意没有发言权
  [01:23.22]it’s degrading. 这很屈辱
  [01:25.26]It’s like being a slave to the company. 就像成为了公司的奴隶
  [01:29.50]裴顿世家公司(Perdue)拒绝本片采访 裴顿世家公司:美国东海岸最大的家禽企业
  [01:36.50]当Carole拒绝将鸡舍升级成 “管道通风式的无光鸡舍”后,她的合约被终止了
  [01:48.90]一个典型的拥有两个养鸡场的鸡农 已经向银行借了50万美元 却一年只挣1万8千美元 (如何能还清贷款啊)
  [02:14.10]MICHAEL POLLAN:《杂食动物左右为难 THE OMNIVORE’S DILEMMA》一书作者
  [02:16.46]Pollan: The idea that you would need to write a book 需要通过写一本书
  [02:19.30]telling people where their food came from 来告诉人们食物的来源
  [02:21.30]is just a sign of how far removed we’ve become. 这就标志着生产者已经和消费者隔绝了
  [02:23.14]It seems to me that we’re entitled to know about our food-- 在我看来,我们理应知道更多关于我们的食物的事情
  [02:27.98]"Who owns it? How are they making it? "谁在生产食物?是怎么生产的?"
  [02:31.18]Can I have a look in the kitchen?" "我可以看一下厨房吗?"
  [02:34.54]When I wanted to understand the industrial food system, 当我打算了解食品工业的时候
  [02:39.06]what I set about doing was very simple. 我的初衷是很简单的
  [02:41.54]I wanted to trace the source of my food. 我想跟踪食物的来源
  [02:45.22]When you go through the supermarket, 当你在超级市场中穿行
  [02:47.42]what looks like this cornucopia of variety and choice is not. 眼前这些琳琅满目的选择其实都不存在

  [02:52.10]There is an illusion of diversity. 食品的多样性只是假象
  [02:52.78]There are only a few companies involved 参与生产的只有几家公司
  [02:55.10]and there’re only a few crops involved. 也只有几种农作物
  [02:59.46]What really surprised me most 最让我惊奇的是
  [02:59.82]as I followed that food back to its source, 我追踪食物来源的轨迹
  [03:04.66]I kept ending up in the same place, 总是把我带到同一个地方
  [03:07.30]and that was a cornfield in Iowa. 爱荷华州的一块玉米地
  [03:07.82]So much of our industrial food 有如此多以工业化方式生产的食物
  [03:11.86]turns out to be clever rearrangements of corn. 原来只是改头换面之后的玉米而已
  [03:22.38]Corn has conquered the world in a lot of ways. 玉米以多种方式征服了世界
  [03:26.38]It is a remarkable plant. 它是一种不同寻常的植物
  [03:27.42]100 years ago, a farmer in America 100年前,一个美国农民
  [03:29.94]could grow maybe 20 bushels of corn on an acre. 可以在1亩地里种20蒲式耳的玉米(1蒲式耳约为35.24升)
  [03:33.78]Today, 200 bushels is no problem. 现在,200蒲式耳也不在话下
  [03:38.94]That’s an astonishing achievement 这是了不起的成就
  [03:40.14]for which breeders deserve credit, 里面有育种者的功劳
  [03:42.14]for which fertilizer makers deserve credit, 有化肥生产者的功劳
  [03:46.14]for which pesticide makers all deserve credit. 也有杀虫剂生产者的功劳
  [03:54.86]Roush: In the United States today, 在今天的美国
  [03:56.18]30% of our land base is being planted to corn. 30%的耕地被用来种玉米
  [04:02.38]That’s largely driven by government policy, 政府政策的推动是主要原因
  [04:04.70]government policy that, in effect, 现行的政府政策,实际上
  [04:06.74]allows us to produce corn below the cost of production. 让我们能够以低于种植成本的价格销售玉米
  [04:08.74]The truth of the matter is we’re paid to overproduce, 事实上,我们即使过量生产还是能拿到补贴
  [04:13.58]and it was caused by 这其实是由于 TROY ROUSH:美国谷物种植协会副主席
  [04:20.46]The reason our government’s promoting corn 我们的政府推广种玉米的原因就是
  [04:22.46]the Cargills, the ADMs, Tyson, Smithfield 卡吉尔公司,ADM公司,泰森公司,史密斯菲尔德公司
  [04:23.62]they have an interest in purchasing corn below the cost of production. 能通过使用廉价玉米制作食品而获利
  [04:30.34]They use that interest and that extensive amount of money they have 他们用这些利益和本身拥有的庞大资本
  [04:34.82]to lobby Congress to give us the kind of farm bills we now have. 游说国会,发行我们现在所知的"农业票据"
  [04:37.86]Pollan: A "farm bill," 所谓"农业票据"
  [04:40.70]which should really be called a "food bill," 应该称为"食物票据"
  [04:42.38]codifies the rules of the entire food economy. 为食品经济的运行定下规则
  [04:45.70]Farm policy is always focused on these commodity crops 农业政策的重点一直都是经济作物
  [04:49.58]because you can store them. 因为它们便于储存

  [04:55.10]We encourage farmers to grow as much corn as they can grow, 我们一直鼓励农民尽其所能种植玉米
  [04:57.94]to get big, to consolidate. 发展壮大,互相兼并
  [04:59.46]We subsidize farmers by the bushel. 我们按产量发放补贴
