中英双语新闻——They're cheating themselves(在线收听

   A YOUNG man is sitting quietly with a micro-speaker embedded deep in his ear. A support network is transmitting information to him through the device. But this man is no spy - he`s an ordinary student whose sole "mission" is to pass an English exam.

  In a recent CCTV (China Central Television) report about cheating on the CET4/6 exams in Heilongjiang province, students were revealed to have purchased answers in order to ensure that they would pass the exams. Many of them were using a pea-sized speaker to receive the answers over a radio frequency.
  Chen Yu, a 24-year-old graduate from a Shanxi-based college who asked to use a pseudonym, passed his CET 6 exam by paying others to transmit answers to him during the exam. "Back then, I thought cheating was OK, because I didn`t hurt anyone by passing an exam," said Chen.
  However, this view is by no means shared by many of his peers. Students who refuse to cheat say that people like Chen get an unfair edge.
  Zhao Chenchen, a 22-year-old junior at Shandong University, says that cheaters hurt students who spent tons of time with their noses buried in books. "I feel offended knowing that some of my peers are not playing fair," said Zhao.
  Qin Jianguo, of the student affairs office at Shenzhen University, said that cheating on exams like the CET and the TEM (Test for English Majors) has become so rampant that students are facing a "credibility crisis".
  "They [students] are getting more practical, in a very risky way," said Qin. "They are not only cheating the exams, but they are also cheating themselves and, later, all of society."
  But students who cheat argue that they have no choice -- they say that society has forced them to take such dishonest measures.
  Chen Yu was only required to pass the CET4 to get his diploma. But some employers required a CET6 certificate. After cheating to pass the CET6, Chen got his "ideal job" in Beijing and soon found that its English requirements were "literally lower than senior high level".
  "The CET certificate is no longer a proof of one`s English ability; it has become merely a passport to get a job," said Chen. "Today`s society values certificates - not true ability."
  Trying to do too much
  Li Shujuan, a psychology consultant at a Wuhan-based consultation center, thinks that students over-extend themselves. As a result, some turn to cheating rather than scale back other parts of their life.
  "Study is a difficult job that needs a great amount of energy, time, and work," said Li. "But the current pressures from school, peers, parents and society are pushing students to take risks."
  The CCTV report claims that 388 students were caught cheating in Heilongjiang province during the latest CET exams. According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 9,800 students were caught cheating during last year`s CET exams.
  Many universities rule that once a student is found cheating on CET exams, the act will be noted on his or her credibility record.
  The adopting of A and B test papers on CET exams has lowered the chance of students getting answer keys from others. But even these tighter regulations cannot totally remove the temptation to cheat.
  "If one can get a higher grade through easier ways, he or she might risk it," said Chen.
  Some other students complain that the inaction of local administrations is also to blame for students` cheating.
  Shandong University`s Zhao Chenchen says that students don`t need to try very hard to find a way to cheat.
  "On many campuses in many cities, someone will just grab a student and peddle their `service` on the street. Some even venture into student dorms. How come they can do this?" Zhao asked.
  As for Chen, he realizes that he was wrong to cheat, and he can`t shake the sense that he is undeserving of the life he has been enjoying.
  "I am often haunted by the thought that I cheated to get my job and my current life," he said. "I even feel self-doubt sometimes, which prevents me from enjoying my [so-called] achievements."