新概念英语第一册lesson 61 A bad cold(在线收听

  lesson 61 A bad cold

  What is good news for Jimmy?
  MR WILLIANMS:        Where's Jimmy?
  MRS WILLIAMS:          He's in bed.
  MR WILLIAMS:               What's the matter with him?
  MRS WILLIAMS:          He feels ill.
  MR WILLIAMS:              He looks ill.
  MRS WILLIAMS:          We must call the doctor.
  MR WILLIAMS:              Yes, we must.
  MR WILLIAMS:              Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
  MRS WILLIAMS:          Yes. It's 09754.
  DOCTOR:                    Open your mouth,       Jimmy.       Show me your tongue. Say, 'Ah'.
  MR WILLIMAMS:              What's the matter with him, doctor?
  DOCTOR:                    He has a bad cold,      Mr Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.
  MRS WILLIAMS:        That's good news for Jimmy.
  DOCTOR:                    Good news? Why?
  MR WILLIAMS:              Because he doesn't like school!
  New Word and expressions 生词和短语
  v. 感觉
  v. 看(起来)
  modal verb 必须
  v. 叫,请
  n. 医生
  n. 电话
  v. 记得,记住
  n. 嘴
  n. 舌头
  adj. 坏的,严重的
  n. 感冒
  n. 消息
  医 生:把嘴张开,吉米。让我们
  医 生:他得了重感冒,威廉斯先生,
  医 生:好消息?为什么?


  1.fell ill, 感觉病了;look ill, 看起来有病。
  2.…so he must stay in bed for a week.……因此他必须卧床休息一周。
  for two hours each day 每天两小时
  3.That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。
  句中的news是不可数名词,不是复数形式。在英语中,有些以-s 结尾的名词可作单数使用,又如:mumps(腮腺炎),measles (麻疹)。
  4.She has a headache. 她头疼。
  根据现代英语习惯,headache前常用不定冠词a。其他ache型的复合词也多用不定冠词,如:an earache(耳疼),a toothache (牙疼),a stomach ache(胃疼)。
  5.take/have an aspirin, 服/吃一片阿司匹林。
  6.have a temperature, 发烧。

  语法  Grammar in use
  1.完全动词 have(2)
  have(和 have got)常与表示疼痛和疾病的名词连用。关于与这种名词连用的不定冠词a/an的用法可有几种情况:
  (1)必须用不定冠词,如 a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼):
  I have a headache/cold
  (2)不定冠词可用可不用,如 catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛/胃痛/牙疼等):
  I've had(a) toothache all night.
  (3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如 measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎),shingles(带状疱疹):
  Most children are in bed with mumps.
  I was in bed with flu for ten days.
  the也可以与 flu,measles和 mumps等词连用,如:
  He's got the flu/the measles/the mumps
  must是情态助动词(如can一样),它本身没有时态、性或数的变化,也不能单独作谓语动词(简短回答除外)。must表示"必要性",即某人必须做某事。(请参见 Lessons 29~30语法部分。)

  词汇学习  Word study
  1.feel  v.
  I could feel rain on my face.
  He's feeling a little better today.
  He felt his pockets and then took out a small box.
  The silk feels very smooth.
  I feel that he has made a mistake.
  I feel it unnecessary to do so.
  2.remember  v.
  Can Mrs. Williams remember the doctor's telephone number?
  I remember he used to dress in a blue suit.
  I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.
  Remember your appointment with the dentist.

