CNN 2011-11-13(在线收听

 The words of legendary football coach Jeo Pertenal,This is a tragedy,one of the great  sorrows in my life  ,I wish I had done more Pertenal anouced to be retiring at the end of the season.No charge has been filed against the Penn state coach.But a former assistant named Jerry Sendusky has been acused of sexually abusing serveral children. Sendusky was Penn state's defence_____,he retired in 1999,the kids he has been acused of using warrant Penn State players,most of them through a charity that he started to help troubled youth. According to Green Jerry 's testimony,a graduate assistant,told coach Perternal in 2002 that he has witnessed Sendusky abusing a child, Perternal told two of his bosses about the accusations ,those officials have been arrested and accused of failling to report the abuse to the police.Perternal is the face of Penn State football,people have come out to show support for the coach in the middle of the scandal.But others argue that Pertenal should have done more himself to report the abuse including personally telling police about it.In a statement on Wednesday,Pertenal said quote:I have come to work everyday for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind,to serve the best interest of this University and young men who's been trusted to my care,I have the same goal today that's why I have decided to anounce my retirement effected at the end of the season. Pertenal also said quote:I grief for the children and their families and I pray for their comfor and relief.

Next up today,hurricane strengthens storm, slams one US state,it's not along the east coast though or on the goal for Mexico,this storm hit Alaska.It's a winter storm,so it's not technically a hurricane,but it did have winds up to 100 miles per hour,and the last the kind of wind's speed you see in the category 2 hurricane,the things brought blizzards conditions with it ,you can see the snow weeping around in this video,and also called big waves out of the sea,so there were concerns about low line islands and coast ares getting damaged.
The marshall islands are about half way beteen Hawai and Australia and serven men get stranded on one of the Marshall Islands over the weekend.The island was deserted and the men need supplies.That's where the US coast guard came in,working with the Australian navy ,they located the missing men and air-drops  supplies from this plane down to the beach,it's really crazy vedio_________,eventually the men who were stranded were picked up and returned home.
Time for the shout out,on this map of north Africa,a country is highlighting,if you think you know it,then shout it out.Is it Lybia,Egytp,Algeria,or Tunisa,you've got 3 seconds,go,this map is highlighting Egypt,a country that's home to 82 million people,that's your answer,that's your shout out.
____people are struggling with unemployment just like the United States,the unemployment rate is higher for young people than for the country overall.But some Egyptians are hoping to turn those numbers around by starting their own small business.FP looks a class that try to help these aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their goals.23 years old,Hoda Woods spends hours every day at her loom weaving colorful ,traditional furcal scarves.The work is hard,but hold up of a leave it will pay off,because she has something not many livers in the Egyptian Village CumalB have,a business plan.I want my own factory ,she says I want to expand the business,and I'm also seeing that  my sisters are interested and I want them to follow in my footsteps.Hoda has alread designed a variety of scarves and even baby clothes,she said she's not afraid of think big even if the odds seems to be agaist her. Egypt youth unemployment rate is currently about 26%,Hoda has a collage degree,but says,even with an education,for a young woman in this village,employment is almost impossible to come by.Youth employemnt is one of Egypt's biggest social problems,it's exceptionally bad in rural ares like this one,and especially young women find it  almost impossible to find a job in places like this. For Hoda and many other young people in this village,the answer could lie in this classroom,the uniset project building young futures which is found by Barkey's bank helps young people gain confidence and skills like putting together a feasibility plan for small business,the classes are taught by young people who have alread gone through the  program,appear educator system.Thanks to the training ,I was able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of my competitors ,she says,and that help me identify the gap I could push through to make it into the market.Hoda is working hard to realize her dream ,to build a better life for herself ,but also to contribute to the effort to help fight youth unemployment ,a problem that has plagued Egypt for so long.