
THE PRESIDENT:Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Tempore, members of Congress,
[00:-1.00]and fellow Americans:
[00:-2.00]In the normal course of events, Presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the Union.
[00:-3.00]Tonight, no such report is needed. It has already been delivered by the American people.
[00:-4.00]We have seen it in the courage of passengers, who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground - passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer.
[00:-4.50]我们已经看到乘客的勇气,为了救活地面上的其他人,他们冲向恐怖分子,乘客们就像一个特别训练的人例如:Todd Beamer
[00:-5.00]And would you please help me to welcome his wife, Lisa Beamer, here tonight. (Applause.)
[00:-5.50]今晚在这儿你们将帮助我一起欢迎他们的妻子,Lisa Beamer,
[00:-6.00]We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion.
[00:-7.00]We have seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles,
[00:-8.00]the giving of blood, the saying of prayers - in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
[00:-9.00]We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of stranges their own.
[00:10.00]My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for itself the state of our Union - and it is strong. (Applause.)
[00:11.00]Tonight we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom.
[00:12.00]Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution.
[00:13.00]Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. (Applause.)
[00:14.00]I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time.
[00:15.00]All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol,
[00:16.00]singing "God Bless America." And you did more than sing; you acted, by delivering $40 billion to rebuild our communities and meet the needs of our military.
[00:16.50]唱着“上帝保佑美国。”你们不仅仅是 唱歌, 你们还付出了行动,通过递送400亿美圆重建我们的共和体,同时满足我们军队的需要。
[00:17.00]Speaker Hastert, Minority Leader Gephardt, Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lott,
[00:17.50]Hastert,少数领导者Gephardt,和主要领导者Daschle与Senator Lott。
[00:18.00]I thank  you for your friendship, for your leadership and for your service to our country. (Applause.)
[00:19.00]And on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring of support.
[00:20.00]America will never forget the sounds of our National Anthem playing at Buckingham Palace,
[00:21.00]on the streets of Paris, and at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.
[00:22.00]We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our embassy in Seoul,
[00:23.00]or the prayers of sympathy offered at mosque in Cairo.
[00:24.00]We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in Australia and Africa and Latin America.

[00:25.00]Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other nations who died with our own:
[00:26.00]dozens of Pakistanis; more than 130 Israelis; more than 250 citizens of India;
[00:27.00]men and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan; and hundreds of British citizens.
[00:28.00]America has no truer friend than Great Britain. (Applause.)
[00:29.00]Once again, we are joined together in a great cause - so honored the British Prime Minister has crossed an ocean to show his unity of purpose with America.
[00:30.00]Thank you for coming, friend. (Applause.)
[00:31.00]On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country.
[00:32.00]Americans have known wars - but for the past 136 years, they have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941.
[00:33.00]Americans have known the casualties of war - but not at the center of a great city on a peaceful morning.
[00:34.00]Americans have known surprise attacks - but never before on thousands of civilians.
[00:35.00]All of this was brought upon us in a single day - and night fell on a different world,
[00:36.00]a world where freedom itself is under attack.
[00:37.00]It is my hope that in the months and years ahead, life will return almost to normal.
[00:38.00]We'll go back to our lives and routines, and that is good.
[00:39.00]Even grief recedes with time and grace. But our resolve must not pass.
[00:40.00]Each of us will remember what happened that day, and to whom it happened.
[00:41.00]We'll remember the moment the news came - where we were and what we were doing.
[00:42.00]Some will remember an image of a fire, or a story of rescue. Some will carry memories of a face and a voice gone forever.
[00:43.00]And I will carry this:It is the police shield of a man named George Howard,
[00:43.50]我将带着这个,一个名叫George Howard人的警察的保护物。
[00:44.00]who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others.
[00:45.00]It was given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son.
[00:46.00]This is my reminder of lives that ended, and a task that does not end. (Applause.)
[00:47.00]I will not forget this wound to our country or those who inflicted it.
[00:48.00]I will not yield; I will not rest; I will not relent in waging this struggle for freedom and security for the American people.
[00:49.00]The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.

[00:50.00]Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them. (Applause.)
[00:51.00]Fellow citizens, we'll meet violence with patient justice - assured of the rightness of our cause,
[00:52.00]and confident of the victories to come. In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom,
[00:53.00]and may He watch over the United States of America.
