听电影学英语-复制娇妻 17(在线收听

  [00:02.60]She's fabulous. 她真难以置信
  [00:04.80]All of this, Mike, the wives, Stepford, this was all your idea? 所有这些,迈克,太太们,斯戴福 都是你的主意?
  [00:07.12]Yes. All I wanted was a better world. 对 我想让这世界变得更好
  [00:11.08]A world where men were men and women were cherished and lovely. 一个男人像个男人 而女人迷人的被珍爱的世界
  [00:15.56]Does anyone have a screwdriver? 有人有螺丝刀吗?
  [00:19.84]She's nuts. 她疯了
  [00:30.44]A world of romance and beauty, 一个美丽和浪漫的世界
  [00:34.52]of tuxedos and chiffon, a perfect world. 燕尾服和薄纱礼服的世界 一个完美的世界
  [00:37.00]But you were married to a robot. 可你和一个机器人结了婚
  [00:41.00]The perfect man. 是最完美的男人
  [00:43.76]And all I wanted was to make you, all of you... 我想要的只是把你们 你们所有人…
  [00:47.28]...into perfect women. …变成完美的女人
  [00:49.32]We don't need to be perfect. 我们不需要完美
  [00:51.92]How could you do this to us? 你怎么能对我们这么干?
  [00:52.10]Because I was just like you. 因为我也曾经像你一样
  [00:55.40]Overstressed, overbooked, under-loved. 过分紧张,日程过于繁忙 可没有足够的爱
  [01:00.00]I was the world's foremost brain surgeon and genetic engineer. 我曾经是世界首席脑外科专家和基因工程师
  [01:03.16]I had top-secret contracts with the Pentagon, Apple and Mattel. 我和五角大楼,苹果电脑 美泰玩具都有顶级机密的合同
  [01:07.52]I was driven. 我身不由己
  [01:09.84]Exhausted. 身心俱疲
  [01:10.52]Until late one night, I came home to find... 然后在一天深夜 我回到家发现…
  [01:15.40]...Mike. 迈克
  [01:19.64]With Patricia. 和帕特里夏在一起
  [01:23.72]My brilliant... 我聪明的…
  [01:24.84]...blond... 21岁的…
  [01:27.44]...21 -year-old research assistant. 金发助理研究员
  [01:31.88]It was all so... 那是如此的…
  [01:38.04]...ugly. 难堪
  [01:40.56]Then early the next morning, as I gazed across the breakfast table 然后第二天清早 当我盯着餐桌对面
  [01:46.32]at their lifeless bodies, I thought... 他们毫无生气的尸体,我想…
  [01:49.68]..."What have I done?" “我做了什么?”
  [01:50.28]But more importantly... 但更重要的是…
  [01:54.56]...what I could do to make the world more beautiful? 我能做些什么 让这个世界变得更美丽?
  [01:58.20]But I needed help to realize my larger vision. 但是我需要帮助 来实现我更远大的规划
  [01:58.76]I had the skills. 我有技术
  [02:03.48]And so I made... 所以我制作了…
  [02:06.08]...Mike. 迈克
  [02:09.96]Because he was someone other men would listen to. 因为他是别的男人会听从的那种人
  [02:10.76]And then I asked myself, 然后我问自己
  [02:14.92]"Where would people never notice a town full of robots? “在哪里人们不会注意到 满满一个镇子的机器人呢?”
  [02:19.48]"Connecticut." “康涅狄格”
  [02:21.16]So I decided to turn back the clock, 所以我决定把时钟向前拨
  [02:27.48]to a time before overtime, 拨到需要加班之前
  [02:29.44]before quality time, 拨到我们向时间要质量之前
  [02:31.16]before women were turning themselves into robots. 拨到女人们把她们变成机器人之前
  [02:34.92]- Back off! - Sorry. - 退后 - 抱歉
  [02:37.32]Why didn't you change the men too? 你为什么不把男人也一起改了?
