听电影学英语—泰坦尼克号 29(在线收听

  [00:01.98]But we would like a brandy. 来点白兰地好了
  [00:13.10]Capitan. Capitan, where should I go? Please. 船长
  [00:23.22]Crewman: Captain! Captain, sir. 船长…
  [00:46.98](Orchestra StilI Playing)
  [00:54.66]Right, that's it, then. 就这样吧
  [00:57.94]Good-bye, Wally, good luck. 再见,祝好运
  [01:01.70]So long, old chap.
  [01:10.02](Begins Playing "Nearer My God To Thee")
  [01:23.82](Joins ln)
  [01:37.90](Orchestra StilI Playing)
  [02:13.66]And so they lived happily together for 300 years 他们活了三百年
  [02:19.14]in the land of Tir Na Nog 就在长生不老的仙境
  [02:21.90]the land of eternal youth and beauty.
  [02:35.14](Playing "Nearer My God To Thee")
  [02:50.50](Crewmen And Passengers Yelling)
  [02:57.98]There's no time! Cut those falls! 没时间了,割断绳索
  [03:02.70]Crewman: I need a knife. I need a knife. 我需要刀子
  [03:02.74]Cut them, cut them if you have to! 把绳索割断
  [03:10.10]Crewman: Cut her loose.
  [03:22.34]Cut those bloody falls. 把绳索割断!
  [04:04.54](Playing Last Notes Of Song)
  [04:08.58]Gentlemen, it has been a privilege 各位
  [04:12.38]playing with you tonight. 今晚很荣幸能跟你们合作
  [04:27.62](People Screaming)
