万花筒 2011-04-09&04-11 施瓦辛格回归娱乐圈 化身超级英雄“州长侠”(在线收听

 Governator is an action comedy. And it's an action packed kind of series with 52 episodes a year. And it's a whole package, it's not just television, it is comic books, print, digital, it'll be on the internet, on television, it'll be a movie in 3D, um, movie animated, it will be merchandising in everything you can think of. 

It has been an honor to have served people for this past 8 years. Now, I must say goodbye. 
Quickly, the idea is kind of like Batman, the Superman, but the man may be in more powers and that it's able to fight crime even better. And it's funny also. 
I've a great career, you know, as a bodybuilder, as an actor, and as politician. Now, I'm gonna be a private citizen once again. I want to be back. 
The governor has just, you know, stepped down from his office, his term is out. And everyone in his family, there's a kind of concern what he's gonna do next, it is very important for political leaders, we have an office to go to right after within next Monday, and be busy with speeches and with things,but he isn't. So, they're concerned. And so, then when you actually pen below, and you see that below his house there's this whole pan. This Governor has this extra powers, especially because of these young kids that he's surround himself with. And that experts in technology, with vehicles, with silversmith, you know, like that just one of them develops a bubble gun, and then you just chew and blow up. And then, this whole bubble, all of sudden, surrounds the face that you become a different looking human being, like that, so this is a power that you'll wish we have, but we don't, now with this show, we kind of live up that fantasy.