  [02:38.20]That's next. 那是下一步
  [02:42.36]You're insane. 你真是疯了
  [02:44.48]I'm in love with a waltz and a town... 我爱着一支华尔兹一个小镇…
  [02:52.04]...and a man. 和一个男人
  [03:46.88]So, Joanna, you produced the hard-hitting documentary, 那么,乔安娜 你制作了这部很有震撼力的记录片
  [03:48.64]Stepford: The Secret of the Suburbs. 斯戴福:城郊的秘密
  [03:50.76]And won... Five Emmys, was it? 得过…五次艾美奖,是吗?
  [03:53.76]Oh, six. 噢,六次
  [03:56.24]- She's shy. - And so humble. - 她有点害羞 - 而且还如此谦虚
  [03:57.12]And, Bobbie, your ordeal has lead to a bestseller. 另外,芭比 你痛苦的经历给你带来了一本畅销书
  [04:01.72]You know, I just can't hold a grudge. 是啊,我没什么可抱怨的了
  [04:02.56]So I've written my very first book of poetry. 所以我写了第一本诗集
  [04:06.88]And it's all about hope and communication 是关于希望,沟通
  [04:08.16]and the healing power of love. 还有爱的复原动力
  [04:10.92]What is it called? 叫什么名字?
  [04:13.60]- It's a page-turner. - I cried. - 绝对让你爱不释手 - 我都哭了
  [04:13.76]Wait Until He's Asleep, Then Cut It Off. 等他睡着后切下来
  [04:15.10]Now, Roger, good news. 现在,罗杰,好消息

  [04:19.52]You ran and won. You're in the state senate. 你竞选胜利了 你现在是州参议员了
  [04:22.40]- Independent. - Next stop, the White House. - 无党派的 - 下一站,白宫
  [04:24.84]- Yes, this country needs highlights. - That's our hero. - 对,这个国家需要一些精彩 - 这是我们的英雄
  [04:25.24]And, Jo, Walter really came through for you, 另外,乔安娜 沃尔特真的为你做了很多
  [04:28.32]so how's your marriage now? Is everything just perfect? 那么你们现在的婚姻怎么样? 一切都很完美吗?
  [04:32.40]No way. 绝对不是
  [04:34.08]But we're doing just great. 但我们相处得很好
  [04:37.68]Because, um... 因为,呃…
  [04:40.08]Because now, now we know for sure that it's not about perfection. 因为现在 现在我们知道这和变得完美没有关系
  [04:43.64]Perfect. Perfect doesn't work. 完美,完美行不通
  [04:45.72]What about all those other husbands? 那么其他的丈夫们呢?
  [04:47.20]Are they still angry? Do they still want all these women to be robots? 他们还生气吗? 还希望自己妻子是机器人吗?
  [04:49.60]Of course. Men are pigs. 当然,男人们都是猪
  [04:53.80]They're disgusting, they're frightened, repulsive little rodents. 他们是胆小的令人厌恶的啮齿动物
  [04:56.24]But we're trying to help them, right, Bobbie? 但是我们在试图帮助他们 对吗,芭比?
  [04:57.56]- Right. - Yes, we're trying to reeducate them. - 对 - 我们试图对他们进行再教育
  [05:00.16]And where are they? 那他们在哪儿?
  [05:02.92]Oh. Oh, they're still in Stepford. 噢,噢,他们仍在斯戴福
  [05:03.92]Under house arrest. 被软禁了
  [05:11.68]Hey, you guys. 嘿,伙计们
  [05:13.36]Which aisle is quilted paper towels? 加棉絮的纸巾在哪一排?
  [05:15.08]If I don't get the right kind, my wife's gonna kill me. 如果我买错的话 我老婆会杀了我的
  [05:18.96]Oh, aisle three. And I need... 噢,第三排,还有我需要…
  [05:21.24]No talking, keep shopping. 不准谈话,继续购物
