
   [00:06.20]Come on up and meet my new neighbors. 快上来 看看我的新邻居们

  [00:08.12]Aw. No. 呃 不会吧
  [00:12.48]Aw, geez. 啊 天哪
  [00:16.16]- When did all this happen? - Last couple of years. -是什么时候开始这样的? -前几年
  [00:18.24]Local rancher lost control of the land. 本地农场主失去了对土地的控制
  [00:22.52]Banks took it and sold it to real estate speculators. 银行收了这块地 然后卖给了地产投机商
  [00:38.52]What the hell happened over there? 这又是怎么回事?
  [00:40.80]- Meth freaks. - Out here? -甲安菲他明(一种兴奋剂)引起的怪病 -就在那儿?
  [00:45.80]They find a quiet little place, start cookin’- 他们找了一块安静的小地方后 就发生这样的事了
  [00:47.96]till somethin’ blows up or burns down. 直到某天突然爆发 最后夷为平地
  [00:52.64]Wow. 哇!
  [00:54.64]Past year and a half, I’ve had two bodies dumped on my land. 过去的一年半中  我的地里有两具被遗弃的尸体
  [00:58.72]Dead bodies? 死尸?
  [01:01.00]One of’em was rolled up in this nice-lookin’ carpet. 其中一具被块漂亮的地毯裹着
  [01:02.20]Scared the shit out of my foreman. 把我的工头吓得半死
  [01:04.48]They dump dead dogs and cats... 他们还将死去的猫猫狗狗
  [01:09.24]and all other sorts of garbage on my land. 以及其他一些垃圾都扔在我的地里
  [01:12.20]Seems like I spend half my time just defendin’ the place. 看上去我得花半辈子时间 来维护此地的权益了
  [01:14.80]I gotta go to court next week... 我下星期就要去法庭
  [01:18.88]to fight off some private corporation from Denver... 和一些来自丹佛的私营公司打官司
  [01:23.76]wants to build a toll road across my land. 他们想在我的地上造一条收费公路
  [01:24.92]Eminent domain, my ass. 还他妈算是国家对私人产业的征用权
  [01:28.64]They got another word for it- robbery. 他们的词典里面应该还有个词:抢劫
  [01:34.96](Sighs) You wanna open that up for me? 帮我去开下门好吗?
  [01:55.64]You should get a clicker. 你应该搞个遥控器
  [01:59.52]Hey, Rudy. You know anybody over at Uni-Globe Meat Packing? 嘿 鲁迪 你认识在国际联合牛肉加工厂 工作的人吗?
  [02:05.12]- Sure. - What do you think of’em? -当然 -你觉得他们怎样?
  [02:08.40]I think they’re a fine bunch. 我觉得他们是一群强盗
  [02:10.96]Really? 是吗?
  [02:12.96]They’ll slit your throat for a nickel. 他们可以为了五美分而撕开你的脖子
  [02:13.96]Nothin’ personal. They just want the extra nickel. 并非我针对他们 他们就是想要那五美分钱
  [02:17.40]- Well, who do you know over there? - I know all of’em. -你在那儿认识谁? -每个人我都认识
  [02:21.80]- I sold cattle to ’em for years. - Oh. -我卖牛给他们 卖了好几年 -哦
  [02:27.20]More important, I know their type. 更主要的是 我很了解他们的秉性
  [02:29.16]They are the meanest, toughest sons of bitches, and they’re proud of it. 他们是世界上最卑鄙无耻的混蛋 还对此很骄傲
  [02:33.92]But that’s nothin’ new. 但这都不足为奇
  [02:35.60]My granddad went up against the meat packers in 1919. 我祖父从1919年开始就和 肉联厂主进行抗争
  [02:41.40]Testified in Congress about their price-fixing. 为了反对他们的限价行为 在议会中作证
  [02:43.36]And after that, none of them would buy his cattle. 但从此以后 没人再买他的牛了
  [02:46.24]U.M.P. And all the rest tried to run him out of the business. U.M.P和其他一些厂家想尽办法 让他滚出这个行业
  [02:52.32]- Okay, but that was a long time ago. - Yeah. -恩 但这是陈年往事了呀 -没错
  [02:55.48]And the big packers are even worse today. They’re even bigger today. 但今天的加工厂更加卑鄙 而且现在他们的势力越来越大
  [02:59.96]- Really? - And meaner. -是吗? -手法更卑劣
  [02:60.88]Hell, old Dwight D. Eisenhower would’ve shut ’em down. 德怀特.戴维.艾森豪威尔(美国第三十四任总统) 本可以让他们彻底完蛋的
  [03:05.52]He wouldn’t have stood for their crap. 他肯定不会支持这样的恶劣行径的
  [03:07.92]Do you think they would knowingly sell us contaminated meat? 你认为他们是有意将 被污染过的牛肉卖给我们的吗?
