英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 02(在线收听

  [00:01.08]I have to fight against in my house. 是我在这个家庭里 需要抗争的事情之一
  [00:04.36]Gross injustice is another. 另一项是反对十足的不公道
  [00:05.24]The only person I can turn to is Stu Wolff, 我唯一可以信赖的人 是斯图·沃尔夫
  [00:09.40]the greatest poet since Shakespeare 他是莎士比亚之后 最伟大的诗人
  [00:09.92]and the lead singer of Sidarthur. 也是摇滚乐队Sidarthur 的主唱
  [00:13.68]He'd see me through my dark suburban days. 我住在这暗无天日的郊区的日子里 他会一直这样看着我
  [00:18.16]In the city, I took two subways and a bus to get to school. 在纽约,我得乘两次地铁, 再换乘公交才能到学校
  [00:20.52]It amazes me that I can get to school 而在这儿我不用花上 1.5磅就可以到学校
  [00:22.52]without it costing $ 1. 50. 我感到很惊奇
  [00:24.84]Ow! Ugh! 啊!噢!
  [00:27.12]Ow. 啊~~
  [00:34.16]I shall be a bird in a cage with a good school district. 在这个校区里 我就像一只笼中之鸟
  [00:34.28]Dellwood High. 戴尔丛林高中
  [00:40.12]However, there is absolutely no point in being negative 尽管如此,我完全没有 必要对那些
  [00:41.40]about things you just can't change. 无法改变的事情感到 消沉
  [00:43.92]I look upon my new town as an empty stage 我把这个小镇看成 一张空白的画纸
  [00:47.28]to which I'm allowed to bring my own script. 我可以在上面尽情地 挥毫泼墨
  [00:47.76]In my heart, I feel that a legend is about to be born. 我隐隐感觉到, 一段传奇就要诞生了
  [00:50.24]That legend would be me. 而主人公, 就是我
  [00:54.32]It's all about style 这都是流行
  [00:57.44]Living with style 活出色彩
  [01:02.60]I'm living in, giving in 我正生活在,
  [01:06.56]Swimming in 畅游在
  [01:07.76]Style 时尚中
  [01:12.20]Hello. Hello
  [01:15.40]Hey. 嘿
  [01:15.88]I'm Lola Steppe. 我是洛拉·斯黛
  [01:17.20]I'm from New York, originally. 我,原本是从纽约来的
  [01:20.40]Ella Gerard. 埃拉·杰拉德
  [01:21.80]I'm from right here, originally. 我,原本就是本地人
  [01:24.44]Well, hi. 呃,hi
  [01:29.32]Hi. Hi
  [01:33.84]Hi! Hi!
  [01:35.68]Hi. Hi
  [01:36.80]Have you ever seen Sidarthur in person? 你亲眼见过Sidarthur乐队吗?
  [01:40.28]No, but I think Stu Wolff 没有,但是我想 斯图·沃尔夫是
  [01:41.48]is the greatest poet since Shakespeare. 莎士比亚之后 最伟大的诗人
  [01:44.72]I do, too. 我也是啊!
  [01:46.64]I have every CD they ever made. 我有他们的每一张专辑
  [01:48.52]- You do? - Yeah! - 真的吗? - 是啊!
  [01:48.92]And that's Stu Wolff dancing. 这是斯图·沃尔夫跳舞的 小册子
  [01:49.48]I've downloaded some great shots of him. 我下载了一些关于 他的精彩镜头
  [01:52.28]Here he is at the Grammys. 这是他在格莱美颁奖礼 上的情景
  [01:55.40]This is where he lives. 这是他住的地方
  [01:56.28]This is the dress that I'm gonna wear when we get married. 这是我和他结婚的时候 我打算穿的裙子
  [02:01.44]This is him getting into his limo. 这是他钻进他的 豪华轿车的样子
  [02:01.96]That black spot right there is his head. 那个黑点就是他的头
  [02:04.24]What a wonderful black spot it is. 多么美妙的黑点啊
  [02:05.20]Hi. Hi
  [02:06.48]Carla Santini. 卡拉·桑提提
  [02:09.08]Sidarthur. 是Sidarthur乐队啊
  [02:10.00]My father is Stu Wolff's lawyer. 我父亲是斯图·沃尔夫 的律师
  [02:11.76]Really? 真的吗?
  [02:12.76]Your dad must have been in the same room as him and everything. 那你爸爸一定和他 在同一个房间谈论过
  [02:17.12]Many times. 这有什么稀奇的
  [02:18.32]Aren't you the girl who just moved into the Swenska house? 你不就是那个刚搬进 斯文斯卡的女生吗?
  [02:19.84]Well, I'm Lola Steppe. 我叫洛拉·斯黛
  [02:21.24]I didn't know our home had a name. 我还不知道我的 新房子原来有个名字呢!
  [02:22.48]Is that supposed to be that famous New York sense of humor? 在著名的纽约, 这算是一种幽默是吗?
