英语听力:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩 01(在线收听

  [00:40.34]Morning! 早上好!
  [00:45.38]You are entitled, though only for five minutes, Dakin, 你被授权了 Dankins 即使只有5分钟
  [00:47.46]to feel pleased with yourselves. 为自己感到高兴吧
  [00:48.66]No one has done as well. Not in English, not in science, 没人做的像你一样好 不管是语言还是科学性
  [00:54.38]not even, dare I say it, in media studies. 甚至 我可以说 媒体调查也做的很好
  [00:57.10]And you alone are up for Oxford and Cambridge. 只有你一个人能上牛津剑桥
  [00:59.78]So, to work. First essay this term will be the Church on the eve of the Reformation. 言归正传 这学期第一篇论文 要写的是宗教改革前夕的教堂
  [01:05.26]- Not again, Miss. - This is Oxford and Cambridge. - 又来了 老师 - 这是牛津和剑桥
  [01:10.02]You don't just need to know it, you need to know it backwards, Timms. Facts, facts, facts. 你们不仅要了解 还要能倒背如流 Timms 史实 史实 史实
  [01:13.62]They're clever, but they're crass. 他们很聪明 但未被雕凿
  [01:18.26]And were it Bristol or York, I'd have no worries. 如果是布里斯托尔大学和约克大学 那我一点都不担心
  [01:23.54]But Oxford and Cambridge? 但是这是牛津和剑桥啊!
  [01:25.74]We need a strategy, Dorothy, a game plan. 我们需要想些策略 桃乐丝 一个游戏计划
  [01:30.74]- They know their stuff. - But they lack flair. - 他们了解自己的实力 - 但他们鉴别力不够
  [01:35.86]Culture they can get from Hector. Hector可以教他们文化
  [01:39.34]History from you, but... 你可以教历史 但是...
  [01:39.62]I'm thinking aloud now. 我现在进行思想斗争
  [01:42.46]Is there something else? 还有什么要教的?
  [01:46.86]Think charm, think polish. 想想魅力 完美
  [01:48.46]Think... Renaissance man. 想想 涅磐的人
  [01:51.50]Leave it with me, Dorothy, leave it with me. 你可以走了 桃乐丝 你可以走了
  [01:54.46]Yes, Headmaster. 好的 校长
  [02:00.10]Wilkes. Wilkes
  [02:03.02]Ah, yes. An innovation to the timetable. 是的 日程表改了
  [02:05.14]- PE. - Yes, Headmaster. - 体育 - 是的 校长
  [02:06.82]For the Oxbridge set. "Surely not", you say. But why not? 对于牛津剑桥类的学生 "当然不" 你说 但是为什么不?
  [02:12.86]This is the biggest hurdle of their lives and I want them... galvanized. 这是他们人生最大的挑战 我想让他们...受到激励
  [02:15.82]Galvanized. Yes, Headmaster. 激励 好的 校长
  [02:23.42]In the timetable, our esteemed headmaster 在日程表里 我们尊敬的校长
  [02:27.38]has given these periods the dubious title of "general studies". 给这些课时起了个模棱两可的名字 叫做"公共课"
  [02:34.18]I will let you into a little secret, boys. 我要告诉你们一些小秘密 小伙子们
  [02:34.82]There is no such thing as general studies. 公共课是不存在的
  [02:39.14]General studies is a waste of time. 公共课是在浪费时间
  [02:43.94]Knowledge is not general, it is specific. 知识不是共性而是特性的
  [02:48.62]And nothing to do with getting on. 没有什么联系的
  [02:52.14]But remember, open quotation marks, "All knowledge is precious 但是 记住 正引号 "所有的知识都是宝贵的
  [02:56.50]whether or not it serves the slightest human use", close quotation marks. 只要它为人类做出那怕是微不足道的贡献" 反引号
  [03:02.26]Who said, Akhtar? Timms? 谁说的 Akhtar? Timms?
  [03:05.14]Lockwood, Dakin? Lockwood Dakin?
  [03:08.78]"Loveliest of trees, the cherry now..." "树木的可爱 现在是樱桃"
  [03:12.22]- A Housman, sir. - "AE Housman, sir." - A Houseman说的 先生 - 是AE Houseman 先生
  [03:15.38]Wasn't he a nancy, sir? 他是不是很娘娘腔 先生?
  [03:15.62]Foul, festering, grubby-minded little trollop. 恶臭 化脓 生蛆的脑子 小荡妇
  [03:18.46]- Do not use that word. - But you use it, sir. - 不要说那个词 - 但是您用过 先生
  [03:21.10]I do, sir, I know. But I am far gone in age and decrepitude. 我用过 先生 我知道 但我年老力衰了
  [03:24.10]Er, you're not supposed to hit us, sir. We could report you. 您不能打我们 先生 我们可以举报您
  [03:29.34]I know, I know. 我知道 我知道
  [03:29.74]You should treat us with more respect. We're scholarship candidates now, sir. 您该更尊重我们 先生 我们是奖学金候选人 先生
  [03:33.90]- We're all going in for Oxford and Cambridge. - Oxford and Cambridge! What for? - 我们都是要去牛津剑桥的 - 牛津剑桥  为什么要去?
  [03:36.82]Old, sir. Tried and tested. 废话 先生 我们努力了并要通过测试
  [03:39.62]No! It's because other boys want to go there. 不 是因为别的男生也想去那里
  [03:43.06]It's the hot ticket, standing room only. 炙手可热 千军万马过独木桥
  [03:45.10]- Where did you go, sir? - I went to Sheffield. - 您在哪上的大学 先生? - 我上的雪菲尔德大学
  [03:49.54]I was happy! 我很开心!
  [03:50.74]"Happy is England, sweet her artless daughters; "整个英国都很愉悦 她那不谙世故的女儿们多么可爱
  [03:55.06]Enough her simple loveliness for me." Keats. 她的简单和姣好对我已足足有余" 济慈
  [03:58.78]We won't be examined on that, will we, sir? 我们会考这个吗 先生?
  [04:02.22]- Keats? - Happiness. - 济慈? - 快乐
  [04:09.10]- You are? - Irwin. - 你是? - Irwin
  [04:11.26]- Irwin? - The temporary contract teacher. - Irwin? - 临时合同老师
  [04:15.06]Quite so. 是的
  [04:15.82]The examinations are at the end of term, 学期末就要考试了
  [04:18.78]which gives us, er... three months, at the outside. 这样我们就有 3个月的时间 最多
  [04:21.30]- You were at Cambridge. You know the form. - Oxford. Jesus. - 你是剑桥毕业的 你知道该怎么做 - 牛津 天哪
  [04:25.66]You see... I-I thought of going. 你知道 我也想去那里的
  [04:30.86]But this was the... the '50s. 但是那是50年代
  [04:33.06]Change was in the air, and a spirit of adventure. 动荡不安 人们充满了冒险精神
  [04:38.54]So, where did you go? 那么 您去了哪个学校?
  [04:41.86]I was a geographer. I went to Hull. 我是搞地理的 我去了赫尔大学
  [04:44.50]They're a likely lot, the boys. Erm, erm... 他们都很像 那些小伙子们
  [04:47.66]All keen. One oddity - Rudge. 都很热切 但有一点不好的 不太成熟
  [04:53.86]Determined to try for Oxford. Christ Church, of all places. 决定只去牛津 一棵树上吊死
  [04:55.50]No hope. No. 没有希望 没有
  [04:59.22]Might get into Loughborough, in a bad year. 如果年程不好只能去 拉夫伯勒学院