  [03:11.32]Oh, come on. 噢 拜托
  [03:13.32]Workers are gettin’ their arms cut off over there. 在那儿 工人们随时随地就会断手断脚的
  [03:16.60]You don’t know who you’re dealin’ with. 你还不清楚自己在和谁在做生意
  [03:18.88]No. No, I don’t. Please, help me. 我是不知道 能指点下嘛
  [03:21.16]L- I was at the plant. It seemed clean to me. 我参观过那厂 看起来挺整洁的
  [03:24.04]They show you the kill floor? 他们让你们参观了屠宰区了没?
  [03:25.32]I don’t know. I saw a lot of things. 我不清楚 当时看了很多地方
  [03:28.28]You’d remember. 你要是看过 肯定会记得
  [03:31.32]You see any cattle gettin’ their heads cut off? 你看到过牛是怎么被砍去头的吗?
  [03:33.48]Were you walkin’ ankle-deep in blood? 你踏进过血流成河的屠宰场吗?
  [03:35.68](Laughs) No. 没
  [03:38.32](Chuckles) So they didn’t show you a damn thing. 所以他们没让你看到丑陋的一面
  [03:42.40]Okay, but how- 好的 但是…
  [03:44.08]How... would cow manure get into the meat? 牛粪是怎么掺进肉的呢?
  [03:50.16]Rita. 丽塔
  [03:53.52](Spanish) 你要喝咖啡吗?
  [03:55.52]- No, no. Thanks, I’m fine. - You sure? -不用 谢谢  -真的吗?
  [03:59.04]- Yes, thank you. - I’ll have some. -是的 谢谢 -给我倒点
  [04:01.72]Hey, Rita, is your brother still workin’ over at U.M. P? 嘿 丽塔 你的弟弟还在U.M.P工作吗?
  [04:03.40]噢 鲁迪先生
  [04:08.24]How’s he doin’? 他怎么样?
  [04:09.56]Oh, he has a good job now. He’s a supervisor in Trim. 噢 他现在工作得不错 已经是清洁部的主管了
  [04:14.60]- Hmm. - Mr. Anderson here would like to know... 安德森先生想知道
  [04:17.84]if the meat over there is clean. 那里的牛肉是否干净
  [04:20.12](Scoffs, Laughs)
  [04:21.60]He wants to know how cow manure... 他还想知道牛粪
  [04:22.36]could ever possibly wind up in his hamburger. 是怎么和他的汉堡混在一起的
  [04:26.84]Well, there’s lots of ways. 有很多途径呀
  [04:30.56]My brother used to work at the gut table. 我的弟弟过去是在内脏台上做的
  [04:31.32]And, you know, they have to pull out the intestines and the stomachs. 他们的工作是拉出大肠和胃
  [04:34.40]And theyjust don’t have enough time to do it right. 但他们没足够的时间来完成
  [04:38.80]The line is moving too fast. 流水线运转得太快了
  [04:42.68]So when they’re pulling the guts out- and they make a mistake- 因此一旦他们把内脏拉出 时不时会犯同一个错误
  [04:46.92]all the poop and stuff just pours out all over the meat. 牛的所有粪便之类的东西 都会浇在肉上
  [04:49.80]Okay, okay, okay. All right. 好了好了 别说了
  [04:53.72]But, really, how often does that happen? 但你知道这样的事情多久会发生一次呢?
  [04:57.00]Every day. 每天如此
  [04:59.04]- We got any cookies back there? - I’ll bring a plate of them. -我们家有饼干吗? -我去拿一盘出来
  [05:03.36]Anything else you want to know? 还需要知道些什么吗?
