听电影学英语-变形金刚 21(在线收听

  [00:36.64]Wait, back up. You said the dam hides the Cube's energy. 你说水坝挡住方块的能量
  [00:42.40]- What kind exactly? - Good question. 到底是什么能量? 问的好
  [00:49.68]Please step inside. They have to lock us in. 请进来,他们要把门锁住
  [00:57.80]Oh, wow. 喔
  [00:58.88]What's that? Freddy Krueger done been up in here or something? 狂魔佛莱迪来过吗?
  [01:01.40]Oh, no, man. 不是啦
  [01:03.76]Freddy Krueger have four blades, man. That's only three. That's Wolverine! 佛莱迪有四根利爪 只有三条抓痕,一定是金刚狼
  [01:07.04]- Right? That's Wolverine! - That's very funny. 这是金刚狼 很好笑
  [01:12.92]Anybody have any mechanical devices? BlackBerry? Key alarm? Cell phone? 谁身上有电子用品? 掌上型电脑或是手机?
  [01:16.48]I got a phone. 我有手机
  [01:20.00]Nokias are real nasty. 诺基亚手机科技超进步
  [01:21.84]You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai. 日本人真有一套,他们很有武士精神
  [01:27.76]Nokia's from Finland. 诺基亚手机是芬兰的耶
  [01:30.72]Yes, but he's, you know, a little strange. He's a little strange. 没错,不过他是...他是个怪胎
  [01:36.08]We're able to take the Cube radiation and funnel it into that box. 我们可以把方块的辐射线 转移到那个箱子
  [01:56.08]- Mean little sucker, huh? - That thing is freaky! 可怕的小玩意儿 超恐怖的
  [02:00.72]Kind of like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh? 就像地狱来的劲量电池小白兔
  [02:14.44]He's breaking the box. 它会敲破箱子
  [02:33.84]Go! Go! Go! 行动!行动!
  [02:35.80]Move! 出发!
  [02:44.36]Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here. 它们知道方块在这里
  [02:48.32]Banachek. What's going on? 班纳契,这是怎么回事?
  [02:51.72]Well, the NBE One hangar has lost power... NBE一号停泊坪失去电力
  [02:52.12]- is just not gonna cut it. - Do you have an arms room? 备用发电机没有用 这里有武器室吗?
  [02:53.44]- What? ...and the backup generator 什么?
  [03:01.60]Megatron! Megatron! Megatron! I'll bring security to the... 霸天虎!霸天虎!
  [03:06.08]Get everyone to the NBE One chamber now! 大家赶到NBE一号停泊坪
  [03:07.64]- The lights are out! - Move it! Move it! - 灯灭了!- 行动!
  [03:08.44]Let's go! 快!
  [03:11.32]They're popping our generators! 它们摧毁了发电机
  [03:24.44]Megatron melting! 霸天虎解冻了
  [03:26.44]16502. We're losing pressure. 液氮管开始失压
  [03:30.12]Stand by! Set! 各就各位!
  [03:33.36]We're losing pressure! The cryogenic system is failing! We're losing NBE One! 冰冻系统失效,NBE一号开始解冻
  [03:41.72]Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table! 桌子上有40厘米穿甲弹
  [03:46.92]That's good. Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry. Bring it. 带上所有弹药
  [03:55.08]You got to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car. 带我去找我的车
  [03:56.36]He's gonna know what to do with the Cube. 它知道该怎么使用方块
  [03:59.00]- Your car? It's confiscated. - Then unconfiscate it. 你的车?它被没收了 把它还给我
  [04:00.72]We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing! 我们不知道它拿到方块会怎样
  [04:01.40]- You don't know. - Maybe you know, but I don't know. 你不知道 也许你知道,但我不知道
  [04:04.40]I have people's lives at stake here, young man. 人命关天,少年人
  [04:04.80]You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens? 你要在这里坐以待毙?
  [04:06.80]Take him to his car! 带他去找他的车
  [04:11.68]Drop it. 放下武器
  [04:14.56]Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! 喔!喔!喔!
  [04:17.32]Drop your weapon, soldier. 放下你的武器,大兵
  [04:18.32]There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me? 我们和外星人打仗,你却要杀我?
  [04:21.88]I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction. 我以第七区管辖权命令你...
  [04:22.68]You know, we didn't ask to be here. 我们并不想来这里
  [04:24.40]S-Seven don't exist. 第七区不存在
  [04:26.48]Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist. 我才不听不存在的人的命令
  [04:27.96]- I'm gonna count to five. Okay. - Well, I'm gonna count to three. 我要数到五 那我要数到三
  [04:33.44]- Simmons? - Yes, sir? 辛蒙斯? 是,长官
  [04:34.40]I'd do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys. 乖乖听他的话,他们不会接受失败

  [04:44.68]All right. Okay. 好吧
  [04:46.96]Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro? That's cool. 你想靠这小子的车拯救世界,无所谓
  [04:55.20]Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! 快住手
  [04:55.28]No, no! 不要...
  [05:00.28]No, no, stop, stop, stop! Let him go! Let him go! 住手,让它走
