

Egyptians Hold Funerals, Sides Remain Defiant 埃及为遇难者举行葬礼,冲突继续升级

Egyptians are mourning the victims of Wednesday's violence with both sides blaming each other for the escalation of violence in the wake of President Mohamed Morsi's July 3 ouster.  The United States and other countries have condemned the violence, but Washington has stopped short of cutting U.S. military ties with Cairo.


Officials in Egypt say the death toll has reached almost 650, including some police officers, in the violence that has swept the country.  Supporters of ousted President Morsi claim that several thousand people were killed by security forces Wednesday. 


Hundreds of mourners gathered Thursday at a mosque in Cairo's Nasr City where some of the bodies were brought to await funeral.  One mourner said the security forces attacked unarmed protesters. "We had nothing in our hands except for some stones and twigs. I swear by God that all this talk about us having guns is not true. I did not see that."  

周四数百名哀悼者聚集在开罗的纳赛尔城的一座清真寺,其中一些尸体被带到这里等待葬礼。 一位哀悼者说,安全部队袭击手无寸铁的抗议者。 “我们手中没有任何东西,除了一些石头和树枝。我对上帝发誓说那些说我们有枪都不是真的,我并没有看到枪。”

But the opponents claim the opposite.  They say that the Islamists incite violence and have to be stopped.  Christians across Egypt have reported that their churches were attacked Thursday.  In Giza, the city across the Nile from Cairo, angry Egyptians stormed and torched two buildings housing the provincial government.  Government employee Fehmi Hassan said they were supporters of ousted President Morsi.


"Today, about a thousand supporters came and broke the exterior fence and hurled stones at the building, so we jumped from the rear side and they set fire to the cars, the governor's office, the auditing office and all the governor's cars," Hassan said.


Islamists have called for renewed rallies in Cairo on Friday to express "anger" after hundreds of protesters were killed in a bloody government crackdown on their protest camps, despite a nationwide state of emergency the government declared in the wake of Wednesday's crackdown.  The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting Thursday to discuss the situation. 

伊斯兰主义者呼吁周五在开罗重新集会,表达政府对抗议营地清场行动打死数百名抗议者的愤怒,在周三的清场行动后,埃及总统府已经宣布全国进入“紧急状态”。 联合国安理会周四召开紧急会议讨论的埃及当前的局势。

Analyst Geoffrey Aronson, director of The Foundation for Middle East Peace, told Alhurra television that he does not see a quick end to the unrest.  "It is not clear that there is anyone in Egypt today, any part of Egyptian society that's capable of stabilizing this environment," he said.

分析师杰弗里·阿伦森,中东和平基金会主任,告诉Alhurra电视,他并没有看到动乱的迅速结束。 “目前尚不清楚,在今天的埃及,是否有人,或者埃及的一些社会团体,能够稳定当前埃及的动乱局势,”他说。

U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday condemned the violence and cancelled joint military exercises with Egypt planned for next month. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States will continue a military relationship with Egypt, but warned that some of the important elements of the cooperation are at risk.

上周四美国总统奥巴马谴责暴力行动并取消下月与埃及联合军事演习计划。 国防部长哈格尔说,美国将继续维持与埃及的军事关系,但他警告说,一些关于合作的重要因素是处于危险中。

Some Egyptians have reacted with defiance to the criticism from abroad.


"We should not look to America or Europe. My name is Doctor Ahmed Mansour. It is not right that eight churches are torched, and America and Europe give up on those churches because of the Muslim Brotherhood," he stated.


The U.S. government has urged Egypt's military leaders repeatedly to move fast toward establishing a democratic government including all Egypt's diverse communities.

