英语听力:听电影学英语-伟大辩手 16(在线收听

   [00:16.00]You're beautiful when you're asleep. 你睡着的时候很漂亮

  [00:28.24]Henry, l... 亨利,我……
  [00:31.36]Yeah, I know, I know. 是,我知道,我知道
  [00:34.60]But you can't stop me from looking at you. 但是你阻止不了我看你
  [00:36.72]Can everybody shut up and go to bed? 大家能不能住嘴睡觉?
  [00:41.60]James, come on, wake up. 詹姆士,起来,醒醒
  [00:43.44]James. 詹姆士
  [00:44.08]No. 不
  [00:51.40]Come on, James, get up. 快起来
  [00:59.84]What? 干嘛?
  [01:05.24]What is this? 这是什么?
  [01:07.52]That's my notes. 这是我的笔记
  [01:12.32]What are you giving them to me for? 你给我干什么?
  [01:14.88]Because you're debating, not me. 因为你,而不是我,要去辩论了,
  [01:16.36]What? 什么?
  [01:17.76]It's your turn, James. 轮到你了
  [01:19.76]You serious? 你说真的?
  [01:23.52]At 14, you're just as good as me. 14岁,你就跟我一样出色
  [01:26.20]No. No. You can't quit. 不,不,你不能退出
  [01:26.48]The judges will love you. 裁判会爱死你的
  [01:28.28]I'm not quitting, Samantha. 我不退出,萨曼莎
  [01:31.76]Tolson made me captain, and he said you were ready. 托森让我当队长,告诉我说你已经 准备好了
  [01:35.12]Yeah, but you saw me at Howard. 但是你看到我在霍华的表现了
  [01:38.92]That's right. You did terrible, didn't you? 对,很差,是不是?
  [01:39.84]I was horrible. 非常差
  [01:41.80]So you should just quit, right? 那你就该直接退出,对不对?
  [01:42.32]Stunk up the whole joint, right? 一团糟,对不对?
  [01:43.00]You should just give up. 你应该直接放弃
  [01:48.44]No. 不
  [01:57.52]Who's the judge? 谁是裁判?
  [01:58.20]What? 什么?
  [01:60.92]Who's the judge? 谁是裁判?
  [02:06.68]The judge is God. 上帝是裁判
  [02:08.44]And why is he God? 为什么是上帝?
  [02:13.20]Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent. 因为他决定谁赢谁输, 而不是我的对手
  [02:17.80]And who is your opponent? 谁是你的对手?
  [02:20.80]He doesn't exist. 他不存在
  [02:22.36]Why doesn't he exist? 他为什么不存在?
  [02:24.84](Both) Because he is a mere a dissenting voice 因为他只是一个有异议于我的
  [02:29.24]to the truth that I speak. 声音而已!
  [02:33.48]That's right. 对了
  [02:35.68]Speak the truth. 说出事实来
  [02:37.40]Direct from Harvard Memorial Hall 哈佛纪念堂
  [02:41.96]in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 剑桥,马萨诸塞州
  [02:43.72]this is WNBC Radio, bringing to you live 这是WNBC电台,为您直播
  [02:47.04]tonight's history-making debate 今晚历史性的辩论
  [02:48.00]between little Wiley College from Marshall, Texas, 默默无名的德州马歇尔真的威利学院
  [02:50.40]and the Harvard University Debate team, 对抗哈佛大学辩论队
  [02:54.56]the first time ever 第一次
  [02:56.76]a Negro college has faced the national champions. 一个黑人学院直接面对全国冠军
  [02:57.36]Harvard's Dean of Students 哈佛教务主任
  [02:59.04]is making his way to the podium now. 走上了讲台
  [02:60.64]The crowd, as if on cue, falls silent. 观众同时都安静了下来
  [03:03.60](Dean) On this historic occasion, 在这历史性的时刻
  [03:05.60]we welcome the distinguished team from Wiley College, 我们欢迎威利学院优秀的辩论队
  [03:08.60]our illustrious judges, you the audience, 我们尊敬的裁判们,观众朋友们
  [03:12.28]and through the wonder of radio, the nation. 还有通过这奇妙的无线电 收听的全国听众
  [03:17.56]Harvard University celebrates its 300th anniversary this year, 哈佛今年庆祝其300年校庆
  [03:19.92]and, in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, its fifth President of the United States. 还有,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 哈佛的第五位美国总统
  [03:26.76]But no university, no matter how grand or august in its history, 但是,任何大学,不管历史上 多么辉煌或正统
  [03:30.88]can afford to live in the past. 都不能只活在过去
  [03:32.44]So, in the spirit of tomorrow, 所以,为了明天
  [03:35.80]I introduce to you today: 我向你们介绍
  [03:40.48]The debaters from Wiley College: 来自威利学院的辩手们
  [03:42.36]Mr. James Farmer, Junior. 詹姆士·法默二世先生
  [03:42.60]Miss Samantha Booke, 萨曼莎·布可小姐
  [03:44.64](Applause) 什么?
  [03:58.32]Mr. Farmer will argue the first affirmative. 法默先生开始正方一辩陈词
  [04:19.84]Resolved: 辩题:
  [04:23.16]Civil disobedience is a moral weapon 消极抵抗是
  [04:25.32]in the fight for justice. 维护正义的道德武器
  [04:28.32]But how can disobedience ever be moral? 但是抵抗怎么能是道德的呢?
  [04:32.16]Well, I guess that depends 我想,那就要取决于
  [04:34.88]on one's definition of the words. 这些词汇的定义了
  [04:37.64]Word. 这个词
  [04:40.64]In 1919, in India, 1919年,印度
  [04:43.40]10,000 people gathered in Amritsar to protest the tyranny of British rule. 一万人在阿密萨集会 抗议英国的暴君统治
  [04:47.32]Has it started? 开始了吗?
  [04:48.88]- Shh! - Your brother's talking. - 嘘! - 你哥哥在发言
  [04:49.60]General Reginald Dyer trapped them in a courtyard 雷吉诺·戴尔将军将他们困在一个院子里
  [04:50.40]Just sit down. 坐下
  [04:53.84]and ordered his troops to fire into the crowd for ten minutes. 然后让军队往人群开枪十分钟
  [04:59.00]379 died... 379人死亡