
   今天要讲的词是strop。Strop 是什么意思呢? 翻开字典,我们可以查到:A flexible strip of leather or canvas used for sharpening a razor. 磨快剃刀的皮革带或帆布带。不过,我们今天要讲的是它的另一种含义,即闹别扭,跟谁都过不去。如果你心情不好或者非常不高兴的时候,你就可以用这个词。

  A: I think you just turn left here.
  B: It's not left--we've been driving around forever--can't you just read the map properly!?
  A: All right. No need to have a strop!
  开车找不到路本来就心烦,要是夫妻之间再相互抱怨,一定会引起一番不愉快的争吵,to have a strop。
  1 Strop闹别扭:Someone is having a strop. You had a strop.
  2 Stroppy蛮横、刁蛮:He's being a bit stroppy. She's really stroppy, isn't she?