  [02:29.68]New Yorkers learn to laugh at themselves 从小开始, 纽约人就会自嘲
  [02:31.56]and everything else when they're very young. 和一些其他东西
  [02:32.76]My parents took me to New York for my birthday. 我爸妈曾经在生日的时候 带我去纽约
  [02:36.72]I thought it was beautiful. The lights and everything. 那里漂亮极了, 灯火通明
  [02:38.92]I know why they call it the greatest city in the world. 我终于知道为什么 纽约被称为世界上最好的城市了
  [02:43.72]Ella Gerard, you are the sister of my soul! 埃拉·杰拉德, 你真是我的好姐妹
  [02:43.80]You should see Park Avenue at Christmas. 你真该看看圣诞节时 的公园大道
  [02:45.04]It's like walking through the Milky Way. 那感觉就像漫步 在银河上
  [02:49.24]Except nobody gets mugged in the Milky Way. 除了一点 银河上没人会被打劫
  [02:51.16](Bell rings) (上课铃响)
  [02:54.52]We'll take our seats now. 我们该坐回位置了
  [02:56.32]Miss Baggoli? 巴格丽女士?
  [02:58.48]We have a new girl from New York City. 我们班有个刚从 纽约转来的女生
  [02:58.52]Yes? 什么事?
  [03:01.36]We do. 没错
  [03:05.28]Miss Steppe. 斯黛小姐
  [03:05.56]Miss Steppe. 斯黛小姐
  [03:07.44]Miss Baggoli, I know it must show on your records 巴格丽女士, 我知道在你的
  [03:10.80]that my name is Mary, 花名册上我的名字是 玛丽
  [03:11.80]but everyone has referred to me as Lola 但从我还是个 啼哭的婴儿的时候
  [03:12.88]since I was a squealing infant in my mother's arms. 每个人就都叫我洛拉
  [03:16.48]I don't even know who this Mary is. 我甚至不知道玛丽 这个名字从哪儿来的
  [03:19.76]I like that name. 我喜欢这个名字
  [03:21.04]Lola. 洛拉
  [03:22.56]Lola. 洛拉
  [03:24.52]This is Lola. 这位是洛拉
  [03:25.20]that you're sitting in my favorite seat in history class. 历史课的时候 你坐在我最喜欢的位置上了
  [03:26.92]Lola, you should know 洛拉, 你该知道
  [03:29.32]Me too, and I didn't think we had anything in common. 我也是, 原来我们还有一些共同点啊?
  [03:30.12]I like to be dead center. 我喜欢正中央的感觉
  [03:34.20]Besides, if you want to fit in, 并且,如果你想尽快 融入这里的话
  [03:34.48]I've earned the center seat. 那个中间的位置 是属于我的
  [03:37.08]you probably shouldn't draw attention to yourself. 你最好不要总是 把注意力吸引到你那儿
  [03:40.04]In case you haven't noticed, I like the attention. 如果你实在没发现的话, 我告诉你我喜欢为人瞩目
  [03:41.72]Chill. 真扫兴
  [03:46.04]Also, I wouldn't hang out with Ella "Never Had a Fella." 还有,我不会和那个 永远没朋友的埃拉在一起
  [03:49.08]She doesn't really have your potential, now, does she? 你和她不可能的, 不是吗?
  [03:50.76]Look at her. 看看她,
  [03:50.96]She dresses like a politician's wife 穿的像个政客的夫人
  [03:54.88]with the hair and the shoes. 那发型,以及鞋子
  [03:55.44]She's so random. 她总是那么随意
  [03:56.84]And what about those glasses? They are so 10 minutes ago. 再看看那幅眼镜? 实在是太过时了
  [03:58.24]But I'm gonna stop myself before I get nasty. 再说下去 我会感到恶心的
  [04:01.84]I want to let you know that if you're careful, 总之,你如果 继续和她在一起的话
  [04:04.68]you could be chilling with us. 我们就不会和你好了
  [04:05.88]Chilling with you is what I've always dreamed of. 我才不愿和你们在一起呢!
  [04:10.44]Hey, Ella, wait up! Do you mind if I sit with you? 嘿,埃拉,等等! 不介意我和你一起坐吧?
  [04:14.16]Oh, no, that's fine. 不,当然,没关系
  [04:14.72]This is great. 太好了
  [04:15.04]When you eat outside in New York, your food gets dirty. 在纽约,如果你在户外吃东西, 食物就会受到污染
  [04:19.20]So what's with the Great Santini? 那个高傲的桑提提 是个什么样的人?
  [04:23.20]She's beautiful. She's popular. 她美貌, 她很受欢迎
  [04:23.88]She's rich. 她家里很有钱
  [04:25.96]In kindergarten, she used to bite the heads off dolls. 在幼儿园的时候, 她喜欢把玩具娃娃的头咬下来
  [04:26.56]Ew. 哇
  [04:30.92]Who's that guy smiling at us? 那个朝我们微笑的 男生是谁?
  [04:34.72]That's Sam. 是萨姆
  [04:36.60]Sam! 萨姆!
  [04:40.48]Lola, Sam. 洛拉,这是萨姆
  [04:40.76]Sam, Lola. 萨姆,这是洛拉
  [04:42.76]Hi. Hi
  [04:43.88]Hey. 嘿
  [04:47.44]It's your first day here, right? 你是今天才来的吧?
  [04:49.72]Yeah. 是啊
  [04:50.24]Well, it's good to meet you. 见到你真高兴
  [04:52.44]You too. 我也是
  [04:54.08]I'll see you later. 待会儿见
  [04:57.28]I couldn't possibly have a boyfriend. 我不能找男朋友
  [04:59.84]I mean, I have to focus on my acting career. 我的意思是,我必须 将注意力集中在我的演艺生涯上