  练习答案  Key to written exercises
  Lesson 62
  1  He has a cold.
  2  He can't go to work.
  3  He is not well.
  4  He feels ill.
  5  He must see a doctor.
  6  He does not like doctors.
  1  What's the matter with Elizabeth?
  Does she have an earache?
  No, she doesn't have an earache.
  She has a headache.
  So she must take an aspirin.
  2  What's the matter with George?
  Does he have a headache?
  No, he doesn't have a headache.
  He has an earache.
  So he must see a doctor.
  3  What's she matter with Jim?
  Does he have a stomach ache?
  No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.
  He has a toothache.
  So he must see a dentist.
  4  What's the matter with Jane?
  Does she have a toothache?
  No, she doesn't have a toothache.
  She has a stomach ache.
  So she must take some medicine.
  5  What's the matter with Sam?
  Does he have a stomach ache?
  No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.
  He has a temperature.
  So he must go to bed.
  6  What's the matter with Dave?
  Does he have a headache?
  No, he doesn't have a headache.
  He has flu.
  So he must stay in bed.
  7  What's the matter with Jimmy?
  Does he have a headache?
  No, he doesn't have a headache.
  He has measles.
  So we must call the doctor.
  8  What's the matter with Susan?
  Does she have an earache?
  No, she doesn't have an earache.
  She has mumps.
  So we must call the doctor.
  Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒
  Health is a kind of freedom and comes first of all.

  feel v. 感觉
  look v. 看(起来)
  must modal verb 必须
  call v. 叫,请
  doctor n. 医生
  telephone n. 电话
  remember v. 记得,记住
  mouth n. 嘴 open your mouth
  tongue n. 舌头 show me your tongue
  bad adj. 坏的,严重的 bad cold
  cold n. 感冒
  news n. 消息 [nju:z] [nu:z] good news
  They are looking at the blackboard.

  1 主语+不及物动词
  2 主系表结构,其中系动词(link-verb)包括be动词和感官动词。
  I feel happy.
  The food smells terrible.
  She looks sad.
  This tastes good.
  I feel ill.
  She feels ill.
  Do you feel ill?
  How do you feel?
  How does she feel?
  How does Jimmy feel?
  Jimmy looks ill. Jimmy is in bed. He feels ill. He doesn't feel ill. Does he feel ill? How does he feel? He looks ill.
  feel funny/ feel like (doing) sth./feel free to do sth.
  look at the blackboard
  look 表示看的动作/ see 表示看的内容、结果/ watch 观看移动的东西/ observe 表示观察/ spot /sight/view 察看
  lose oneself at the first sight
  I lost myself at the first sight of my wife.
  sightsee/ scan/ glimpse 瞥一眼/ glance 匆匆看一眼/ stare/ notice/ note 看到并记住
  look for 寻找/ look after照顾/ look forward to 希望/ look down on(upon)
  call(s) a doctor
  doctor/ Dr./quack 江湖郎中/ healer 大夫/dentist 牙医/physician 内科医生/ surgeon 外科医生
  see a doctor/ see the dentist
  send for a doctor/ ask the doctor
  Jimmy feels ill today. He looks ill. You must see/call a doctor.
  Mrs. Williams must call a doctor.
  at the butcher's/at the doctor's
  middle school
  Jimmy is a middle school student. He is in bed now. He feels ill. He looks ill. Mrs. Williams is his mother. They must call the doctor. Now Jimmy is at the doctor's.
  retell/ recite/ repeat
  remember/ recall/ recollect/ remind 使想起/ review 复习
  When I recall sth. happened last year, …
  I like stamps collecting.
  I can't recollect what happened in past year.
  remember + 名词或代词
  I remember you.
  the doctor's telephone number
  I can remember the doctor's telephone number.
  Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
  remember to do sth. 记得去做某事
  remember doing sth. 记得做了某事
  When you go by the post office, remember to post the letter.
  I remember posting the letter.
  remember sth.
  mouth [mauW]
  month [mQnW] n. 月
  mouse [maus] n.鼠,耗子
  tongue twister [5twistE] n. 绕口令/ mother tongue
  open your mouth/ show me your tongue /show your tongue to me
  bad/ ill/ evil
  cold adj. 寒冷的 It is cold.
  n. 感冒 have/ catch/ get a bad cold.
  其否定形式是用 don't 和 doesn't, 用do 和 does 构成疑问句
  I have a cold today. I don't have a cold today. Do you have a cold today? Jimmy has a cold today. Jimmy doesn't have a cold today. Does Jimmy have a cold today?
  a piece of news
  That is good news for me!
  That is good news for Jimmy!
  No news is the good news.
