英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 04(在线收听

  [00:03.52]We will brand your Preferiti and sacrifice them on the altars of science. 烙印受眷顾者其身,奉献于科学祭台前
  [00:08.40]Then bring your church down upon you. 教会将倾覆于自身上
  [00:12.68]Vatican City will be consumed by light. 梵蒂冈城将在一阵光中消失殆尽
  [00:13.96]A shining star at the end of the Path of Illumination. 辰星闪耀于光明路径尽头
  [00:25.56]It's the ancient Illuminati threat. Destruction of Vatican City through light. 这是光明会古老诗签,藉由光来毁灭 梵蒂冈城
  [00:30.52]Four pillars. There's your kidnapped cardinals. 四大支柱指的是被绑架的枢机主教
  [00:33.44]You didn't tell me they were the Preferiti, the favorites to be named the next Pope. 你没说他们是下任教宗的候选人 就是被眷顾的人
  [00:41.84]Play it again. 再播放一次
  [00:50.20]We will destroy your four pillars. 吾等将摧毁教廷四大支柱
  [00:54.72]We will brand your Preferiti... 烙印受眷顾者其身
  [00:56.40]Wait, stop it. Stop. 等一下,停
  [00:59.72]Brand them? 烙印?
  [01:03.56]That's another Illuminati legend. 这又是另一个光明会传说
  [01:06.08]This one says that there are a set of five 'Brands'. 传闻有五个印记
  [01:11.88]Each one an ambigram. 都是对称图形
  [01:12.92]The first four are the fundamental elements of science: 其中四个是科学元素
  [01:14.16]earth, air, fire and water. 土、气、火和水
  [01:16.80]Th fifth is a mystery. 最后一个是不解之谜
  [01:23.20]Maybe it's this. 或许烙印指的就是这个
  [01:23.64]You said they'd be killed publicly. 你说枢机主教会被公然处决
  [01:26.76]Yes. Revenge. For La Purga. 对,作为对教廷肃清行动的报复
  [01:32.20]La Purga? 肃清行动?
  [01:35.04]Geez, you guys don't even read your own history, do you? 你们难道都不看自己信仰的宗教历史?
  [01:39.04]1668. The church kidnapped four Illuminati scientists 天主教会在1668年绑架四名科学家
  [01:43.60]and branded each one of them on the chest with the symbol of the cross. 为了“清洗”他们的罪过 把十字烙印在他们胸口
  [01:48.04]To 'purge' them of their sins and they executed them 然后付以处决
  [01:49.64]threw their bodies out in the street 并将他们的尸体放在街上示众
  [01:51.48]as a warning to others to stop questioning 藉此抑止他人质疑教会对科学的解释
  [01:55.68]church rulings on scientific matters. They radicalized them. 将科学家视作激进份子
  [01:56.60]The Purga created a darker, more violent Illuminati. 肃清行动使光明会转为黑暗残暴
  [02:01.88]One bent on... on retribution. 决心要对教廷…报复
  [02:05.68]And look how they intend to finally get it. Using anti-matter. 你们看最后他们打算利用反物质 作为报复手段
  [02:06.96]Technology to destroy the church. Science obliterates religion. 用科技摧毁教会,用科学覆灭宗教
  [02:12.48]Is there any more? 还有呢?
  [02:16.44]...and sacrifice them on the altars of science. …奉献于科学祭台前
  [02:19.60]Then bring your church down upon you. 教会将倾覆于自身上
  [02:22.44]Vatican City will be consumed by light. 梵蒂冈城将在一阵光中消失殆尽
  [02:26.60]A shining star at the end of the Path of Illumination. 辰星闪耀于光明路径尽头
  [02:32.52]Path of Illumination? 光明路径?