  [05:06.04](Sighs) No. No, that’s, uh, plenty. Thanks. 不了不了 足够了 谢谢
  [05:10.80]This isn’t about good people versus bad people. 这并非什么好人对坏人的战斗
  [05:15.84]It’s about the machine that’s taking over this country. 这和国家的领导机构有关
  [05:17.52]It’s like somethin’ out of science fiction. 这真有点像在看科幻小说
  [05:22.40]The land, the cattle, human beings. 土地 牛 人类
  [05:28.40]This machine don’t give a shit. 领导机构连个屁都不放
  [05:30.48]Pennies a pound. Pennies a pound. 钱钱钱
  [05:34.16]That’s all it cares about. A few more pennies a pound. 这是他们关心的一切 只想要更多的钱来中饱私囊
  [05:37.80]- Sounds pretty bleak. - (Scoffs) 听上去可真凄凉
  [05:40.04]By the way, Don, you seem like a nice fella. 顺便说一句 唐 你看上去的确是个好人
  [05:43.32]But the food your company sells is crap- 但你们公司卖的肉是垃圾
  [05:46.48]total crap- 彻头彻尾的垃圾
  [05:48.48]even when there isn’t manure in it. 即使那里面没有一点牛粪也是如此
  [05:51.16](Claps Hands Softly)
  [05:53.32]~~ (Background: Latin Rap)
  [06:38.80]我刚开了个银行户头 把钱存进去了
  [06:43.80]噢 真是太恶心了
  [06:44.20]我跟你说 不要把钱全放在家里
  [06:55.80]而银行则完全不同 还会给你3%到4%
  [07:09.40]嘿 我已经开了个户头了
  [07:18.84]Eh? (Spanish) 好吗?
  [07:21.00]劳尔 莫非你还不相信我?
  [07:27.88](Scoffs) 谢谢 还是以后再说吧
  [07:35.44]Si. 是的
  [07:44.00]快点把这里打扫干净 赶紧离开吧
  [07:60.88](Shrieking Continues)
  [08:19.60]不会 谁都不说
  [08:21.20]伙计 又来了!又来了!
  [08:29.00]他妈的不要这样了 快点拿起水管吧
  [08:35.20]Andale. (Laughs)
  [08:38.04](Man) Thank God old Mr. Nathan come in. 谢天谢地 没让老内森进来
  [08:39.84]He took one look at me. Said, " Harry... 他一定会狠狠地瞪我一眼说
  [08:42.24]"you are the scariest fucking clown I’ve ever seen. "哈里 你他妈的是 我见过的最恶心的蠢蛋
  [08:46.72]Take that off immediately." And that was that. 马上拿好这东西给我滚" 以前他经常这样
  [08:48.76]I came about that close to becoming the first Mickey. 我差那么一点点就 成为首任米齐斯老板
  [08:53.44]Which would have been a disaster, because I’d have probably killed somebody. 如果成真的话一定会是场灾难 因为我可能会杀掉一些人
  [08:58.56]Mmm. What do you think? I know it’s not Mickeys. 味道如何? 虽然这不是米齐斯的汉堡
  [09:01.00]- Mmm. - But it’s good, right? Good burger. 味道不错是吗?上好的肉饼
  [09:05.80]Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s-It’s great. 的确如此 味道很好
  [09:07.76](Clears Throat)
  [09:10.68]- Harry, what’s goin’ on out at U.M. P? - Beg your pardon? -哈里 U.M.P是怎么了? -再说一遍
  [09:12.72]Yeah, what’s really goin’ on out there- with the meat? 恩 那里的牛肉到底出了什么问题?
  [09:16.72]You’re supposed to be our conduit to that place. 你是我们公司和这家厂的中介
  [09:20.20]- They didn’t give you the tour? - Yeah. Yeah. -他们不是让你参观过了吗? -是的 是的
  [09:24.56]Who took you through there? 是谁带你参观的?
  [09:25.84]Uh, Terry? 呃 特里?
  [09:27.84]- Oh, boy. - No, no, no. -噢 老兄 -不 我不是那意思
  [09:31.04]He was- Listen, he was great. He was fine. 听着 他人不错 没问题
  [09:33.44]I just- (Sighs) 我只是…
  [09:35.52]and I’ve been hearing some bad things about that plant. 听到一些关于这家厂的阴暗面
  [09:35.72]I’ve been talkin’ to a lot of people around town... 我和小镇附近的很多人谈过
  [09:38.48]You know, things they don’t show you on the tour. 一些他们不让你参观的阴暗面
  [09:44.48]Sounds like they might be running the production line too fast, you know? 他们是不是流水线开得太快啦?
  [09:47.64]- Hmm. - People are gettin’ hurt out there every day. 每天都有人因此而受伤
  [09:48.84]They’re gettin’cut up. 他们有的手脚都被切断了
  [09:53.52]One guy lost his entire arm. 一个男人整个手臂都被截掉了
  [09:55.16]These poor Mexicans, they come over here... 这些可怜的墨西哥人 他们远道而来
  [09:57.56]and U.M.P. Treats ’em like shit. 国际联合肉类加工厂视他们如粪土