听电影学英语-暮光之城 03(在线收听

  [00:03.60]Seriously, like, don't waste your time. 说真的,你别浪费时间了
  [00:06.20]I wasn't planning on it. 我没这个打算
  [00:18.92]- Mr. Molina. - Hey, Mike. - 莫列那老师 - 嘿,麦克
  [00:22.44]Oh, yes. Miss Swan. 斯旺小姐
  [00:38.72]Hi. Can I have the pass? Thank you. 给我看看听课证,谢谢
  [00:42.48]Welcome to the class. Here. Here's your stuff, okay? 欢迎你来上课,这是你的课本
  [00:43.08]And I got a seat for you right here, so come over. 我留了个位给你,这边来
  [00:45.04]The last one. Just follow along till you catch up. 空着那个,专心听课很快就能跟上
  [00:48.64]All right, guys, today we are gonna be observing the behavior of planaria, 好的,今天我们观察涡虫
  [00:53.32]aka flatworms. 它又叫扁虫
  [00:55.92]So what we're gonna do... 我们要…
  [01:03.40]...regenerate. 让它再生
  [01:05.84]Zombie worms. 僵尸虫
  [01:06.44]No cell phones. Guys, let's get to it. 别玩手机,同学们,开始动手吧
  [01:10.40]Gentle, gentle, certain areas. 在某些部位要轻点,轻点
  [01:14.72]Please just don't cut here. We don't cut here. 别切这里,不是切这里的
  [01:18.08]You won't believe this. 你们不会相信…
  [01:18.96]Let's try to focus while we check those out, huh, guys? 做的时候要专心,好吗?
  [01:34.76]- Physics? Biochem? - No, every class is full. - 物理?生物化学? - 没了,课程全都满了
  [01:35.16]There must be something open. 应该还有开别的课的
  [01:40.96]Just a minute, dear. 我看看
  [01:41.52]I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. 恐怕你还是要继续上生物课了
  [01:45.92]Fine. Just... I'll just have to endure it. 那好,那我只能忍受
  [02:03.88]I just can't get over how grown up you are. And so gorgeous. 你长那么大了,还那么漂亮
  [02:09.36]Hey, Bella. 嘿,贝拉
  [02:11.76]You remember me? 记得我吗?
  [02:14.24]I played Santa one year. 有一年我扮圣诞老人的
  [02:17.04]Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four. 伟伦,她四岁开始就没在这里过圣诞了
  [02:18.00]I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I? 我以为我会给她留下印象的,没有吗?
  [02:20.80]- You always do. - Butt-crack Santa? - 你一直都有 - 股沟圣诞老人?
  [02:24.20]Hey, kids love those little bottles, though. 孩子们都喜欢这些小瓶子
  [02:26.48]All right, let the girl eat her garden burger, Waylon. 好吧,别阻着她吃田园汉堡,伟伦
  [02:30.72]As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. 吃完后还有你最爱吃的
  [02:31.72]Berry cobbler, remember? 浆果馅饼,记得吗?
  [02:33.32]Your dad still has it. Every Thursday. 你爸爸还经常吃,每个星期四都来
  [02:36.32]Thank you. That'd be great. 谢谢,那太好了
  [02:45.56]Here. 这里
  [02:46.88]Thanks. 谢谢
  [02:57.60]Hey, baby. So, listen, if spring training goes well, 宝贝,如果春季训练进行顺利的话
  [02:59.96]we could be moving to Florida. 我们会搬去佛州
  [03:01.88]Please insert $1.25 for an additional three minutes. 请投币1.25美元,延长3分钟通话时间
  [03:02.56]Mom, where's your cell? 妈妈,你的手机呢
  [03:04.64]Okay, don't laugh. 别笑我啊
  [03:07.76]I didn't lose my power cord. It ran away. 不是我弄掉充电器的,它自己跑了
  [03:10.48]Screaming. I literally repel technology now. 笑吧,我现在正式抵制高科技
  [03:14.20]- I miss you. - Oh, baby, I miss you, too. - 我想你 - 宝贝,我也想你
  [03:16.36]But tell me more about your school. Now, what are the kids like? 告诉我学校的事情 那里的小孩是怎么样的?
  [03:19.84]Are there any cute guys? 有没有帅哥?
  [03:22.36]Are they being nice to you? 他们对你好吗?
  [03:25.64]Well, 嗯
  [03:27.08]they're all very welcoming. 他们都很友好
  [03:29.80]Tell me all about it. 那告诉我
  [03:32.96]It doesn't even matter. 这有什么关系?
  [03:34.04]Yes, it does, honey. 有的,宝贝
  [03:36.08]I have homework to do. I'll talk to you later. 我要做作业,下次再聊
  [03:40.64]Love you, too. 我也爱你
  [03:40.76]Okay. I love you. 好,我爱你
  [03:50.88]I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. 我打算与他对质,问他到底有什么问题
  [04:04.88]But he never showed. 但他没出现
  [04:13.44]Bella! 贝拉!
  [04:28.36]And the next day, another no-show. 第二天,也没出现
  [04:35.00]More days passed. 日子一天天过去
  [04:37.80]Things were getting a little strange. 事情变得有点怪异