  [02:36.28]I need access to the Vatican archives. 我要进入教廷藏书室
  [02:41.24]Professor, I don't think this is the appropriate moment... 教授,我不认为现在是时候…
  [02:43.88]Your petition has been denied seven times. 教会七次驳回你的申请
  [02:44.96]No, no. This has-This has nothing to do with my work. The Path of illumination 不是,这跟我的研究无关,光明路径
  [02:49.24]is a hidden trail through Rome itself that leads to the Church of the Illumination. 指的是藏在罗马的密道 通往光明会教堂
  [02:51.48]The place where the Illuminati would meet in secret. 也就是光明会的密会场所
  [02:56.36]If I can find the "Segno", the sign, that marks the beginning of that path... 如果我能找到标于路径入口的记号
  [03:00.64]the four churches along it. It may be where he intends to murder your Cardinals. 寻线追查四座教堂,就可能找到 主教预计被谋杀的地点
  [03:05.28]One every hour. At 8, 9, 10 and 11. Then the device explodes at midnight. 从8点开始,每隔一小时到11点 然后装置在午夜引爆
  [03:12.08]If we could figure out the first church and get there before he does... 如果我们能早歹徒一步抵达 第一座教堂
  [03:14.64]maybe we could stop it. 或许我们就能阻止他
  [03:17.40]But I can't find the start of the path until I get into the archives. 但是没有藏书室的资料 就找不到入口
  [03:21.60]Even if I wanted to help you... 就算我想帮你
  [03:22.96]access to the archives is only by written decree by the curator on the Board of Vatican Librarians. 进入藏书室需要梵蒂冈图书委员会长 亲笔函令
  [03:29.40]Or by papal mandate. 或透过教宗授权
  [03:32.04]Yes, but, as you no doubt have heard, the Holy Father is dead. 没错,但是毋庸置疑教宗已经去世
  [03:34.32]What about il Camerlengo? 不是还有教宗随侍?
  [03:38.68]The Camerlengo is just a priest here. The former pope's chamberlain. 教宗随侍不过是个神父 负责服侍前任教宗
  [03:39.00]Doesn't the power of the Holy See rest in him during "Tempo Sede Vacante"? 宗座从缺时期不是由他暂代圣座吗?
  [03:53.84]Fellas, you called me. 各位,是你们找我来
  [03:57.08]His Holiness once told me 教宗曾经告诉我
  [03:57.64]the Pope is a man torn between the real world and the divine. 他挣扎于神与现实之间
  [04:01.48]It seems the real world is upon us tonight. 今晚我们似乎要面临现实
  [04:05.80]I'm familiar with Illuminati law and the legend of the brandings. 我对光明会法则和烙印传说并不陌生
  [04:09.64]The Purga is a dark stain on this church's history. 肃清行动是教廷史上一大污点
  [04:14.24]I'm not surprised this ghost has returned to haunt us. 我并不意外光明会来索命
  [04:20.84]Commandante, have you begun a search for this explosive device? 队长,你针对爆炸装置 展开搜索了?
  [04:23.88]Of course, but it could be anywhere. 当然,但任何地方都有可能
  [04:24.92]My primary concern at the moment is the safety of the cardinals. 此刻枢机主教的安危最让我担心
  [04:26.64]The Sistine Chapel is a fortress. 西斯廷礼拜堂是座安全堡垒
  [04:29.60]As long as the cardinals are in conclave, your security concerns are at a minimum. 一旦枢机团开始秘密会议 就可以不用太过担心
  [04:33.80]Devote as many of your people... 加派你的人手…
  [04:37.04]Signore, if you are about to suggest a naked eye search of the entire Vatican City... 阁下,如果你想对整座梵蒂冈城 进行地毯式搜索
  [04:38.80]I will tell you... - commander. - 我可以告诉你… - 队长
  [04:39.00]I do not have the people. 我们人手不够
  [04:40.64]Although I am not His Holiness... 虽然我不是教宗
  [04:44.08]when you are addressing me you are addressing this office. Do you understand? 但你跟我说话等于跟教宗说话 了解吗?
  [04:50.68]Yes, Father. - Good. - 是,神父 - 很好
  [04:52.64]Now, you said the image on the screen was illuminated by artificial light. 你说荧幕上的影像会显示人照光
  [04:58.40]Might I suggest methodically cutting power to various sections of the city? 可否依序切断梵蒂冈城各区域的电力?
