英语摇滚歌曲:Rise Against - Savior(在线收听

摇滚:Rise Against - Savior

相关介绍 :Rise Against是一支来自美国芝加哥的硬核朋克乐队,由主唱Tim McIlrath和前88 Fingers Louie乐队的贝斯手乔。普林斯皮(Joe Principe)联合组建。很快,另一位吉他手丹。普莱西仁(Dan Precision)和鼓手布兰登。巴恩斯(Brandon Barnes)就宣布加入了Rise Against乐队。凭借自身实力,Rise Against在不久之后就得到了Fat Wreck Chords公司的一纸合约。2001年8月,Rise Against发行了签约Fat Wreck Chords之后的第一张专辑《The Unraveling》。同年,吉他手Dan Precision宣布离开,Todd Mohney加入Rise Against,代替了Precision的位置。

歌词 :

Song :Savior
Artist :Rise Against

it kills me not to know this but I've all but just forgotten  知道这个消息让我发疯 我唯有忘记
what the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got them 她的眼睛是什么颜色,她的伤疤是怎么来的
as the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is dropping 当光阴的岁月逝去
through the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgotten 这个世界已经忘记了充满沧桑的脸上留下了的一滴眼泪

there is no reconciliation that will put me in my place 没有什么可以让我留在原地
and there is no time like the present to drink these draining seconds  此时没有功夫再喝一口水
but seldom do these words ring true when I'm constantly failing you 但是很少说的那些话使我一再的令你失望
like walls that we just can't break through until we disappear 那面墙只有等到我们消失了才能打破
so tell me now 现在告诉我
if this ain't love then how do we get out? 如果这些不是爱,那我们又如何逃离这里
because I don't know 因为我不知道
that's when she said I don't hate you boy 当她说过我不恨你的时候
I just want to save you while there's still something left to save  我只想挽救你当那还有什么东西可以挽救的时候
that's when I told her I love you girl 那是当我说我爱你的时候
but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have 但是我不是你的问题的答案

but the day pressed on like crushing weights 那一天像重物一样压的我透不过气
for no man does it ever wait  因为没有人曾像那样去等待
like memories of dying days 如同死去的记忆
that deafen us like hurricanes 它如同飓风一样将我们淹没
bathed in flames we held the brand 在它的笼罩下我们紧紧握住
uncurled the fingers in your hand 你的展开的手指
pressed into the flesh like sand 还如同沙子一样浸在肉里
now do you understand? 现在你明白了吗
so tell me now  现在告诉我
if this ain't love then how do we get out? 如果不是爱我们如何逃离这里
because I don't know 因为我不知道
that' s when she said I don't hate you boy 当她说过我不恨你的时候
I just want to save you while there's still something left to save 当还值得的时候我只想挽救你
that's when I told her I love you girl 那就是我说我爱你的时候
but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have 但是现在的我不是你的问题的答案

one thousand miles away 心不在焉
there's nothing left to say 没有什么好说的了
but so much left that I don't know 我不知道但是还有那么多
we never had a choice 我们从来没有选择
this world is too much noise 这个世界太过喧闹
it takes me under 使我倒下
it takes me under once again  又一次使我倒下

I don't hate you 我不恨你
I don't hate you, no 我不恨你
so tell me now 那现在告诉我
if this ain't love then how do we get out? 如果这不是爱,那我们如何逃离这里
because I don't know  因为我不知道
that's when she said I don't hate you boy 那就是当她说不恨你
I just want to save you while there's still something left to save  我只想在还值得的时候去挽救你
that's when I told her I love you girl  那是当我说我爱你的时候
but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have 但是我不是你问题的答案
I don't hate you 我不恨你
I don't hate you, no 我不恨你
