听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 10(在线收听

  [00:02.54](monologue) No, she was gone. 不,她离开了
  [00:05.74]come on. let's go. 来,我们走
  [00:05.82]no wait a minute. there should be a service. there should be a priest what's supposed to happen. 不,等一下,应该有个仪式,应该有个牧师祈祷的
  [00:12.90]When you go, we're gonna bury him. that's all. 你走后我们就埋了它,就这样
  [00:14.14]It's a SHE! 是“她"
  [00:18.90]That's my mother. 那是我母亲
  [00:19.94]not these cases. you didn't know that? 这里没有,你不知道吗?
  [00:20.82]There's no priest? 没有牧师吗?
  [00:24.22]She's dead. put her into the ground 她死了,把她埋了吧
  [00:31.74](monologue) priest no priest. what did it matter. she was gone. 有没有牧师有什么关系呢,她已经不在了
  [00:37.06](monologue) She was already rotting. 她已经开始腐烂
  [00:40.50]sorry 抱歉
  [00:40.54](monologue) Was I supposed to believe she found eternal peace? 我应该相信她找到了永恒的安宁吗?
  [00:52.70]so you come with us? 你和我们一起吗?
  [00:56.94]just go 先走吧
  [01:02.66]Hey wait 等等
  [01:23.38](writing)   Jean Murray, beloved.
  [01:39.34](writing)   (writing) Mother of Elizabeth and Lisa Murray 1954-1996
  [02:12.62]OK 好了
  [02:23.74]Listen, I'm gonna out of here ok? 我要离开了,好吗?
  [02:29.02]Liz, just I can't... I can't... I can't do this anymore. 丽思,我只是不能...不能...不能在这做任何事了
  [02:33.86]you know, so, I'm going. 那么我走了
  [02:37.62]Where? 去哪?
  [02:38.58]Group home? 教养院
  [02:42.14]crazy house? 疯人院...
  [02:43.50]This? This is crazy! 不,这里才叫人发疯
  [02:52.22]You should come with me. 你应该和我一块去
  [03:00.10]yeah, so, see you around. 好吧,后会有期
  [03:16.70](monologue) People die. Things decay. Everything that seemed so solid is meaningless. 人们死去,东西腐烂,所有有价值的东西没有了意义
  [03:28.22](monologue) All that left is gestures we make. gestures and air 留下的只有我们过去的影像,那些影像还有空气
  [03:33.34](monologue) that's what we remember. I remember riding with my mother through the slips. 我记得和母亲一起从斜坡上滑下来
  [03:38.94](monologue) The year ending. but her arms were warm around me when I was little and she was well. 那一年结束的时候,她用臂膀温暖着我,当时我还小,她也很健康
  [03:47.34](monologue) That was long ago. maybe it only happened once. 那是很久以前了,也许就只有那么一次
  [03:52.02](monologue) Maybe she betrayed me a thousand times. it didn't matter. 也许她背弃了我上千次,但没有关系
  [03:56.34](monologue) math was always a weak subject. we remember what we choose. 数学是我最差的功课,我们都记得我们的选择
  [03:59.82]get out of there 快出来
  [04:13.26]Where are you gonna put the stone? 你们在哪里放墓碑?
  [04:17.30]It's no stone here. There's no room. 没有墓碑,没有地方放
  [04:25.94](monologue) In a week, there would be no trace of her. but what did it matter?  一星期内就再也找不到她的痕迹了,但那又怎样
  [04:29.90](monologue) This wasn't the real world. we really only lived in each other's hearts. 这不是一个真实的世界,我们都活在彼此的心中
